went to the steamdb out of curiosity to see how the game is doing before 2.0 and was surprised how fucking consistent it's been thru the years. Pulling about 20k for years is no small feat. And it being such a niche game to begin with.
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I gotta get this expansion once I'm done my latest rimworld binge
Still stuck on Gleba and I excel at producing spoilageIt is really good once you get past that hurdle that is Gleba.. I'm curios how screwed up the new Space Expansion stuff will be with the Spice planets... that is gonna be a headache I have a feeling.
The Foundry, Big Miners, and the Electromagnet Facilities are so OP.
But Aquilo is literally Seablock 2.0
Fucking Fulgora wtf
That was actually something I was wondering, would this apply to the other worlds or just Nauvis?
I always liked the idea of a ribbon world, simplifying defenses a little, problem is if you get fucked by your seed, you end up with some really painful creep clearing and no access to progress. Probably done w/ this one, no oil, and only 1 more small patch of iron revealed so far.
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