EVE Online


Dental Dammer
Tengu is still strong, but I don't know when you quit. They're not gods anymore, or rather, they're a slightly lower strength god. They've become increasingly popular in fleet doctrine as well as all that PvE stuff, so they've gotten some balance passes to try and give other ships an opportunity in large scale PvP. Drones are a strong alternative in PvE and PvP, but I don't know much about wormholes.
I have decent drone skills (4mil sp or so) and can fly caldari and gallente covert ops, maybe its worth looking into relic sites to build up some isk.


<Bronze Donator>
I did tye exploration thing for a bit but wasn't making any kind of money running sites. Think you need to be in sansha null sec for it to really pay off.

My Corp has players constantly scanning out whs that we feed into an app that maps out routes for us. We use it for power projection with the jump changes. Gives me stuff to do during the week since theres not alot going on in aus tz, but its mighty boring.


Dental Dammer
I really need to make some cash so I can plex up, sitting at 27mil SP so should be able to do something relativley safe, I think ill just end up killing myself If i have to do another level 4 mission for Caldari Navy.


Molten Core Raider
If he has to ask this question, then he ought to just go run incursions. Ratting in nullsec is more complicated than joining an incursion channel, copying the fit, and hitting X in chat when they call for DPS.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Ratting in nullsec is more complicated than joining an incursion channel
Why would ratting in null be more complicated? You undock, warp to the chosen anomaly and kill rats. And shout "huzzah" at the top of your lungs when you get an escalation.


Registered Hutt
If you fly a droneboat, you don't even have to do anything but warp from one anomaly to another while you jerk off to mass effect porn. I have heard good things about incursions, but I've never joined one.


Molten Core Raider
Why would ratting in null be more complicated? You undock, warp to the chosen anomaly and kill rats. And shout "huzzah" at the top of your lungs when you get an escalation.
Well I guess its implied that you need to find a corp and move your assets. Or are you suggesting just yolo'ing it? I'm not familiar at all with null ratting so if its easier than incursions, fine... I just figured nothing can beat the risk-free 100-150m an hour from incursions.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Well I guess its implied that you need to find a corp and move your assets. Or are you suggesting just yolo'ing it? I'm not familiar at all with null ratting so if its easier than incursions, fine... I just figured nothing can beat the risk-free 100-150m an hour from incursions.
If you're only going to rat, you don't need much assets moved and even those can be moved by other people. Not necessarily your corp-mates, if you have any.

As far as "Yolo-ing it", I don't see why not. Providence is like a lush little valley that doesn't mind people coming to exploit its springs and honeybees, as long as you don't have an STD (I.e. you're red to us from your previous misdemeanors). In which case, we remove your diseased ship and send your pod to get re-vacinated at your clone home station medical service.

Then again, there's a bunch of people from other EVE Empires that could offer a "helping hand" to someone on the forums

Ofcourse, as far as Incursions go, I have no experience with those. Viewing his skills would help, cuz I've heard a person in all the wrong skills can't join and that faking a fit can have consequences. As in, being banned from certain Incursion groups.

Make him come online, join FOH channel and we'll go from there.


Dental Dammer
I haven't played for a number of years, no idea what incursions are! What ships do people normally fly when doing them? Channel names would help also!


Lord Nagafen Raider
I haven't played for a number of years, no idea what incursions are! What ships do people normally fly when doing them? Channel names would help also!
Join the FOH channel for fun on the rare occasion that there's a conversation going on


Potato del Grande
I haven't played for a number of years, no idea what incursions are! What ships do people normally fly when doing them? Channel names would help also!
When I was playing, people were flying 2bil++ pirate battleships for them if you wanted to get into the group. Chances are if you're asking how to make money other than doing level 4s to get a plex then you probably can't afford the hull + fit, or fly the ship + fit.


Molten Core Raider
When I was playing, people were flying 2bil++ pirate battleships for them if you wanted to get into the group. Chances are if you're asking how to make money other than doing level 4s to get a plex then you probably can't afford the hull + fit, or fly the ship + fit.
These guys are really newb friendly:Warp to Me Incursions

They have posted minimum fits required for all the roles (sniper, brawler, logi). I got in easily enough with a 200m isk scimitar rocking Logi IV.


what Suineg set it to
When I was playing, people were flying 2bil++ pirate battleships for them if you wanted to get into the group. Chances are if you're asking how to make money other than doing level 4s to get a plex then you probably can't afford the hull + fit, or fly the ship + fit.
Maybe they changed, but I was doing pretty well in a Mach with straight T2 fits in Incs

Julian The Apostate

Vyemm Raider
I think machs price took a huge nosedive when the falloff range got nerfed. I can't remember if they nerfed projectile ammo or BCU's or the Mach itself. They are still good but not nearly what they were.


Trump's Staff
I think machs price took a huge nosedive when the falloff range got nerfed. I can't remember if they nerfed projectile ammo or BCU's or the Mach itself. They are still good but not nearly what they were.
It was never nerfed, it just can't compete in Sentry Drones Online. The vanilla Dominix is better than it at everything except warp speed, it's pretty pathetic.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
Minor nerf. Sentry drones have been crazy good for years and years. I remember my ideal team being based around them in first tourney I was in- we just lacked the pilots in kadeshi to pull it off successfully. When I switched to PL, we extensively used sentries in numerous test set ups. People have used sentries with carriers for years, and that was before all these huge buffs to their effectiveness on certain platforms and modules to help them out even more.

The problem with sentries is not that they're super duper strong or perfect in any situation. What really makes them super strong is that they're like ginsu knives, there's one for every occasion, and the platforms that hold them are just as equally good at everything. Long story short, sentry drones will still be incredibly strong in general. This will just reduce their effectiveness in some fringe situations.