Fallout 4


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
i bought a ps4 just to play this shit. needless to say, i'm not disappointed. i was worried it would be riddled with bugs, but i waited 4-5 days prior to buying the uncharted/free F4 bundle from bestbuy. too rich not to, too poor to outfit a $2000 rig to make it work with console commands. having a blast on ps4. no bugs thus far. the game is what i hoped for and more.

as much time as i spend looking at every shelf and every can of abraxo cleaner/bourbon/yum-yum deviled eggs, i wonder if i shouldn't have just started on survival mode. you can't drink the water, but you can always drink the bourbon (and get hooked).

20hours/1,500hours in. looking forward to it
On bugs, only one PS4 crash between the wife and I to date (that she just got before we called it a night) - at probably 50 hrs or so clocked each. Incredibly stable game. Only "bugs" have been the Corvega graphic glitch shown earlier and some wonky physics throwing bodies into unlootable spots a few times (but not to any legendaries so far, so who cares really).


Now that its been out for a few days- was anyone else disappointed that none of the muskets in the museum were real?

Also a couple of complaints-
1- Not having Preston Garvey with me when I met the imposter Preston Garvey. Dammit!
2- Not being able to loot those 2 nice clean toilets from the plane crash. My kingdom for a clean @&@^$# toilet!!! :p


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
So my "unlimited ammo capacity" double barreled shotgun is silly when upgraded. I created a g600 macro to repeatedly hit the fire button. It has a fire rate of 12.5 shells a second.

Reminds me when I played CStrike and the dual elites came out without a fire delay. Me and my clan all bound fire to our scroll wheel and ran around blitzing them (very ineffectively).


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I used to love spam dualies in CS:S ;p You rarely hit shit, but they made great covering fire type weapons


Pathetic Reaction Bot
Quick question about that fallout4maps.com. Is it just a bug that it shows a ton of stuff outside of the visible map? Or is there a lot of stuff outside of the border worth checking out? I know I found one place outside of the map in game, so I don't want to immediately dismiss it.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I wouldnt be surprised if the voice actor had a list of 500 names and then just went nuts at the end with the audio team.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
No, local leader is freaking manditory imo. Don't believe people who misuse the word viable.
It's really a minor convenience at best. It's only mandatory if you feel the burning need to build up every single settlement you get. Local Leader 2 is mainly just a source of caps, and if you're really desperate for caps then Scrounger (or Fortune Finder, if you just want the cash, but I believe the ammo from Scrounger is worth more than the raw caps from FF, especially since fusion cores are "ammo") does the job just fine without any extra SPECIAL investment. Frankly, I'm really not seeing what I need caps for anyway, and if I do ever need a shitload that's why I'm stockpiling purified water. The only other thing it gets you is the ability to build new crafting stations, which is only really needed if you insist on having a power armor rack for every suit of power armor you find.

Local Leader was kind of cool to take once, but I don't see myself ever putting it in a build again when I replay the game.

There is no level cap in this game, there is only one build just different journeys to 100%
Sure, if you want to grind XP for a thousand hours. There may not be a hard level cap but there is a finite amount of XP when playing the game the "normal" way. Most people will want to aim for a build that only gets to somewhere in the 50's.

That said, the only difference between my rifle and melee builds is a different starting SPECIAL, changing Rifleman to Big Leagues, Gun Nut to Blacksmith, Mister Sandman to Blitz, and dropping the excess baggage like Local Leader and Scrapper.

Quick question about that fallout4maps.com. Is it just a bug that it shows a ton of stuff outside of the visible map? Or is there a lot of stuff outside of the border worth checking out? I know I found one place outside of the map in game, so I don't want to immediately dismiss it.
If you mean the bottom left, I believe that stuff is real.


Avatar of War Slayer
Local leader 1 lets you set up supply lines, allowing every settlement have instant access to your workshop "stash". thats probably the main reason to get local leader.

First thing I do at any settlement is grab one person, send them back to sanc, as a supply line.
Gives me access to workshop mats.

Then build 2 or 3 turrets for defense.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Local leader 1 lets you set up supply lines, allowing every settlement have instant access to your workshop "stash". thats probably the main reason to get local leader.

First thing I do at any settlement is grab one person, send them back to sanc, as a supply line.
Gives me access to workshop mats.

Then build 2 or 3 turrets for defense.
I pretty much just leave them to fend for themselves. I'm not really into the whole building thing, especially with how clunky the tools are at the moment.


Vyemm Raider
Fair enough, LL1 is great for me becouse I enjoy building and it's a major quality of life perk. LL2 is meh unless you want to have a power suit building, which I do!


Lord Nagafen Raider
Fair enough, LL1 is great for me becouse I enjoy building and it's a major quality of life perk. LL2 is meh unless you want to have a power suit building, which I do!
My problem right now is I want to finally build now that I've found a suitable location, but I have no settlers I can put on supply routes to connect my shit from red rocket to the new place....I have 6,000lbs of materials

Edit: Built a radio beacon, slept for 24 hours...boom settler.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Anyone else seeing some pretty massive slowdowns the longer they play? (My savegame is now at 60+ hours, and the files are now more than 3x the size of what it was at the beginning.) Load times were ~5 seconds when I first started, and now it can take 20+ to fast travel. Even worse, it seems as though the game is swapping textures out of memory so often that switching weapons takes 5+ seconds before the gun renders. Happens 100% of the time after a load screen the first time I equip each gun, then randomly happens if I switch guns after being in an area for a while. It's gotten me killed about a dozen times now, and it's really starting to piss me off.

Haven't changed anything else, the game is on an extremely fast SSD, I have a 4GB GPU so VRAM should not be a problem, etc.


Jesus Christ the benevolent leader is a pain in the ass achievement to unlock. Less then 1% on PS4, Steam and Xbox have attained 100 happiness thus far in a large settlement.

Here is a great video for you other OCD guys.



Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I thought the main reason to get Leader 2 perk is because eventually you get stores that sell nice shit?

In terms of caps, that armor caravan guy was selling legendary armor for 14k caps ;p So there is a use for them lol


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
There's nothing strange or that can be fixed, it's just a function of how they do their save system.
I know all their games have savegame bloat, but not even being able to switch guns reliably is a new low even forGamebryoCreation engine.

I thought the main reason to get Leader 2 perk is because eventually you get stores that sell nice shit?

In terms of caps, that armor caravan guy was selling legendary armor for 14k caps ;p So there is a use for them lol
Only unique I've seen so far worth buying is Old Faithful. LL2 stores are pretty underwhelming for buying; they're good to sell shit (and massive amounts of water) to because you tax them. What all shops sell, aside from their unique items, is tiered by your character level, so maybe I'll change my mind as I get closer to level 50. Not counting on it though.