You'll get more consistent payout if you can find a C3 with a null static and then only run holes you are connected to and not those in the C3 and go out to null in whatever wh you have at the time.
I did nothing but live in a C3 with a null static for 3 months or so, started living out of a mobile depot and finally upgraded to a POS. All I did was exploration and short breaks to haul the loot out. All solo. I play a lot more than the average player tho due to couple of reasons. Never cared for having to wait for X to form up to do whatever and such. In that 3 months I made a LOT of isk. I'm all paid up on my accounts via plex now for a long time, sank some isk into plex to hold it and now plex is coming back up to 1.2b, and am looking to buy a 2nd and possibly a 3rd account with isk, and paid for enough injectors till I hit the next bump of them not really being worth it anymore.
Started looking for a new WH this week, but every WH now seems to have a dozen or more citadels in it. Also tripwire tracking is borked at the moment due to a bug in the API ccp hasn't fixed. You can track while docked which really makes sens in a wormhole lol.
I generally avoid lowsec for a variety of reasons. It's amazing how empty a lot of places can be tho. Won a 600m battleship in null last week. Was going to bring it out via a wormhole but with the tripwire on the fritz I just flew it out. 40ish jumps thru Catch, Stain, and Providence in an unfit battleship and saw a grand total of 5 people in all 40 jumps. One bubble but nobody was in the sytem.
Last night I found a megathron at the warp into a wormhole. I watched for a while and apparently he was off and logged out. I boarded the megathron and he had no scanner and I had no mobile depot or I would have quickly traded my cov ops for it just for kicks.
Also at fanfest they had a talk and the t3c entered the discussions. Moving to 4 subsystems with 3 options for each subsystem. Fozzie mentioned that one of the subsystems would rely on something out of a wormhole system to build. No idea if that will come from drops, salvage (most probably) or hacking. Might be worth stockpiling some of it now to get ahead of it like the Elite Drone AI's when they introduced the excavator drones.