EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


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Been afk for a week so I’m missing out on the fun.

Bigdog from <Big Dogs> told me that there is a joint alliance taking on Faceless now?

Awkward Details GIF by CBS


TLP Idealist
I heard they’ve gone hard on the censorship in the official discord. Tons of folks muted for seven days and also frequent purges of the Teek channel.
  • 1Worf
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I heard they’ve gone hard on the censorship in the official discord. Tons of folks muted for seven days and also frequent purges of the Teek channel.

Where did that guy posting Raceless Fury pictures and all those videos in this thread go?
  • 1Solidarity
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Trakanon Raider
Whoever is recharging 72 wizards with hoops every raid has earn't his free dps!

They just need to make the rubies cost 20k to purchase then we can fight this inflation.


Tranny Chaser
Hoops used to be rather rare as rewards. You would drag her to a merchant you could use, turn in one ruby, get something, sell it and go again. There was a change to quest rewards where if you turn in a quest and the reward would violate the lore rule (and poof because of it) you would instead get the turn in item back. Now if you've got a Midnight Mallet and a Brute Chopper on you or in the bank she just gives you back the ruby if the reward was going to be either of those things. You hand her back that same ruby half a dozen times until you get a hoop and go on with your day. It's not really an exploit as every quest in the game now works this way but you can also see how this exact item and this exact quest could cause problems. Throw in platinum being infinite and now everyone is priced in to hooping every boss every time.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Hoops used to be rather rare as rewards. You would drag her to a merchant you could use, turn in one ruby, get something, sell it and go again. There was a change to quest rewards where if you turn in a quest and the reward would violate the lore rule (and poof because of it) you would instead get the turn in item back. Now if you've got a Midnight Mallet and a Brute Chopper on you or in the bank she just gives you back the ruby if the reward was going to be either of those things. You hand her back that same ruby half a dozen times until you get a hoop and go on with your day. It's not really an exploit as every quest in the game now works this way but you can also see how this exact item and this exact quest could cause problems. Throw in platinum being infinite and now everyone is priced in to hooping every boss every time.

I'm totally down with hoops being out of the equation entirely, long as no guild got any advance knowledge that it was getting removed and stocked up beforehand...


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
grown men rolling 1 button wizards for meta smashing monsters at all hours of the day after 12 years of TLP be like
View attachment 546013 seems reasonable

Most of us just wanted to play. Then Vic and co did their endless shit-talking and propaganda so we had to drop down to their level and counter wizard, counter sock, etc and beat them at their own game.

At this point the server would be pretty damn boring without them though. I hope we do this forever. Plz don't go
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Most of us just wanted to play. Then Vic and co did their endless shit-talking and propaganda so we had to drop down to their level and counter wizard, counter sock, etc and beat them at their own game.

At this point the server would be pretty damn boring without them though. I hope we do this forever. Plz don't go
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It's crazy how these modern media companies shovel shit (sorry I mean content) out that nobody wants, while overlooking the most obvious things people do want. Oh, you want pre-Skywalker Jedi content? Behold...The Acolyte! You want more Lord of the Rings? Behold...some nespotism-clown-fanfiction trampling of Tolkien. You want more Marvel? No worries. We'll put Robert Downey in a Dr Vroom $$chaching$$ suit. You guys remember Iron Man right, riiiiiiiight? Pras the multiverse! Now unfortunately I can't cancel Amazon Prime because I actually need their shipping services where I live, but one of the best decisions I made this decade was canceling my Disney + account, because I finally started voting with my wallet and my eyeballs, and not just whining and complaining about the dessication, the lobotomization, and the Frankenstein reanimations of the only things left in this modern culture that aren't total shit. The corporate oligarchy apparently will not stop until they have mutilated and desecrated every last vestige of our modern myths and stories that give the eucatastrophe of our lives some meaning beyond consumption, societal "obligations", and taxation without representation.

Darkpaw Games is at best, like Denethor, bad stewards of the kingdom. Did they stare into the Palantari too long? But the mysteries of God, to which we are all occluded, are endless, and we should all be grateful for the slop in our trough every day. May Inny, God of Hate, bless this here 25th anniversary of the kronotization of this here Kronoquest
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