Everquest - Phinigel server


Bro you can maintain 30% on accident, don't sweat your RA round these parts. Our entire guild on purpose pumps the brakes after the initial month, were going to remove some of the stuff we even do from our current raiding plate to ease into Velious just like we did in classic.
Also its worth joining to hear your delightful classics in TeamSpeak such as this elegant melody:



Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
Krassus going to black ball me from AoS? If not, I might app too. Kinda tired of doing the 1hr+ Traks etc.


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
Eh, well maybe 45 minutes or so. Either way, the raids just go too slow. Has to be 40min +, cause I always need to refresh buffs before pull (shm buffs etc).

Dunno if the AoS raid schedule would work for me tho, I was going to join in week 1 or 2, and I remember the schedule being something I wouldnt be able to do then.

Maybe if there is a casual / beta raid going on the weekends.


Blackwing Lair Raider
We basically raid 3x a week for 1 hour for scheduled shit (including popping picks for goblins / epics). The open world stuff is pretty scheduled also since their repop is so predictable. Anyone can apply I wouldn't blacklist anyone, our recruitment process is there for a reason and most people are completely different in TeamSpeak / in game than they are on forums.

Were just mainly making sure a) people know how to play a 17 year old game, b) are they fun to be around for extended periods of time for the most part


Golden Knight of the Realm
Catch 22 with raiding feels like either everything is stupidly slow or you just murder everything and wonder why you bothered showing up.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Catch 22 with raiding feels like either everything is stupidly slow or you just murder everything and wonder why you bothered showing up.
You have to find a reason to raid other than loot. I enjoy playing with friends personally and doing stuff outside of raids with small crews like classic raids. I know as far as time invested I don't have the patience anymore to spend hours clearing raids in a 17 year old game a drunken toddler can play.


The most fun I've had was helping others do Epics n shit. Lootz are nice but in the grand scheme of things it's the journey.


<Bronze Donator>
If you show up and perform you get in. There were many people that members didnt want joining that did anyway because they performed. And what journey? That guild isnt a family guild, its a bunch of strangers/cliques competing for open spawns. How many times have you seen someone complain about someone then turn around and see that person reply in guild "im in your guild dude!" I saw it more than enough lol.

dat 1 hr trak lol wtf even some of the instanced guild are doing split raid traks, kunark isnt hard


<Bronze Donator>
Being kicked doesnt mean I had no friends, still have plenty in there. As I said I was told I can come back to raid, just dont have the time currently. I joined resolute, I like it, two nights a week and gets everything done, even then raiding for 4 hours straight is draining on me

I still talk to my efreeti pals too!

I had 40-50% raiding on ragefire, just didnt feel like that attendance was good enough to get ahead on gear. Was just so many people in the guild with higher attendance it seemed pointless to be at 40-50% in such an active raiding guild. Seems like it would be the same now, thats why I say I dont have the time.


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
We basically raid 3x a week for 1 hour for scheduled shit
What days?

I forgot to mention, and maybe I am missing something obvious, but we have NEVER used a CH rotation, and only last week started using group heals (until then, all the clerics were in 1 group, seems like a bad way to do Trak / Gore? . . . ). I dunno, its been years since I was in a leadership spot in EQ, and then it was on an EMU so maybe this is different but it just seems fucked up.


TLP Idealist
The long ass raid times must be a lack of confidence. Guilds just aren't sure enough, go over roles and strategies every time and then do loot slowly.


<Bronze Donator>
Man these krono pushers are doing it good. Krono seemed steady few weeks ago, like maybe up 500 per week, but now its going up 1k-1.5k a week, literally bought krono FAST at 6500 2 days ago now I cant even WTB them at 6500 for hours, meanwhile the random level 1's are saying WTS 7k and now I see level 50s selling for 7.1k, lmao. Glad I dont sit on plat long

They need to practice CH rots before if they havent done them, make them setup social hotkeys to cast, pause and announce NEXT <PERSON> GO


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If you have enough bards, spread your clerics out, if not you need multiples in a single group for MR resists for Dragon fear on Gore, Sev, and Talendor.

For Trak and all of VP, clerics should never be in the AE whatsoever to worry about. If your clerics are eating AE, you're doing it wrong.

We spread our clerics on Trak because a single cast of the high level group heal which cures all group members towards the end of the fight.


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
Yeah, that was my thought, and what we had done for fucking DECADES. But for some reason, this guild just spams sup heal and builds the groups like some kinda retard mashup for dragons.

What days are the AoS raids?


Lord Nagafen Raider
If you have enough bards, spread your clerics out, if not you need multiples in a single group for MR resists for Dragon fear on Gore, Sev, and Talendor.

For Trak and all of VP, clerics should never be in the AE whatsoever to worry about. If your clerics are eating AE, you're doing it wrong.

We spread our clerics on Trak because a single cast of the high level group heal which cures all group members towards the end of the fight.
Haven't done VP here, but on P99 VP is an outdoor zone and AEs go through walls?