EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


Trakanon Raider
If most of the level 1's raising prices incrementally on krono every day have a commonality in their naming (Chinese names) then that indicates that they're the same person or at least in league. The company wouldn't make that mistake or make it that obvious. So the buyer is a Chinese gold farmer who found a dupe, probably. Or if not a dupe, someone who's collecting plat from a variety of gold farmers and converting it. You've got Chinese farming crews running in Chardok and Seb 24/7/354, so whoever their boss is might just be pushing all the extra plat together and buying supplementary kronos.

Or.... Someone from China has a bunch of stolen CC info, buys Krono on burner accounts, sells those Krono for plat, then Xfers that plat to a non-burner account, uses that plat to buy clean Krono, then sells those Krono on ECtunnel, Player Auctions ect


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Or.... Someone from China has a bunch of stolen CC info, buys Krono on burner accounts, sells those Krono for plat, then Xfers that plat to a non-burner account, uses that plat to buy clean Krono, then sells those Krono on ECtunnel, Player Auctions ect

Could be that too. Either way I don't think DPG is equipped to investigate this let alone solve it.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
It's like Sachee didn't know about the piss drinker and how much his efforts affected Mischief's economy.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Not a chance anyone with that many working stolen card numbers is wasting their time buying Kronos to convert to cash.

It's most likely the worst possible way to do it.


Bronze Squire
I say Elfmom because the insane rambling seems to match up.

  • 2Worf
  • 1Mother of God
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
I say Elfmom because the insane rambling seems to match up.

View attachment 540803


"This is great stuff. I could make a career out of this guy!"

Joke'll be on all of us if 2030 comes around and the apocalyptic collapse of order does happen. If so, I'll come back and post here to give him props before I'm whisked away to the extermination camp for rebels and activists.

The idea of a new world order taking over, then fighting amongst itself, seems like the setup to the book 1984's tri-lateral world, with a bunch of Biblical prophecy thrown in ala Xenogears. This guy/girl should seriously consider channeling all of his/her energy into writing a novella instead of sending random EQ people hundreds of tells.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
So apparently people playing with original models enabled might be able to still see Velious armor graphics. Plug this into EQClient.ini:


And we'll see if it works. Velious armor being stuff like this:

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Trakanon Raider
I think we're on the same idea path here.

Reimbursing plat for krono is the perfect cover for a plat dupe.

Finding these random lvl 1 toons buying krono for over market rates is more than likely the person who is duping plat rather than a company sponsored rmt racket.

Theres been a dupe on damn near every server and with everquests ancient code combined with most likely the only people coding this shit present day barely know python and are googling c++ snippets from reddit, I guarantee the tower is ripe for exploitation.

A convenient vendor inside the tower is just handing them the tools they need.

View attachment 540785
wow big yikes... c++ much different than oop languages...


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
So apparently people playing with original models enabled might be able to still see Velious armor graphics. Plug this into EQClient.ini:


And we'll see if it works. Velious armor being stuff like this:

View attachment 540818
It's been like this forever
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
It's been like this forever

Lots don't know about it though. I just found out a few weeks ago myself. Given how awesome Velious armor looks, I'm glad it's still around even if they did their best to phase them out and get people on the Luclin models. Edit: Keep in mind also that I'm not a P99er or someone who rerolls on every TLP. I haven't done Velious content in-era since the year 2001, and only out of era on Phinny, Selo, and Vaniki.

If anyone remembers the trick to restoring the original spell effects, let me know. I was able to do that once a few years ago but it reverted on the next patch IIRC and I quit shortly after. Hopefully that still works. Some of the new spell effects just look super-wrong to me, like lifetaps, EBolt, etc.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Trying to remember. I looked into using old spell graphics once, but it was a annoying to do. Because you had to constantly make the change after every patch and add something to the game shortcut so it doesn't replace the files every time you launch.

Also iirc, you get the spell graphic but not the stuff around the hands. So it looks bad , imo.

Its odd though, you think someone would just rip the old spell graphics straight from the old game CDs and stick them in, so you get the complete versions.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Trying to remember. I looked into using old spell graphics once, but it was a annoying to do. Because you had to constantly make the change after every patch and add something to the game shortcut so it doesn't replace the files every time you launch.

Also iirc, you get the spell graphic but not the stuff around the hands. So it looks bad , imo.

Its odd though, you think someone would just rip the old spell graphics straight from the old game CDs and stick them in, so you get the complete versions.

Yeah, I remember now, it was awkward without the hand graphics. Can't believe nobody has made a better version of this.

The light streams that beam out of your hands while channeling the cast for a heal spell or a shielding-type buff looked incredible at high levels. I think it was 44 or so where they reached their maximum intensity and became like these multichromatic streams. Now they just suck. Don't break what isn't fixed, I say.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Lots don't know about it though. I just found out a few weeks ago myself. Given how awesome Velious armor looks, I'm glad it's still around even if they did their best to phase them out and get people on the Luclin models. Edit: Keep in mind also that I'm not a P99er or someone who rerolls on every TLP. I haven't done Velious content in-era since the year 2001, and only out of era on Phinny, Selo, and Vaniki.

If anyone remembers the trick to restoring the original spell effects, let me know. I was able to do that once a few years ago but it reverted on the next patch IIRC and I quit shortly after. Hopefully that still works. Some of the new spell effects just look super-wrong to me, like lifetaps, EBolt, etc.
For old spells you just need to delete two files from the EQ folder:

The launchpad will auto re-install them, so if you're not already bypassing the launchpad, you need to set up the bypass (create shortcut to EQgame.exe, open properties, add "patchme" to the end of the target path)

The major drawback is it doesnt bring back the "hand trails" or w/e. I love the old effects, but it's just not the same without sparkly particles shooting out of your hands.

I never knew about the velious armor. That's cool that they introduced new armor graphics. I wish they would do that more. Especially later on. I bet it would help with burnout. On Mischief it started to feel very bland getting "new" raid armor that never changed cosmetically. Not counting ornaments, have there been any new armor looks since Luclin?
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
For old spells you just need to delete two files from the EQ folder:

The launchpad will auto re-install them, so if you're not already bypassing the launchpad, you need to set up the bypass (create shortcut to EQgame.exe, open properties, add "patchme" to the end of the target path)

The major drawback is it doesnt bring back the "hand trails" or w/e. I love the old effects, but it's just not the same without sparkly particles shooting out of your hands.

I never knew about the velious armor. That's cool that they introduced new armor graphics. I wish they would do that more. Especially later on. I bet it would help with burnout. On Mischief it started to feel very bland getting "new" raid armor that never changed cosmetically. Not counting ornaments, have there been any new armor looks since Luclin?

I don't think so but I'm not sure.

Personally I'd have really liked to see what new textures they came up with for the original models after Velious. The armor designs for Velious were so creative that the sky was really the limit at that point in time, but nope, that was it.

I might try the old spell effects again, but without the hand trails it'll be missing a lot.

The one area where modern spell effects beat the old ones, IMO, is rain spells. They look pretty good now. Also like the lightning bolt spells.


You're right. People who appear like idiot savants couldn't possibly be RMTing in EQ or running a country or anything so absurd as all that.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
You're right. People who appear like idiot savants couldn't possibly be RMTing in EQ or running a country or anything so absurd as all that.
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While I have no faith in that guy or his mental acuity either, I think Kronogate is more likely attributable to either a farming operation or a dupe. Regardless, you made your points with some interesting posts, but in the interest of this thread not spiraling off into political la-la land I think we ought to move on.


I respect your point of view. But allow me to offer one final example. Because to be honest, most ideas of criminality and these streets is based on fiction and Hollywood.
This is what you expect mafia to look like

but this is what one of the most powerful mafias in the world today actually be looking like

It's amusing that a few photos triggered your political allergies though. Sure didn't take much. The truth often has that effect <3

Also let's not forget we are talking about duping plat and RMTing in a video game. Doesn't take a thug or a criminal mastermind to do the RMT stuff. Pretty sure even a caveman can RMT. And nobody is in a better position to dupe plat than the company that just got done demonstrating that they can dupe plat at the press of a button. It seems the simplistic explanation via Occam's Razor here would be that the people most capable of duping plat year after year are the ones most likely doing it. Whether its incompetence or corruption will remain a ? until a few more years of this duping takes place at least.
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