TLP Idealist
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EQ had a story right from classic, the issue was that all the story development was done in the form of GM events, so if you missed them you had no idea wtf was going on or why you did things. At the end of each major "plot event" a player usually received an "artifact" (only one existed per server).
[Blood Kithicor - Shield of Hatred]
The Pickclaw Goblins under Highkeep discovered a vein of ore that was actually Fulligan Soulstones of Innoruuk. They sold some of this to a Dark Elf who then informed Neriak proper. The result was the Dark Elves marching on Highkeep, fighting with the good races led by Firiona Vie in Kithicor Forest. During this battle Lanys (the chosen of Innoruuk) was nearly slain so Laarthik (her teacher) used the Soulstone to open a portal to Plane of Hate from which Innoruuk descended. He slew everyone who couldn't flee, made the dead rise in Kithicor and took Lanys back to Plane of Hate with him. From this point onward players could access Plane of Hate via a Wizard and these stones. [Artifact: Shield of Bloody Hatred]
[Relic of Brell Serilis - Butcherblock Hammer]
Al'Kabor discovers the existence of Phinigel Autropos while attempting to unravel the secrets of interplanar travel and the mechanisms behind the functions of the Wizard Spires. The last remaining Knight of Kedge tells Al'Kabor where the "Hammer of Dagnor Butcherblock" is kept which triggers the "Relic of Brell Serilis" GM event. Here a bunch of adventurers try to reclaim the hammer of Brell Serilis, supposedly Phinigel rebukes them at some point and in the end they acquire the hammer from some Dark Elves who stole it during the entire adventure. Also, Kedge Keep is open.
[Rending the Veil - Crystal Claw of Veeshan]
Al'Kabor discovers that Lady Vox has an item capable of "rending the veil" which prevents mortals from traversing the planes. Adventurers slay Lady Vox, acquire the Crystal Claw of Veeshan and planar travel becomes possible. This specifically unlocked Plane of Sky for players as well.
[The Hole]
I forget most of what happened here
[The Plague in the Karanas - Prime Healers Bulwark]
Cult of Bertoxxulous spread a plague in the Karanas, a bunch of players stopped them.
With Kunark there was a more direct plot line, specifically agents of Venril Sathir had kidnapped Firiona Vie and players were searching for her. Somehow during this process she ended up in Veeshan's Peak which provides the impetus for players to gain access and clear the place out, thus rescuing her.
[Blood Kithicor - Shield of Hatred]
The Pickclaw Goblins under Highkeep discovered a vein of ore that was actually Fulligan Soulstones of Innoruuk. They sold some of this to a Dark Elf who then informed Neriak proper. The result was the Dark Elves marching on Highkeep, fighting with the good races led by Firiona Vie in Kithicor Forest. During this battle Lanys (the chosen of Innoruuk) was nearly slain so Laarthik (her teacher) used the Soulstone to open a portal to Plane of Hate from which Innoruuk descended. He slew everyone who couldn't flee, made the dead rise in Kithicor and took Lanys back to Plane of Hate with him. From this point onward players could access Plane of Hate via a Wizard and these stones. [Artifact: Shield of Bloody Hatred]
[Relic of Brell Serilis - Butcherblock Hammer]
Al'Kabor discovers the existence of Phinigel Autropos while attempting to unravel the secrets of interplanar travel and the mechanisms behind the functions of the Wizard Spires. The last remaining Knight of Kedge tells Al'Kabor where the "Hammer of Dagnor Butcherblock" is kept which triggers the "Relic of Brell Serilis" GM event. Here a bunch of adventurers try to reclaim the hammer of Brell Serilis, supposedly Phinigel rebukes them at some point and in the end they acquire the hammer from some Dark Elves who stole it during the entire adventure. Also, Kedge Keep is open.
[Rending the Veil - Crystal Claw of Veeshan]
Al'Kabor discovers that Lady Vox has an item capable of "rending the veil" which prevents mortals from traversing the planes. Adventurers slay Lady Vox, acquire the Crystal Claw of Veeshan and planar travel becomes possible. This specifically unlocked Plane of Sky for players as well.
[The Hole]
I forget most of what happened here
[The Plague in the Karanas - Prime Healers Bulwark]
Cult of Bertoxxulous spread a plague in the Karanas, a bunch of players stopped them.
With Kunark there was a more direct plot line, specifically agents of Venril Sathir had kidnapped Firiona Vie and players were searching for her. Somehow during this process she ended up in Veeshan's Peak which provides the impetus for players to gain access and clear the place out, thus rescuing her.
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