<Gold Donor>
- 3,245
- 8,386
Man, If I had time to chase OW I probably would. Realistically the most I'll have to offer a raid guild is a static raid night.You should play a Wizard before you get too far on that Nec.
Man, If I had time to chase OW I probably would. Realistically the most I'll have to offer a raid guild is a static raid night.You should play a Wizard before you get too far on that Nec.
@Regime talked me into trying Teek and of course I got sucked in. Trying a necro for the first time since really don’t want to multi box on a TLP again.
This years Special Olympics is pretty wild. Who would've thought the server with the least valuable gear ever would lead to Pre-AoC levels of autism over OW mobs.
Normally it’s super cheap. It’s only expensive now because 200 people are trying to buy it for their wizards.Leveled up a wiz on Monday but haven't had time this week to do OW.
But, damn, no wonder I main a melee. Finding spells for casters is a major pain in the ass. I sincerely don't know how you all put up with this shit. Looked for the Dragon Blood component for the Porlos spell - sells for a KR! For one fucking spell! You casters are fucking nuts.
Think the server is on Velious, right? Not a big surprise.No, I didn't realize wizard spam was the new meta lol. I haven't played since I dabbled in Mischief some.
Think the server is on Velious, right? Not a big surprise.
It’s because with fights this short everything else just gets blown out of the water.What else kills dragon faster than wizard with dragonbane? Might have something to do with the adjustements they made to said spell to work with more shit? i dunno.
Isn't it about time for him to quit and make off with the guild bank?If you ever had any extended interactions with Vicious you'd know he's basically a child.