EQ TLP - Oakwynd (Evolving Ruleset Progression Server)


Ssraeszha Raider
For me, it's not the game client that pushes me away from EQ. While a new game client would certainly be nice, It's the content direction over the years that ruins EQ for me.

For instance, I just started my pally on the Mischief server, and while I am excited to play it, I know that what I love about EQ isn't going to be there even at the current expansion that is open on that server, and it only gets worse as it goes on.

The thing that makes EQ (original) special to me is the fact that it didn't truly matter what class you played as long as you knew how to play the game and was able to adapt to the situations. The 1 to 50 game can literally have any class tanking if they know what they are doing and not being a dipshit.

It was Kunark and then Velious that changed that. Rangers were still able to tank group content well in Kunark, but then in Velious that kinda went away. With every expansion, the game slowly goes from being an open world sand box kind of game to that of a "you will play the game our way or you will not play" style MMORPG. You had to have a plate tank. You had to have an enchanter. You had to have a main healer (well... actually.. duh).

Every expansion doubled down on this idea of having the perfect group make up, and if you didn't fit the mold, you spent the majority of your time sitting LFG and trying to put groups together with THE right classes even though THE right classes already all had groups.

Later you didn't only have to have the perfect holy trinity to do anything meaningful, but you needed the holy trinity characters to have the right number of AAs and raid gear.

Today's EQ is nothing at all like original EQ, and I am not talking about Quality of Life changes. I am talking about over all game design.

So, when we talk about a NEW EQ game coming in 2026, my question is... Which era of EQ are we saying it will be like? There are MANY vastly different eras in the history of EQ.

So what made EQ special to you is the shit every other MMO has always done?

That's a hot take


Sharpie Markers Aren't Pens
<Gold Donor>
AA and (out of control) gear / stat inflation killed the game. Both were lazy core gameplay loop mechanics that started the beginning of the end. Change my mind
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
AA and (out of control) gear / stat inflation killed the game. Both were lazy core gameplay loop mechanics that started the beginning of the end. Change my mind

Correct. Bolting another +25% more betterer on to items every expansion and just incrementing another 150 AAs up was the most unimaginative bullshit, and it really starting to appear at a time when WoW was really taking off. Just an absolute death knell for the game.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
The current dev team has been so ground breaking and transformative with the game over the past 10 years! I'm sure the new from the ground up everquest will feature all the cool stuff they've been saving just for this moment.
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Trakanon Raider
The current dev team has been so ground breaking and transformative with the game over the past 10 years! I'm sure the new from the ground up everquest will feature all the cool stuff they've been saving just for this moment.
Don't forget their industry leading customer support!


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
AA and (out of control) gear / stat inflation killed the game. Both were lazy core gameplay loop mechanics that started the beginning of the end. Change my mind

Yeah. AAs were fine up until there were about 10,000 points worth of them (as a monk that was circa SoF or SoD IIRC) and then after that it was just kinda annoying.

Correct. Bolting another +25% more betterer on to items every expansion and just incrementing another 150 AAs up was the most unimaginative bullshit, and it really starting to appear at a time when WoW was really taking off. Just an absolute death knell for the game.

Yeah that describes DoDH pretty well. Then you've got the other ones that don't even have AAs like DoN and PoR. They pretty much just handed WoW their subscriber base. Ironic that PoR's last zone is called Deathknell


Trakanon Raider
AAs started out really fun because it allowed your class to evolve in cool ways. After that though, they just kept adding +% xyz to everything. AAs lost their appeal at that point. It just became the "hey we increased the mobs hit points and damage output by X% and there are the AAs you need to get to increase your HP/MP and damage output by the same X%. Have fun". At a certain point, each expansion's new AAs were just a % more of HP/Mana/Damage/etc. No creativity what so ever.


Gunnar Durden
I tell you what made my dick hard in 2003 was getting the undead slayer or whatever AAs on a Paladin and fucking wrecking Mistmoore LDONs
  • 1Weird Boner
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Trakanon Raider
God damn it. Every time someone points out the undead AA slay thing for paladins it makes me want to roll one up
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
AAs started out really fun because it allowed your class to evolve in cool ways. After that though, they just kept adding +% xyz to everything. AAs lost their appeal at that point. It just became the "hey we increased the mobs hit points and damage output by X% and there are the AAs you need to get to increase your HP/MP and damage output by the same X%. Have fun". At a certain point, each expansion's new AAs were just a % more of HP/Mana/Damage/etc. No creativity what so ever.

It seems like Luclin/PoP?/GoD? had almost all of the really creative and inventive AAs that changed the game. Things like Dire Charm, Headshot, Stonewall, Auspice. Then it just sorta coasted from there with % upgrades and stuff for the most part. Or if you did get new abilities they were usually kind of unappealing compared to the early ones.

God damn it. Every time someone points out the undead AA slay thing for paladins it makes me want to roll one up

Yeah same here. Still undecided if for 25th I want to go SK again and stick with what I know, or run a Paladin finally and see how well I can do with that. Probably gonna end up being a last minute decision based on whatever people need more.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Nobody needs a paladin.

I think you've got it confused with rogue. Paladins get to be ramp tanks, which is admittedly about as unfun as SK raid kiting, but everyone needs a tank. I'd wager that in classic paladin probably does have the most shortcomings of the hybrids. They hit their stride in Luclin (like a bunch of other classes) while SK is pretty solid from the word go. Considering how little paladin experience I have though I'd be happy to be proven wrong. I'd love to run a warrior just once as well, but a tank without spells (and reliant on taunt in classic) just seems like a recipe for boredom outside of the min/maxing aspects of it.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I always found a big appeal of eq that there was a variety of ways to spend time and that most required little effort / low apm / mediocre skill, but, it left room for skilled play to shine. Hard balance to strike I know. I don't want to actually play a game that requires me to be on my a game constantly. I did that briefly with wow raiding and despised it. Mechanics that required every player to be focused and on the ball every raid? Fuck you. I want to jerk off to wood elves and pound baja blasts while I play. At least in something like a moba theres a break when you die. Modern mmos its double time to get back and situated, no relaxing, and so the fun for me dies after an hour or two tops in a night and after a night or two per week. Give me a few tricks per night, or the occasional oh shit moments I gotta step up, but otherwise let me suck and get by.

Nobody needs a paladin.

The alternative was sk though, which definitely nobody needs any more than a paladin. They shine around luclin and lose their dps prowess faster and harder than rangers while continuing to take loot from warriors just as much as any paladin would. Going into the 70s with a dozen sks is absolutely terrible especially if they box to themselves outside raids. Paladins eventually at least can splash heal.
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Trakanon Raider
Paladins get better as the expacs roll on, more and more raid utility, ramp tanking with DA hammer, shackles of tunare for CCing adds, one of 4 classes that can RGC etc, hear they get even better later expacs where most TLPers don't get to, this "splash" I keep hearing about but never seen etc.

SK's you could have none show up and it wouldn't really matter, other tanks can offtank, other classes can kite etc. Maybe some fights where you need the AoE aggro to control a bunch of adds that can't be CC'd otherwise? So maybe you need 1 or 2 tops in later raids, but yeah guilds carry a huge SK roster because they never stop getting apps from boxers that want their tank raid geared so they can go off and do their own thing after raids and not really contribute much to the guild otherwise.
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TLP Idealist
One good SK is about all you need in a raid but finding a good one is tough because there are 1000 on every server and half are Timmy’s who draw their own mspaint SK fan art between pulls and the other half are wannabe krono lords towing around a box crew they can barely play.

Paladins are awesome, splash heals, off tanking, cures.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Good points here. I'd say SKs are still important during trash clears or grabbing up adds and so forth..if they're good at all. I've been on plenty of raids where I was one of like 8 SKs on the raid and only me and 1-2 others were actively running around yoinking trash on incoming so it didn't land on the raid. I've had situations where I had one mob and grabbed a second off of some poor shaman while several other SKs attacked the MT target or stood around or something.

In any case I think SK's down to #3 for the next server. Warrior and Paladin fighting it out for me now. Never really did either, Warrior is easily the most useful (if done right). Paladins have what I consider the best-looking epics early on, and being able to throw heals/cures out to save people is huge. Either way I'd want to be the best I can with it. Get the impression Paladin has a higher skill ceiling since they always have something they could be doing. Warrior's min-max nature never appealed to me when I was younger but now it does.

Wait, Warrior can be Iksar. Nevermind, competition's over


Tranny Chaser
The instant ranged aggro guy that can FD, pet pull and mount more places than anyone else can all with a set of plate on you can usually find a place for.

Perk Paladins are kind of busted though. The perk meta as a whole is better for them.


Tranny Chaser
Lmao at Perk Paladins.

Hey man, it's true. Perk Paladins are like a whole new subclass you can get for 2.99 a month. Zero percent rezzes are even faster than epic clicks if you get in a bind. Paladins are now way better than they ever were in classic with continued upsides as they go. I think you could do a Paladin second main as a hybrid support and feel pretty good about it.