Could be a class issue too, I know some classes won't get invited by better pugs, so the ones willing to take them in are often worse players.My friend who's been complaining endlessly about the pugs is also only 40 or so - possibly he's playing with a different slice of the playerbase than the guys that are already 60 at this point.
He usually goes pretty hardcore, but work situation doesn't allow for it this go. Maybe more of a case of him not used to playing with people on the slower end of the curve vs. something specific to Teek.
Fun, but without the xp bonus weekend and pots, I would have committed suicide.Man Kunark launch was so incredibly fun. I really think that launching in either Kunark Velious or Luclin will always be far more fun than a classic launch.
What is this. Is this genuinely a quest nobody has figured out until now? I know there's a ton of them, but when did they add systemwide messages for them?
Same here on taking is slow. My brother and I decided we were going to slow roll this server, and we have been having a shit ton of fun doing it so far.35 bard, taking it slow.
Leveling sucks. I'd love to see a vaniki light approach that level caps at ~25ish and then increases the cap steadily with similar approaches for level cap expansions. Was extremely popular in WoW with season of discovery. The EQ mechanics kinda break down where a bunch of level 25s exploit killing higher level mobs might be lame, but whatever, it'd be different.I've basically never pugged on a TLP going back to Lockjaw so I can't really get a good feel for that experience, but several of our guildies have mostly pugged up to 60 or near 60 over the long weekend. That would seem to be "good enough" to me, hitting 60 in the first week primarily pugging is a very reasonable pace I think.
I have started to see the typical "flame outs" that I have been seeing cycle on TLPs since 2015. Their typical cadence is:
1. Go very hard to max level, minimal sleep.
2. Get max level.
3. Immediately quit because "it's too much."
It is a very strange mentality to me, especially because over each cycle of TLP you identify certain individuals who do this every single time, so for some of them that is their only real experience of EQ TLP, playing nonstop to max level for 3-4 days then quitting. I generally dislike leveling, the launch statics and rush to max level are my peak of "things I dislike on a TLP", and I am very happy when they are over.
It isn't that hard once you finish launch to dial in your playtime to something that fits with your life, but a lot of people just seem like they are psychologically incapable of doing that. They can go omega hard for a launch then they say "wow I can't do this" and quit. Which is weird because after launch you can literally chill for 12 weeks on Teek--actually longer, because Velious and Luclin are not even level increase expansions.
I saw that randomly when I was googling quest items that dropped. I wondered wtf it was. If it was out of era, added later, or what. I certainly don't remember any from Kunark. The clicky is like the same as shaman epic? Or quite a bit less/more damage?Shield of the Dark Quest Guide | EQProgression
That all sounds very logical. Makes sense. Gonna have to race change out of Iksar for that fuckin clicky.They were introduced a while back, I want to say sometime between 2015-2017. There has always been a few fake claims about them. One is that they always existed and were just never solved. The other is they were basically finished, but never turned on so they had been sitting dormant in the code.
The reality, as I understand it, is the barebones of these quests are very old, but they were abandoned. A decision was made to have a developer go through and fully implement all of them. That developer has talked about it a few times and clarified these were not finished quests that he just implemented, he basically had to do them almost entirely from scratch, I think the 'stub' from the old stuff was just a bit of lore / flavor around them.
They are collectively known as the "Kunark Archaeologist Quests", the first completion of each gives a server wide, and there is an associated in game title (that anyone can get), called "Kunark Archaeologist." I'm not a quest guy so haven't done them, I once tried the evil priest one, but it had a few very tedious camps so I gave up.
That all sounds very logical. Makes sense. Gonna have to race change out of Iksar for that fuckin clicky.
Told you I was a bit rusty!I've been in one group so far. First pull we all died.
The group wasKoushirou and I.
I pulled.