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Is it just fun to push Vicious's shit in?
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Is it just fun to push Vicious's shit in?
The Mischief guild was originally a big massive zerg we built pre launch (Faceless X In Virtue). That guild could afford to be super lazy about OW because there was no real competition. Then like half way through Kunark I left and formed "The Faceless" and a number of my friends followed me. That said, tons and tons of people had cold feet about leaving the established "top guild", and for good reason. When we look back at Velious on Mischief, Faceless could not even fill two splits on our ToV DZ night, we were SO much smaller. I specifically remember a time when we batphoned Tunare and we had legitimately 20 people, we got to her and were doing it OW before GiG arrived. When they showed up they just stood by and watched and eventually one of our Clerics went OOM and we wiped. We just lacked the ammo.
It's far harder to build a roster post launch, we always knew it would be next to impossible to compete with the FXIV / GiG numbers in those early OW eras.
Plus, there wasn't nearly as much bad blood. GiG was never big into talking shit (that I remember), and they were never big into griefing etc. They were a guild that tried to win and during their period (Velious-PoP) they did. They also cared a lot about server firsts and I was happy to focus on that.
On Teek we're dealing with a lot of trash, and even though I still personally don't care about OW shit, someone's gotta get this trash to the curb. On Teek every raid you can expect to get trained. You can expect mobs to be spam dispelled. I don't mean like 2-3 dispells, I mean hundreds of dispells on a mob every time there is a race. If you return the favor tears and petitions fly. It's just a lower caliber of person we're dealing with generally.
Look at the Idol of Rallos Zek debuff/target window in the upper right in this video for an example.
And if no clear winner results, a 2 man 3 legged sack race will be held on consecutive sundays in the nexus until a champion is crownedfirst guild to kill rumblecrush naked wins the race
Is everyone going to agree that luclin is whoever kills ahr first is the winner?
Or are we going to set really weird goalposts? If its other shit, can we at least agree to what winning is before luclin, and not move the goalposts to match what you happened to get after the fact?
This is a pretty solid expansion for actual racing. Single end point, definite ability to use skill to massively reduce time in vt, teamwork and funneling and splitting are useful... would be lame NOT to do the competing here.
Year, that definitely makes sense. I was in GiG and definitely don't remember much shit talking except for a small handful and Qelyn definitely wouldn't allow griefing.
But yeah, that video is sad. I'm glad the trash is getting taken out. Even someone like Atabashi is a class above Vicious and his inner circle.
I am saying this again, you guys are weird. Way too many fucks given for all this nonsense and drama.
Reminding me way too much of politics and all the propaganda talk and PR words.
Raajah over here writing dissertations on the Teek TLP raiding scene. I mean holy shit, its a video game.
The reason RI got shit on so hard in Velious is because they ran their mouth non-stop to the point that Faceless mustered up people to end them. I've legitimately never seen any guild get beat so badly head to head in EQ and keep throwing themselves at things. You would think that after losing 5 or 10 in a row the other guild will stop coming or atleast try to take a different approach, but RI lost something absurd like 50 out of 55 OW targets head to head with Faceless in September before they folded on OW. Towards the end they resorted to what looked like 1/3 of their raid force being boxed, and simply just gating out whenever Faceless showed up to a target - the only kills they got for 3 weeks were between 4am and 8am.
There are always bigger fish...maybe try to not lure them in.
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With about 30% more regular raiders than RI (and thus a much higher loot-per-person ratio), Faceless wins on head-to-heads, Faceless wins on total loot, Faceless wins on total kills. Any more goalposts we want to move or metrics we want to cherry-pick?
ThanksKorillo for spending the time/effort to tally things up.
hey cinge, eat dirt. I'm here for the drama and nothing else.I am saying this again, you guys are weird. Way too many fucks given for all this nonsense and drama.
Reminding me way too much of politics and all the propaganda talk and PR words.
Raajah over here writing dissertations on the Teek TLP raiding scene. I mean holy shit, its a video game.
I am saying this again, you guys are weird. Way too many fucks given for all this nonsense and drama.
Reminding me way too much of politics and all the propaganda talk and PR words.
Raajah over here writing dissertations on the Teek TLP raiding scene. I mean holy shit, its a video game.
The totals are just OW + DZs. Excludes any small man shit or dkp b/c that is too hard to track.