please deliver your summary.I had to catch up on s2 recap. Holy fuck so much happened in s2 I don't remember. I'll try and find time to watch this because I do think rezero has something to offer. S2 did have some great moments. Not as good as 1 but I wouldn't say it was a waste of time either.
The entirety of Ep 1 could have been an email it's that fucking pointless. Hey we were invited to this city. Lets walk around and explore... alright. 90% of this was pointless. The music player is annoying to me and I know the plot is going to have her be some super important person that is only useful because of reasons when they are obviously a homeless street peddler.Re zero is some convoluted shit where half the plot makes no fucking sense.
Also fuck Emilia, worthless fucking character.
Subaru is an annoying cuck.
Snag the manga. It's reasonably priced and pretty worth it.Uzumaki is some weird shit. Do I like it or hate it? Really no idea atm.
yea when i found out s2 had no rem, fuck you, don't waste my timeRe zero is some convoluted shit where half the plot makes no fucking sense.
Also fuck Emilia, worthless fucking character.
Subaru is an annoying cuck.
Ahem...Aight calling it now.
Dan da Dan is gonna be something special
If they do a good job sticking to the manga, Dandadan should be top tier.
Got fucking damn. This shit is as anime as anime gets. This might be the best episode 1 I've ever seen. It's not as bleak asAight calling it now.
Dan da Dan is gonna be something special
Yea Frieren has ruined fantasy anime for me tbh. Unless there's a humoristic twist or something else to it, but anime that takes itself seriously and offers nothing like Re:Zero can fuck right off.
It's episode one. I think its way too early to be making sweeping statements like that. I've seen plenty of anime become shit after a great start. But if you didn't have fun for ep1 I dunno what's wrong with you.Dan da Dan is kinda whatever. It's Kill La Kill, not Gurrenn Lagann
It's episode one. I think its way too early to be making sweeping statements like that. I've seen plenty of anime become shit after a great start. But if you didn't have fun for ep1 I dunno what's wrong with you.
Are you a democratic campaign manager? jesus. Complaining about anime being weird is just.... weird. Lots of anime is batshit insane, that's why I love the japs.It's my opinion of the show after 1 episode, yes. So?
It's weird for the sake of weird rather than a weird world with substance but...weird.
Literally Kill La Kill instead of Gurrenn Lagann.
Are you a democratic campaign manager? jesus.