EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


I can't be the only person to use 2-3 accounts to make it appear krono going higher than it is, I do that all the time.

Not arguing against shady shit, just saying I do that shit on every TLP I play, because your average person is dumb, and it works.
Your argument is mistaken because the "entity" isn't creating fake auctions. They are legit auctions. They are systematically raising the price on Teek daily and buying up all the available krono. Why do people talk who don't even understand the issues? I'll never understand that. You clearly didn't do any research on the subject or know what you were talking about.


Anyway, I'm done posting about this shit. It's just another brick in the wall. I've said my piece. Peace out pals


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Anyway, I'm done posting about this shit. It's just another brick in the wall. I've said my piece. Peace out pals
See you during the collapse of society that will surely happen this time and all the previous predictions were just from mushrooms.

I will be in my bunker.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Anyway, I'm done posting about this shit. It's just another brick in the wall. I've said my piece. Peace out pals
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The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
I mean in the grand scheme of life, western civilization is failing. So who cares what Darkpaw Games is doing in an ancient game--and with this I basically agree. If I was in Darkpaw's position, I'd probably dupe the game too and take backdoor deals with the hack developers and the Asian farming companies. The whole thing is just a cash grab scheme at this point. Make a new TLP, cash grab, rinse, repeat. The plebs are just a bunch of addicts, lost in escapism and fantasization. Gamers are not here to critically think. They are here to escape reality--duh. As I explained at the outset, our entire modern world order is predicated on corruption and fraud. At the heart of this corruption and fraud is our fatally flawed monetary system and our fatally flawed human nature. What most people call conspiracy theory is just the common man's way of rationalizing and justifying the fact that he was born into a neofeudal slave system that he didn't help create, has little to no stake or franchisement in, and is told he is responsible for since birth. The fact we see fraud and corruption in gaming is trivial, easily predicted, and to be expected at this late stage of civilization decline. Hold onto your pants boys and girls. Shits about to get real bumpy, and really real. No really. Sirius-ly
I like your style. You should come post in the politics thread.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Never forget. EQ is one thing. Darkpaw Games is another.

An important distinction, much like a country and a political party within it are two separate things. Way too often in history the masses let political parties marry themselves to the cultural identity to become undistinguishable from one another. All of the above are basically just temporary drivers of a car that somebody else built, that is kept running by its people/players.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

I have a hard time believing this is the face of the krono mafia.


Just pure incompetence that has plagued EQ since 1999.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

I have a hard time believing this is the face of the krono mafia.

View attachment 540757

Just pure incompetence that has plagued EQ since 1999.
You wouldnt think Xi Jinping, by looks alone, was the leader of China and behind some of the most horrific shit happening in the world right now, either. Its all relative to whoever is saying it. Mafia the way you and I look at it? No. Incel that figured out how to manipulate and use the market for personal gain? Maybe.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

I have a hard time believing this is the face of the krono mafia.

Me either. I have a very hard time buying any of this stuff. At off-expansion times Darkpaw can barely cobble together a working new zone where every gameplay section is a one-room instance, so I find it hard to believe they can handle complex conspiracies on any level.

When the best thing going for the ruling class' credibility on these matters is that they're too incompetent to believably pull off a conspiracy, that's pretty sad.

I do like Sachee's style of outside the box thinking in his sermons and respect him for putting forth an unpopular position and defending it, but I respectfully disagree that DPG is behind everything like evil masterminds. Quite frankly, they're just too bad at everything. Much more likely there's just a plat dupe somewhere (again).


Blackwing Lair Raider
I think we're on the same idea path here.

Reimbursing plat for krono is the perfect cover for a plat dupe.

Finding these random lvl 1 toons buying krono for over market rates is more than likely the person who is duping plat rather than a company sponsored rmt racket.

Theres been a dupe on damn near every server and with everquests ancient code combined with most likely the only people coding this shit present day barely know python and are googling c++ snippets from reddit, I guarantee the tower is ripe for exploitation.

A convenient vendor inside the tower is just handing them the tools they need.

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Understand The Good Doctor GIF by ABC Network

Ok so the suspects so far are Elfmom for selling HS key For 30k and Qinrong because it sounds like Glory for the Qin Dynasty in Chinese.


Trakanon Raider
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

I have a hard time believing this is the face of the krono mafia.

That's the face of a true autistic mastermind. Just look at that smug ass smile, she knows nobody will ever think of her as the modern day Al Capone that she truly is.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
If most of the level 1's raising prices incrementally on krono every day have a commonality in their naming (Chinese names) then that indicates that they're the same person or at least in league. The company wouldn't make that mistake or make it that obvious. So the buyer is a Chinese gold farmer who found a dupe, probably. Or if not a dupe, someone who's collecting plat from a variety of gold farmers and converting it. You've got Chinese farming crews running in Chardok and Seb 24/7/354, so whoever their boss is might just be pushing all the extra plat together and buying supplementary kronos.

sherlock holmes GIF


Canuckistani Terrorist
Most RMT is funneled into some kind of money laundering scheme, has been for a long time. Why it's a huge thing in China, just like those fuckers buying property and leaving it empty in other countries, they gotta hide their money from Papa Poo. It's far more extensive than China, it's literally one of the easiest ways to clean your cash, the issue is there isn't enough RMT to satisfy needs.

That's the main reason I can't believe DBG would be partnered with any of this shit, can't touch those foreign countries, but I'm sure the Feds would have no issue throwing anyone involved at DBG into country club prisons. Probably be a lifestyle improvement for some employees.
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