EVE Online


Silver Knight of the Realm
The C02 abortion? I couldn't make it but I had a few guys in that fight and managed to get on 5 titan KM's. Good times for our corp KB.


Doer of Things
:D Rule #1 was in full effect on the way to it. Got on all 6 of the Titan KM's in addition to like another 43 BS kills. These Nightmare fleets are so god damn fun to fly in.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Lost a ship today when I disconnected. At least it wasn't a 5 billlion isk ship. Sad part is I kept fighting what I'm sure was a long period while actually disconnected. Hmm clicked on those drons to return and nothing happened. Doh.

I'm heavily invested in drone ships/gallente. Thinking of eventually branching out. Any suggestions which race?
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Minnie, of course.. Can't beat trashcans in space.

On a serious note, check faction ships. Maybe Gallente/Amarr (for Nestor)?
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
This is something that's probably well known but I find it kind of odd. While ship shopping I've noticed a fair number of them with rigs and a fair amount of equipment much cheaper than the unfitted ship. I picked up a ship and got 40m of drones I didn't have a use for and unloaded them and the ship was 20m cheaper than the base ship, in the same station. Just found that odd, people unloading crap and just don't care?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Are there any good current guides to get into the game? I love open world PVP aspect, but could never really jump right into EVE.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I think they took learning skills out of the game. You could always buy a plex, sell the plex for ISK and then buy a skill injector to get 400k SP to get a quick jump start.

I think the Eve University Corp runs classes, it's just a corp for new players.
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Molten Core Raider
Do you still need to wait months for basic learning skills etc to develop?

No. There is a popular youtube channel in which a pvp vet goes out and solos people on a new account.

By far, the largest cockblock to pvping is actual game knowledge. An analogy would be playing LoL at a decent level requires a modicum of knowledge on the 100 champs in the game. No way around it. If you're out hunting in a Proteus and see a Stratios, you need to be able to come up with some calculation as to the results of a 1v1. Add 100+ other ships in there; need to know what they're likely set up to do and how well they can do it.

There are ways to minimize that, e.g., fly with other vets and work on simple tasks/maneuvers.. A good fleet commander is a huge force multiplier since he's essentially loaning out his game knowledge to a bunch of other people.

Still, though, you are months away from being solo pwnmaster 9000.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah, learning skills are now automatically granted (skills removed, everyone gets extra attributes). And you get around 300k worth of basic skills IIRC.
My first trip to EVE was back in 2004, stopped after a few months because of WoW. Came back this year, and the entry level is much more newbie friendly compared to what it used to be when I was starting.
You can also get a 21-day free trial if you use my buddy code, and if you subscribe before it expires I'll pay you 750mil ISK.
Join me in EVE Online!


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I watched part of this video. It's 4 years old, but it shows how less twitchy pvp can be and how he does really well just based on his knowledge. He goes thru a thousand things instantly in his head while pvp'ing.
Getting all that info in your head ahead of time is where the time comes in for the most part.

I would guess the biggest impact on your getting decent at pvp and enjoying the game in general is to get into a good/decent corp.

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Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah, learning skills are now automatically granted (skills removed, everyone gets extra attributes). And you get around 300k worth of basic skills IIRC.
My first trip to EVE was back in 2004, stopped after a few months because of WoW. Came back this year, and the entry level is much more newbie friendly compared to what it used to be when I was starting.
You can also get a 21-day free trial if you use my buddy code, and if you subscribe before it expires I'll pay you 750mil ISK.
Join me in EVE Online!

I started a trial any starter ship better then the others?


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I'm not an expert. But I think I would pick a goal or a playstyle you enjoy and go from there. Early on you can change pretty quickly from ships etc..Play enough to find out if you enjoy missles, blasters, drones etc...and kind of work your way up that particular line for a while.

Can join the Help channel in game if you got any questions. It's at least moderated and gets you out the "local" IE scam channel.

There's a FOH channel named "FOH". I had it from when I quit 5 years ago and a few people in it everyday. It's under play channels and not many there.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah, get a frigate ASAP (which one depends on your race, e.g. Rifter if you are Mimatar).
Start doing missions for the 5 career agents (accessible through Help menu, 4 basic and one for advanced combat). You'll get better ships (up to cruisers and IIRC even skills to use them, but you'll have to spend time training them though) and some ISK.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Video of someone doing null sec pvp on a 20 day training account if you really just want to jump into pvp.



Bronze Baron of the Realm
If you get playing and are interested in PVP you can watch this video. It's extremely long but you only have to watch the first part. He picks on particular ship and how to train for it early on in your character. The biggest part is he goes over all the stuff nobody tells you, how to pick systems to patrol in and such in Null Sec.

If you you pick this ship be aware the names of some of the modules have changed and he has a link in the comments, but the part about patroling and how to pick those systems and which targets is the biggest part of the video.

Bought a 20 pack of frigates yesterday and have them on contract now to have them hauled out. Spent the last week getting back up to "speed". Freaking power failure and all my windows and UI shit reset. You would think that would be saved but apparently not. Went faster this time lol. If you have any UI questions I'm an expert now.

One thing that has really changed since I last played is how much stuff people throw away on the market. I made about 400 million ISK in the last 2 days just buying fully fit ships and stripping them down and then selling the ships. Not sure why people do that. I haven't invested a lot of time on it but did notice a few ships I was looking for that were fit with shit I didn't want/need but if you stripped them out a pretty nice profit and then sell the ship.

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