i didnt mind, i went from this.Goddam, those Luclin character models really were the beginning of the end, weren't they?
One of the best moments of my entire career was receiving the Emblazoned Incarnadine Breastplate (Click Gather Shadows {invis}) while in Chardok, from I believe the Korokust. Wasn't even my guild. They were casual and only had paladins. I was xping in zone and was invited along. Even though it was tradable, they gave it to me.If you were warrior you died to fucking everything. Lvl 50. They're 35?. Fuck you dead. Can't invisible past. Can't out run. Can't out damage. Damage shields were extra FU.
I liked the Luclin models better for almost every race
The "in our world" is very important.
Well said, Ukerric.
EverQuest worked because it established a set of rules (factions, spells/abilities, monsters, items, respawn times) and then let the players loose to do with it what they wanted.
In modern games every quest, item, ability, and encounter are doled out in a very controlled flow. There is little room for discovery or creativity; you simply follow the bread crumbs to max level and then raid for the best armor at the time.
I'd like to play a game that gives you a bunch of tools and monsters and releases you into the wild again. No hand-holding, no invisible walls, no checklists. It seems like all games that try this turn into shallow survival games with no real purpose.. hopefully that'll change.