EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
So you just gear up and either quit or slowly gain ingame wealth that depreciates over time? Do you not see how the gameplay mode of converting that wealth into krono and then using the krono for either subs, to jumpstart progress for a new TLP or return to an old TLP or simply to attain some other item would be attractive?
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Blackwing Lair Raider
He's right though, you can completely ignore krono and achieve whatever you want to on teek but for the past God knows how many tlps it's been just a krono farming simulator.

It's going to take some pain to break the habit of chasing krono. Unfortunately I see a lot of people just quitting over the idea rather than the reality of the situation.

You can still achieve all that tower gear in a day farming plat on hill giants, that is probably better than a full raid geared bis character without tower gear in kunark.

Which in itself is a big wtf issue on teek... for now.

I think they should just be done with krono and pursue other options for monetization. It's caused a massive change in the game and I don't think it's for the better.

Illusions, bags and other non p2w items can still be a success for the game.

EQs best trait was always the uniqueness of it's gear and pursuing that gear, since krono that was fundamentally changed.


Trakanon Raider
So you just gear up and either quit or slowly gain ingame wealth that depreciates over time? Do you not see how the gameplay mode of converting that wealth into krono and then using the krono for either subs, to jumpstart progress for a new TLP or return to an old TLP or simply to attain some other item would be attractive?
Basically, yes. That is the design of the game. Level up, Gear Up, Raid, rinse and repeat on the next expansion.

Contrary to popular belief, the game is super shallow. You have 2 experience bars (Level and AA), Gear progression, and flagging/keying. There's not a lot else to the game. If you are eliminating the two experience bars by spending Krono for power levels and eliminating the gear progression via buying gear via krono, then what exactly are you playing the game for at that point? You have essentially eliminated 66% of the game via Krono.

Don't get me wrong. If you play the game just to see how many kronos you can acquire, then more power to you. I just feel like you're missing the whole point of playing the game in the first place.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
People were rmting the shit out of the game prior to krono. Fippy was a huge mess with the combination of that and active hacking. I fondly remember being literally unable to buy certain chase items for any amount of plat - USD only.

Krono isnt really the big gamechanger. Instances are. Picks and aocs have inflated the gear amounts to what would be absurd levels in the old days. People go through expansions with this expectation of getting all their gear that was absurd way back when. People level in spurts that were impossible. Krono is just one piece of that. And frankly, given the choice between krono and the old days of shady 3rd party dealings, I'll take krono for sure.

My guess is, just like dps racing haters, that a lot of folks (not all but a lot) who bitch about krono simply were not playing at the kind of competitive levels on pre-krono tlps that would give a perspective on what the alternative is and how bad it can be. The demand doesnt go away with the currency, and there is a LOT of demand for loot and plvling by players with real money to spend. Good luck without krono.
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Trakanon Raider
People were rmting the shit out of the game prior to krono. Fippy was a huge mess with the combination of that and active hacking. I fondly remember being literally unable to buy certain chase items for any amount of plat - USD only.

Krono isnt really the big gamechanger. Instances are. Picks and aocs have inflated the gear amounts to what would be absurd levels in the old days. People go through expansions with this expectation of getting all their gear that was absurd way back when. People level in spurts that were impossible. Krono is just one piece of that. And frankly, given the choice between krono and the old days of shady 3rd party dealings, I'll take krono for sure.

My guess is, just like dps racing haters, that a lot of folks (not all but a lot) who bitch about krono simply were not playing at the kind of competitive levels on pre-krono tlps that would give a perspective on what the alternative is and how bad it can be. The demand doesnt go away with the currency, and there is a LOT of demand for loot and plvling by players with real money to spend. Good luck without krono.
I don't disagree with what you are saying. I was there and remember the pre-krono days.

The thing is though that I am talking about krono as it pertains to the Teek server specifically. There is no need to buy anything on the Teek server with krono or plat. It's a loot pinata server to the extreme, and understand, I am not against that at all.

The only demand for krono on the Teek server is if you need/want something immediately. That's it. Other than that, you don't need Krono, and you certainly don't need excessive amounts of plat for the small number of things you need to buy in the game from NPCs (spells, crafting mats, etc).
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Or you could just not partake in Krono at all, and play the game like it was designed in the first place...
  1. Pay for a subscription (at this point, its as cheap as one trip to McDonalds, so don't give me this can't afford it bullshit)
  2. Actually play your character to get your levels instead of paying for a power level with krono... shocker... actually playing your character! WHAT?!
  3. Earn your gear by playing your fucking character from level 1 to 60 and getting the drops that literally fall like candy from a piñata ... if you can't gear yourself in 60 levels on this server, there's literally something wrong with you
  4. Earn your raid gear by ***shocker*** RAIDING with your guild... and again.... raid loot drops like fucking candy from a piñata ... so... yeah... if you have to buy raid gear with krono, you're doing it wrong
  5. And, lets not forget the Anniversary Tower gear that puts all raid gear to shame for like 3 expansions
There is literally no reason other than laziness to need Krono on the Teek server. Zero. Nada. None. Zilch.

Maybe it's time for all the lazy ass krono users to uninstall the game and move on because you clearly don't enjoy playing the game seeing as you pay for gear and power levels with krono rather than.... PLAYING THE GAME.

I'm sorry, but Jesus Christ people... it's not the power levelers and krono sellers that are the issue here. It's you. If you just played the game instead of paying to win, you wouldn't need krono. And, before you say, "but what about my boxes... I need krono to pay for their accounts". Here's an idea. Make friends in game, and play with them instead of playing a MMORPG solo with your 6 box. But, nooooo. You need all the gear for yourself and don't want to compete with others in your group. Well congratulations mr greed. Enjoy your vanishing and ever inflating Krono.

I'll be over here not being effected by Krono prices at all because again... I have no krono nor do I care if I ever get any krono. I make friends in game that I group with to get my levels, I get my gear by playing my character, and if I want raid gear, I will raid on my character at that time. Krono doesn't exist in my world, and quite frankly, I don't miss it. The game is a hell of a lot of fun when you actually play the game and stop paying to win.
I am not sure if that was directed at me, but I did not play the Krono game save for one exchange. I "could 2 box" but I despise boxing. I prefer to just concentrate on one character. The problem I usually run into is that raid times never match my times. There is no East Coast server that starts raids at 6-7 PM EST. So I get a character up to max and then realize that the game is finished for me. I stopped playing one month ago. Teek unlike Mischief was nothing new, save for the tower system making it even easier to be overpowered quickly. It also did not help that the economy got out of whack even faster than Mischief. I do enjoy the economy aspect of tradable gear.

I honestly enjoyed Mischief more because it was new in concept then. Teek and Mischief were awesome for the people who play the game Everkrono.
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Trakanon Raider
I am not sure if that was directed at me, but I did not play the Krono game save for one exchange. I "could 2 box" but I despise boxing. I prefer to just concentrate on one character. The problem I usually run into is that raid times never match my times. There is no East Coast server that starts raids at 6-7 PM EST. So I get a character up to max and then realize that the game is finished for me. I stopped playing one month ago. Teek unlike Mischief was nothing new, save for the tower system making it even easier to be overpowered quickly. It also did not help that the economy got out of whack even faster than Mischief. I do enjoy the economy aspect of tradable gear.

I honestly enjoyed Mischief more because it was new in concept then. Teek and Mischief were awesome for the people who play the game Everkrono.
It wasn't directed at you or anyone in specific.


<Silver Donator>
Basically, yes. That is the design of the game. Level up, Gear Up, Raid, rinse and repeat on the next expansion.

Contrary to popular belief, the game is super shallow. You have 2 experience bars (Level and AA), Gear progression, and flagging/keying. There's not a lot else to the game. If you are eliminating the two experience bars by spending Krono for power levels and eliminating the gear progression via buying gear via krono, then what exactly are you playing the game for at that point? You have essentially eliminated 66% of the game via Krono.

Don't get me wrong. If you play the game just to see how many kronos you can acquire, then more power to you. I just feel like you're missing the whole point of playing the game in the first place.

The game is super shallow if you stop at luclin every time.

There is a lot to do in EQ, especially in later expansions. Yes, you chase AA or loot or progression but also flavor items, very long quests (hi2u AP) etc etc.

I know past the 70 stretch on the previous TLP i was on there are very few times where i was bored / left with nothin to do.

I don't chase krono per say, but it is a nice way to convert plat (which will devalue very quickly) for later. You can then buy illusion items people get from crates or merc contracts or mounts for flavor etc / get 10 times more plat when expansions roll around where you have to spend for armor crafing / tradeskills etc.
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Toe Sucker
truebox is gey otherwise i'd 2box
getting EQ running on an m2 macbook also sounds like aids even is crossover is updated or some shit

I do want to go past the typical POP departure on this server though so i haven't been playing much during this insanely boring kunark expansion. Maybe ill play some velious though i havent done ST in forever
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
truebox is gey otherwise i'd 2box
getting EQ running on an m2 macbook also sounds like aids even is crossover is updated or some shit

I do want to go past the typical POP departure on this server though so i haven't been playing much during this insanely boring kunark expansion. Maybe ill play some velious though i havent done ST in forever

Good call. Relax alot in boring ass kunark. Let up a little in velious(still kind of boring but better). Get more active in luclin and pop. Though you will be bored as hell in pop too, because its going to end up being 16 weeks of Time with of Ldon. But at least it opens up the game more, fleshes out classes and after pop is when the game is more fun imo(negating por). We at least get oow/don together, so that 70 stretch is still going to suck but not as much(por will just be the sucky one, oow/don and dodh should be fine).
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Sharpie Markers Aren't Pens
<Gold Donor>
Or you could just not partake in Krono at all, and play the game like it was designed in the first place...
  1. Pay for a subscription (at this point, its as cheap as one trip to McDonalds, so don't give me this can't afford it bullshit)
  2. Actually play your character to get your levels instead of paying for a power level with krono... shocker... actually playing your character! WHAT?!
  3. Earn your gear by playing your fucking character from level 1 to 60 and getting the drops that literally fall like candy from a piñata ... if you can't gear yourself in 60 levels on this server, there's literally something wrong with you
  4. Earn your raid gear by ***shocker*** RAIDING with your guild... and again.... raid loot drops like fucking candy from a piñata ... so... yeah... if you have to buy raid gear with krono, you're doing it wrong
  5. And, lets not forget the Anniversary Tower gear that puts all raid gear to shame for like 3 expansions
There is literally no reason other than laziness to need Krono on the Teek server. Zero. Nada. None. Zilch.

Maybe it's time for all the lazy ass krono users to uninstall the game and move on because you clearly don't enjoy playing the game seeing as you pay for gear and power levels with krono rather than.... PLAYING THE GAME.

I'm sorry, but Jesus Christ people... it's not the power levelers and krono sellers that are the issue here. It's you. If you just played the game instead of paying to win, you wouldn't need krono. And, before you say, "but what about my boxes... I need krono to pay for their accounts". Here's an idea. Make friends in game, and play with them instead of playing a MMORPG solo with your 6 box. But, nooooo. You need all the gear for yourself and don't want to compete with others in your group. Well congratulations mr greed. Enjoy your vanishing and ever inflating Krono.

I'll be over here not being effected by Krono prices at all because again... I have no krono nor do I care if I ever get any krono. I make friends in game that I group with to get my levels, I get my gear by playing my character, and if I want raid gear, I will raid on my character at that time. Krono doesn't exist in my world, and quite frankly, I don't miss it. The game is a hell of a lot of fun when you actually play the game and stop paying to win.

the entire server should have been named honeypot

jchan is actually playing 5d chess


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
That doesn't sound legal.

Imagine if the thing that sinks EQ isn't financial loss or subscriber loss or any of the normal MMO things, but rather Darkpaw futzing about with krono in a way that turns out to be illegal.

That would be unfortunate, we'd miss out on more single-room unimaginative content like Tower.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Actually play your character to get your levels instead of paying for a power level with krono... shocker... actually playing your character! WHAT?!

Got a PL the other day for the first time ever. 55-60. Feels kinda dirty. At the same time, fuck doing 55-60 in Chardok again.
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Karazhan Raider
They somehow managed to fuck up tower missions again, zones you into random ones just like it did a month or so back


Vyemm Raider
Anyone have a current ZEM chart worked out? I know they dorked with it a few years ago and it seems kinda random what zones are worth a crap now


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Anyone have a current ZEM chart worked out? I know they dorked with it a few years ago and it seems kinda random what zones are worth a crap now

I havent seen a good one in a while. The last high zem zone right now is sola, and after that its varying shades of bad, with mob access and pull or kill speed usually being the dealmaker. I had checked a lot of zones prior to selo, and some of the low zem ones seem to be less low (still low but not so bad) such as loio and overthere. General consensus has been that an easy killing zone like com is faster than zones with higher zem but harder or tougher mobs like droga/kc respectively.

When velious hits, there are wildly strong zem options again 30+ such that you probably shouldn't touch kunark unless you are a VERY strong group and simply need the mob density. Otherwise, cc and tofs are much better than any post-kaesora kunark dungeon, velks is sola level good, and unless its changed dn is better zem than chardok or seb (as is kael...) although sg was nerfed a while ago. Leveling in velks is likely quite literally twice as fast as leveling in kc or seb in the late 40s for example.
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Trakanon Raider
Got a PL the other day for the first time ever. 55-60. Feels kinda dirty. At the same time, fuck doing 55-60 in Chardok again.
I hear you man. I've done it in the past, and it felt dirty to me as well. I'm not against people taking short cuts in a game that literally is designed to make you want to take short cuts. I'm just saying that in the end, it truly is our fault for the situation the game is in now. If we all didn't do it, there wouldn't be a krono crisis every new TLP server.