EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Really wish they'd find a way to open bazaar in classic, quaint memories of EC tunnel sales give way to annoyance quickly.
I don't really disagree but it has an upside.

Shitty trade systems like EQ TLP are one way EQ fosters a community in ways other MMOs don't. In GW2, BDO, or any number of games with really accessible trading systems any tradeable drop is easily reduced to a coin value with minimal opportunity cost to realize that value. So there's less motivation to make opportunistic handouts or barter with people you're playing with or know. Handing off that caster cloak you just got to your buddy instead of making a <30s transaction for coin worth ~1hr of farming is effectively identical to giving them as much coin as you can make in 1hr.

As my kids get older and I get to be a manchild poopsocking more, I could definitely see myself getting into an MMO that embraces that relationship and also fosters community in other ways like maximum-trust system, ex: open looting for groups such that you must trust group mates to not ninja shit, or death penalties that require a community to bail you out.

I love GW2 but MMOs like that are solo experiences with intermittent and highly streamlined grouping opportunities. There's a niche for the inverse.
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Trakanon Raider
I don't give 2 shits how much coin I can make in an hour, if I ever bother to sell anything in game it is at firesale prices so I don't have to wait more than 30 seconds to leave EC tunnel.
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Toe Sucker
I was farming the widowmistress in najena because its stupid easy and her loot table had a lot of pretty decent rogue items + ring of the ancients on it (and a few items you could just vendor for 100-200 plat)
I was hoping i could just reclaim 5 rings i deleted in like 2 hours but i dont think it allows it for whatever the restrictions are, either way getting a ring and selling it for like 400p would happen basically instantly every time i sold one


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
For anyone looking to get the CoS, named gorilla in Timorous Deep is a chill AFK camp and it spawns often without a lot of competition. Halara is the name, I think.
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Toe Sucker
For anyone looking to get the CoS, named gorilla in Timorous Deep is a chill AFK camp and it spawns often without a lot of competition. Halara is the name, I think.
i was actually looking at that pool of mobs and that name wasnt familiar, cool to know its chill for the future


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
For anyone looking to get the CoS, named gorilla in Timorous Deep is a chill AFK camp and it spawns often without a lot of competition. Halara is the name, I think.

Good to know, that'll save me some trouble.

Does the normal mob in Droga still drop it or is it totally randomized?

I have a feeling that nameds have a higher chance of dropping their normal rares, in addition to random stuff, as I saw the Arch Magus drop an SMR and the Assassin dropped a Guise.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Good to know, that'll save me some trouble.

Does the normal mob in Droga still drop it or is it totally randomized?

I have a feeling that nameds have a higher chance of dropping their normal rares, in addition to random stuff, as I saw the Arch Magus drop an SMR and the Assassin dropped a Guise.
The normal mobs don't have a higher chance to drop their own stuff, imo. It's confirmation bias unless something changed since mischief but I doubt it.

And, yeah, droga still can but it is randomized so no better chance than any other named on that tier. I liked the gorilla Island because any of the three spawns can be a named.


Toe Sucker
It feels like some mobs do? i swear i killed najena like 10+ times the other day and she had a FBR every time lol


Log Wizard
It feels like some mobs do? i swear i killed najena like 10+ times the other day and she had a FBR every time lol
If an item is flagged Quest it SHOULD drop off it's quest dropper every time. This is USUALLY the case, but a lot of times like SMR it doesn't.
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
It feels like some mobs do? i swear i killed najena like 10+ times the other day and she had a FBR every time lol
Yeah, it's the quest tag that's causing that.

However if the item has a quest tag but normally isn't guaranteed to drop every time, it will still have the same chance not to drop.
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Molten Core Raider
soloing all the medallions for VP in 90 minutes is quite the change of pace. Didn't realize they made it so much easier. This server is so busted lol. Much better experience then Yelinak was, that server was miserable.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Any time someone tries to haggle or negotiate in ec I just want their irl country to get flattened by drone strikes. Fuck haggling, bartering, and you...
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
soloing all the medallions for VP in 90 minutes is quite the change of pace. Didn't realize they made it so much easier. This server is so busted lol. Much better experience then Yelinak was, that server was miserable.

Yeah I couldn't believe how easy the VP key is now. I had more trouble getting the Sebilis key on day 2 or 3 with stiff competition than I did getting the whole VP key. They overdid it with the key droppers dropping a boatload of the named-drop medallions. Chardok bridge-onward camps drop the Niblek medallion often enough to get six in a couple hours.

The only part that was any issue at all was the SONH ground spawn, because it was camped all the time, but once I showed up in the middle of the night there it was.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
So like, what the fuck are we really doing here? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here that this shit exists

These items are beyond free, and the sum total of stats on them are what, better than all the rest of your Kunark gear combined? And there's more of them coming every month? Are we gonna be walking in to Luclin with tanks that have 15k HP?

EQ isn't exactly a difficult game these days, but good lord this is pretty beyond the pale.

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Blackwing Lair Raider
So like, what the fuck are we really doing here? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here that this shit exists

These items are beyond free, and the sum total of stats on them are what, better than all the rest of your Kunark gear combined? And there's more of them coming every month? Are we gonna be walking in to Luclin with tanks that have 15k HP?

EQ isn't exactly a difficult game these days, but good lord this is pretty beyond the pale.

View attachment 530777
It’s interesting that after all of the ez-mode changes in modern TLPs that it’s a few pieces of gear that finally break the illusion


Tranny Chaser
A few years a go they released a server that was challenging. It was called Vaniki. No one played on it. Mischief 2 Electric Boogaloo has free VT loot and ten times the players.
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TLP Idealist
It’s not that they make an already easy game easier, it’s that 5 whole slots just got nuked from orbit. Hundreds or thousands of items may as well not exist because the tower gear is better than any other item in its slot for every single class and the fact that it’s a guaranteed and easy grab means it has a pretty negative impact on the economy too.

Imagine a Kunark where you can’t even sell a Hiero cloak.
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Yeah, in a game where gear upgrades are basically the main carrot for you to play, having multiple best in slot items available with almost no work is pretty counter to the whole reason for playing the game.
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