EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
The Mischief guild was originally a big massive zerg we built pre launch (Faceless X In Virtue). That guild could afford to be super lazy about OW because there was no real competition. Then like half way through Kunark I left and formed "The Faceless" and a number of my friends followed me. That said, tons and tons of people had cold feet about leaving the established "top guild", and for good reason. When we look back at Velious on Mischief, Faceless could not even fill two splits on our ToV DZ night, we were SO much smaller. I specifically remember a time when we batphoned Tunare and we had legitimately 20 people, we got to her and were doing it OW before GiG arrived. When they showed up they just stood by and watched and eventually one of our Clerics went OOM and we wiped. We just lacked the ammo.

It's far harder to build a roster post launch, we always knew it would be next to impossible to compete with the FXIV / GiG numbers in those early OW eras.

Plus, there wasn't nearly as much bad blood. GiG was never big into talking shit (that I remember), and they were never big into griefing etc. They were a guild that tried to win and during their period (Velious-PoP) they did. They also cared a lot about server firsts and I was happy to focus on that.

On Teek we're dealing with a lot of trash, and even though I still personally don't care about OW shit, someone's gotta get this trash to the curb. On Teek every raid you can expect to get trained. You can expect mobs to be spam dispelled. I don't mean like 2-3 dispells, I mean hundreds of dispells on a mob every time there is a race. If you return the favor tears and petitions fly. It's just a lower caliber of person we're dealing with generally.

Look at the Idol of Rallos Zek debuff/target window in the upper right in this video for an example.

Year, that definitely makes sense. I was in GiG and definitely don't remember much shit talking except for a small handful and Qelyn definitely wouldn't allow griefing.

But yeah, that video is sad. I'm glad the trash is getting taken out. Even someone like Atabashi is a class above Vicious and his inner circle.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Is everyone going to agree that luclin is whoever kills ahr first is the winner?

Or are we going to set really weird goalposts? If its other shit, can we at least agree to what winning is before luclin, and not move the goalposts to match what you happened to get after the fact?

This is a pretty solid expansion for actual racing. Single end point, definite ability to use skill to massively reduce time in vt, teamwork and funneling and splitting are useful... would be lame NOT to do the competing here.


Log Wizard
Luclin is linear, so yeah, whoever kills AHR open world first wins that.

For instanced guilds it's the usual full clear timer they've been using. Think that's the best judge of ability for DZers.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Is everyone going to agree that luclin is whoever kills ahr first is the winner?

Or are we going to set really weird goalposts? If its other shit, can we at least agree to what winning is before luclin, and not move the goalposts to match what you happened to get after the fact?

This is a pretty solid expansion for actual racing. Single end point, definite ability to use skill to massively reduce time in vt, teamwork and funneling and splitting are useful... would be lame NOT to do the competing here.

In Luclin, the winner is [whatever RI is successful at, TBD later after they accomplish whatever that something is].

First to clear VT? LOL, that's "legacy TLP" thinking according to that Aeth guy, the foremost authority on all things TLP. Unless of course RI gets server first AHR.

RI actually has a good shot at a first clear in Luclin, with a smaller roster and a lot less moving parts and logistics to have to deal with. However if they're going to keep playing like they did in Velious, they might run into some issues when they show up for OW mobs without bringing an actual raid comp. Who needs healers and tanks properly set up when you can just plink off of someone else's fight ad nauseum to attempt a KS while also dispelling your own DoTs for some reason.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
I won't be shocked if in 2 weeks someone argues that they won the race because they sploited 127 sheis and got the most bard cloaks which is the rarest loot since everything else is mischiefed. I wouldn't even blame any guild that seriously fucked off and did this or something like it instead of racing for ahr.

I just want whatever the goalposts are gonna be to get anchored down before launch. None of this max t1 loot but only ow counts and not t2 and... fuck all that. What's the goal?


Toe Sucker
the race starts in vegas irl
suineg rents out the apex with his mass krono fortune
zaide and vicious fight for the glory of teek and all future TLPs
we all go to chippendales for the after party and pretend were not gay at the after-after party cosby suite
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Year, that definitely makes sense. I was in GiG and definitely don't remember much shit talking except for a small handful and Qelyn definitely wouldn't allow griefing.

But yeah, that video is sad. I'm glad the trash is getting taken out. Even someone like Atabashi is a class above Vicious and his inner circle.

Well, Qelyn is actually a good leader, and his folks are actually solid players.

On Teek a climate was created on one side where being arrogant dipshits was not only permitted, it was encouraged, and as a result we ended up with tons of arrogant dipshits. There are also a lot of good players on the RI side that we know from other servers and they're getting dragged down by association at this point.

Watched Aeth's video and have a few things to say.

-He acts like Faceless started the Lyunga Hoop Craze when that's yet another thing his guild was doing ad nauseum before Faceless simply responded in kind.

-He seems to think Faceless leveled up a ton of SKs during the bonus weekend. Actually no. Most of our SKs are actual mains, not powerleveled alts. A bunch of main SKs piloted by players with experience > a bunch of MQ2 box SKs, 10/10 times. The parses show this very clearly.

-He says there was toxic behavior on "both sides" and then cites a video of a Faceless SK training them in Fear. Which is comical because that train in Fear was an extremely rare occurrence of anyone from Faceless training RI in any sort of meaningful way, and the SK in question was not instructed to do this. He went and did it on his own and leadership wasn't thrilled with him for doing it. Compare that to RI doing about 99% of the training, dispelling, and general griefing - ordered by their leadership, no less - and one would need to be a total partisan hack to act like griefing is a "both sides" issue.

-He doesn't mention how RI's own guildleader got suspended for training because he wouldn't stop training drakes on Faceless EVERY time we did OW Yelinak. That's their guildleader, not some random SK who went rogue under no direction from Faceless leadership.

What Aeth doesn't get is that the more he and his ilk poke FF with propaganda, the more we actually care about showing up and depriving them of their loot. We don't actually need OW loot and never did, and were happy to just take out a few OW mobs and let other guilds have the rest until folks like Vicious and Aeth wouldn't shut up about "winning dps races" on things we weren't even at. Nearly every time Faceless shows up, RI loses. Period. Well, looking forward to facing off with their 100 ranger plinking grief squad in Luclin and also looking forward to what goalpost-moving ensues.


Lot of good points in the comments and Aeth's only real comeback is "glad you liked the video" faux smugness. The numbers speak for themselves? Yeah, they do, actually.

Aeth's final Velious count is as such:


This very selectively includes T1 OW mobs and nothing else. RI's number gets a big boost from all the unopposed fights they got to bag.

For a more accurate reading of how Velious went, here are the actual totals for fights where the two guilds were head-to-head, over the entire expansion:


Next the response would be "yeah but we got more loot and that's all that matters, all the fights you didn't show up at you lost by forfeit" or whatnot. Well, if LOOT is what matters, here are the total kills for the expansion overall:


With about 30% more regular raiders than RI (and thus a much higher loot-per-person ratio), Faceless wins on head-to-heads, Faceless wins on total loot, Faceless wins on total kills. Any more goalposts we want to move or metrics we want to cherry-pick?

Thanks Korillo Korillo for spending the time/effort to tally things up.
The reason RI got shit on so hard in Velious is because they ran their mouth non-stop to the point that Faceless mustered up people to end them. I've legitimately never seen any guild get beat so badly head to head in EQ and keep throwing themselves at things. You would think that after losing 5 or 10 in a row the other guild will stop coming or atleast try to take a different approach, but RI lost something absurd like 50 out of 55 OW targets head to head with Faceless in September before they folded on OW. Towards the end they resorted to what looked like 1/3 of their raid force being boxed, and simply just gating out whenever Faceless showed up to a target - the only kills they got for 3 weeks were between 4am and 8am.

There are always bigger fish...maybe try to not lure them in.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I am saying this again, you guys are weird. Way too many fucks given for all this nonsense and drama.

Reminding me way too much of politics and all the propaganda talk and PR words.

Raajah over here writing dissertations on the Teek TLP raiding scene. I mean holy shit, its a video game.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
I am saying this again, you guys are weird. Way too many fucks given for all this nonsense and drama.

Reminding me way too much of politics and all the propaganda talk and PR words.

Raajah over here writing dissertations on the Teek TLP raiding scene. I mean holy shit, its a video game.

Thanks for the backup Cinge. You're welcome to not care about all this but you're here on this thread, and the various TLP guild conflicts are what get discussed in public forums like this. If the other guys put up a video with their side of the story, some of us are gonna talk about our side. And there were a whole bunch of bullet points to get into. If we say nothing, then we've got folks outside the bubble believing things that aren't accurate.

The reason RI got shit on so hard in Velious is because they ran their mouth non-stop to the point that Faceless mustered up people to end them. I've legitimately never seen any guild get beat so badly head to head in EQ and keep throwing themselves at things. You would think that after losing 5 or 10 in a row the other guild will stop coming or atleast try to take a different approach, but RI lost something absurd like 50 out of 55 OW targets head to head with Faceless in September before they folded on OW. Towards the end they resorted to what looked like 1/3 of their raid force being boxed, and simply just gating out whenever Faceless showed up to a target - the only kills they got for 3 weeks were between 4am and 8am.

There are always bigger fish...maybe try to not lure them in.

Pretty much how it went. Lot of throwing themselves at mobs and chain-dispelling in situations like Statue/Idol where it served no purpose besides making everything take longer (i.e. wasting more of their time before they went home empty-handed). I can't imagine spending my time sitting there dispelling someone else's mobs for a half hour, much less doing that and still losing the actual DPS race at the end. When losing still gets you DKP, I guess it works out? Hard to imagine doing that and having any self-respect left after a while though.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I for one appreciate RI talking a lot of stupid shit and riling up the masses so that this server was more exciting. I really don't like velious, normally, but this one was lovely.
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Trakanon Raider
View attachment 550371
With about 30% more regular raiders than RI (and thus a much higher loot-per-person ratio), Faceless wins on head-to-heads, Faceless wins on total loot, Faceless wins on total kills. Any more goalposts we want to move or metrics we want to cherry-pick?

Thanks Korillo Korillo for spending the time/effort to tally things up.

Curious how you got these numbers and how many "regular raiders" you guys are raiding with?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I am saying this again, you guys are weird. Way too many fucks given for all this nonsense and drama.

Reminding me way too much of politics and all the propaganda talk and PR words.

Raajah over here writing dissertations on the Teek TLP raiding scene. I mean holy shit, its a video game.
hey cinge, eat dirt. I'm here for the drama and nothing else.


TLP Idealist
I am saying this again, you guys are weird. Way too many fucks given for all this nonsense and drama.

Reminding me way too much of politics and all the propaganda talk and PR words.

Raajah over here writing dissertations on the Teek TLP raiding scene. I mean holy shit, its a video game.


Molten Core Raider
Both our raid nights are public knowledge and we can see the serverwides. I assume they kill all the T2 dragons in their ToV instances. Maybe they skip triplets and I'm giving them extra credit /shrug