Everquest - Phinigel server


I won't name names but 4 hour sky raid to get to Spiroc Lord, dotting mezzed mobs and killing guardian before Lord and some asshat bound me in Freeport. (open world sky raid)

3 hours in and I left, wasted my whole night for what? Nobody needed anything except a druid mask.


Lord of Guk
I won't name names but 4 hour sky raid to get to Spiroc Lord, dotting mezzed mobs and killing guardian before Lord and some asshat bound me in Freeport. (open world sky raid)

3 hours in and I left, wasted my whole night for what? Nobody needed anything except a druid mask.
Sounds legit.


On a good note I picked up Malo last night and have every spell now except avatar which is whatever, won't go out of my way to get it.

Only thing left is still my epic, nobody seems to want to do fear.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I won't name names but 4 hour sky raid to get to Spiroc Lord, dotting mezzed mobs and killing guardian before Lord and some asshat bound me in Freeport. (open world sky raid)

3 hours in and I left, wasted my whole night for what? Nobody needed anything except a druid mask.
So crazy hearing from our recruits and even posts like this that people take hours to raid. The first comment when people app us is usually wtf, we just did Trak in 15 minutes or VP in 40 minutes with 30 people and my old guild took hours. It boggles me people think AoS raids 24/7, I don't think the general public realizes how little time we spend overall actually raiding.

@Porkchop nothing raid wise resets, all spawn timers are persistent currently whether the server is up or down.


So crazy hearing from our recruits and even posts like this that people take hours to raid. The first comment when people app us is usually wtf, we just did Trak in 15 minutes or VP in 40 minutes with 30 people and my old guild took hours. It boggles me people think AoS raids 24/7, I don't think the general public realizes how little time we spend overall actually raiding.

@Porkchop nothing raid wise resets, all spawn timers are persistent currently whether the server is up or down.
Sign me up


Molten Core Raider
So crazy hearing from our recruits and even posts like this that people take hours to raid. The first comment when people app us is usually wtf, we just did Trak in 15 minutes or VP in 40 minutes with 30 people and my old guild took hours. It boggles me people think AoS raids 24/7, I don't think the general public realizes how little time we spend overall actually raiding.
Believe me, i'm on the other side of the coin now, i know the pain. But the bottom line is, we take efficient raiding for granted. People knowing their class, and all the classes, and the content isn't a common theme. People are generally lazy and clueless.

porkchop sandwiches

Potato del Grande
@Porkchop nothing raid wise resets, all spawn timers are persistent currently whether the server is up or down.
That's what I expected too (and behavior that I've witnessed before), but we camped an 8 hour window yesterday (with a static 2 day timer which had elapsed) and it never showed - still hasn't. DBG's server reset seems to have reset the static spawn time :/


Blackwing Lair Raider
Oh if its not raids its a crap toss Pork, like for example epic mobs and quest mobs that have day long windows +. Depends on the mob really, if its a raid MoM mob it is never effected by the server being up or down (Trak, VP, Naggy, Vox, Inny etc)


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Never raided VP, but you can clear it in 40minutes?
Current VP has almost no trash to clear (all the wurms are up in one avoidable spot) - I'd believe it's possible since it's only probably about 1-2 min per fight once you've got everyone familiar and optimized groups/plenty of bards.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Wurms are bugged on TLPs, there is no Wurms respawning every 2 minutes all over the entire zone which made VP at least 5x worse to do. This isn't anything close to the VP you know from Live or even P99 without the wurms.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yep, all of the wurms are bugged out and taking a lava bath in the NW corner of the zone. (Dozens of them just pathing in circles in the lava)

Clearly, no one has complained about this for a fix. lol


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yep, all of the wurms are bugged out and taking a lava bath in the NW corner of the zone. (Dozens of them just pathing in circles in the lava)

Clearly, no one has complained about this for a fix. lol
One of our rogues learned the hard way that when it's spawning the DZ version of the zone it apparently spawns them all at the zonein for a second or two before moving them to their hangout spot near Nexona or whatever it is. Was spamming ready to get in ASAP and got owned by all the wurms at once.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Go app.

Work has been killing my RA but I know I can eventually jump back in when time permits with the homies. Also we got a guy named Xythil who drives a lambo.
Bro you can maintain 30% on accident, don't sweat your RA round these parts. Our entire guild on purpose pumps the brakes after the initial month, were going to remove some of the stuff we even do from our current raiding plate to ease into Velious just like we did in classic.