Fallout 4


I am obsessively exploring and picking up absolutely everything and I'm so far behind on the main story, lmao. But I'm still surprisingly having fun.


Toggle third/first person fixes it for me.


If I "misused" viable, explain how you can go through the game and progress with a singular focus on talking or charming/hacking/or animal handling your way to end game without branching into either melee or guns.

Last I checked I can't play a smooth talker to avoid the majority of fights, I can't raise a merc/animal/robo squad of doom.

Closest thing is avoid 3-5 fights, buff my companion + charm an enemy while I still have to do most of the killing.


<Silver Donator>
Can't embed because I'm on my phone, but here is a quick video on how to get past the settlement object limit.

Tl;dr - take junk out of workshop, drop on ground, scrap in builder mode. https://youtu.be/nnfI2Z1N0tU


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
No, local leader is freaking manditory imo. Don't believe people who misuse the word viable.

There is no level cap in this game, there is only one build just different journeys to 100%
LL is mandatory if you're building up your settlements and not worth it if you're not. Given the current game I'm completely ignoring the settlement mechanics. Maybe in a future playthrough after mods flesh out the game more I'll get LL and build them up. But probably not. If I wanted to get creative I'd play Minecraft, City Skylines or any other number of city building games.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I saw one of the early settlements, have a cow(brahian or w/e) in a pen and the builder lets you put troughs down. How do you go about "raising" those? In a sense i'm looking for a easier way to get leather, then having to loot all the armor that can be scrapped into leather. I thought maybe you could just raise those cow things to slaughter,since iirc the hide is 5 leather.

As for settlements, I can't help but be drawn into building them. Hard to skip it when its pretty fun and also provides lot of extra content. Though I do agree I wish the building portion was a lot more robust and less confined. Plus not sure if ignoring them removes chances at more quest from the settlers you drawn in(or maybe even companions).


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Probably be an entire DLC dedicated to expanding upon building settlement shit too.

If Bethesda skips that they dun goofed for sure.


Registered Hutt
I assume they intend to make $$ off of people making furniture for them. I'd like a mod that does elections, parties, etc. Seems like the commonwealth would be a good backdrop for political revival.


Avatar of War Slayer
So settlements have very limited world interaction then?
what kind of interactions?

settlements can be a source of food, water, caps.
they are a home base for managing gear, and upgrades.
can be raided by spies and overt raids.
gaining settlements involves questlines. you have to a quest for the owners to gain control of one.


Is there a reason to not equip every settler with gear? I noticed when I gave more settlers armor + weapons/ammo and put down a new defense wall, one automatically went to it without me having to assign it which was kind of nice.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Having one base is cool and useful for a variety of reasons.

Recruiting all the other settlements, well it's xp and a boost to the "like" meter on some companions, and hell, you know you were going to kill those raiders or whatever anyway. Actually building them up though? What's the point?

Not that it's that difficult anyway, even without LL1. Just roll in with enough mats to cover (10+Base CH) settlers for food--use carrots especially for the shitty ones with no room to plant--water, and beds. If there's a convenient central area, slap down a few turrets on a high point to help with invasions; the heavy ones are the best bang for the buck, so to speak. Build that scavenging bookshelf thing that increases the random junk they produce and assign someone to that as well, so at least they might sort of pay you back for the effort. 1 settler on that, 3 max on food, and you're all set. Not really sure what the rest do. I guess you can build guard posts and increase defense to deter invasions that way if you really want to.

The biggest thing I'll miss when I play a character that doesn't have 6 CH is having it be so easy to do all my dialogue at 10 CH. I'm pretty sure it's impossible to fail a persuasion check as well as being a decent boost for bartering.

Is there a reason to not equip every settler with gear? I noticed when I gave more settlers armor + weapons/ammo and put down a new defense wall, one automatically went to it without me having to assign it which was kind of nice.
No, if you don't mind the hassle of collecting equipment and gearing them all up, go for it. For extra fun, give them each 1 nuka grenade. Any NPC with even a single explosive in their inventory has an infinite supply in combat. Get revenge for all those times some raider threw molotovs at you over and over. They have infinite ammo too, as long as you give them one bullet of the correct type, so you can have fun with all the miniguns and shit you've been hoarding for a rainy day. Random settler with a fat man--what could possibly go wrong?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
So settlements have very limited world interaction then?
I'd say they have a pretty well integrated world reaction, it's just a question of what kind of game are you playing. Me? I play this game to explore the ruined wasteland, fighting badass dudes, uncovering secrets and building up a monster of a character. The settlements do not and should not really impact that.

I think the best you could hope is that through the settlement system you impact the lives of civilians both inside and outside your settlements and create pockets of good living in the map. I really don't see that being fulfilled either. Even the people spending the entire weekend building up a settlement still end up with a big lop of shit village. I think the mod that will make me care about settlements is the one that allows us to recreate pre-war neighborhoods, vegetation and eventually a civilization. That'd be something.


Avatar of War Slayer
pre-war might be a bit much. but some walls/roofs without holes in them would be nice.

also, there are multiple stone quarrys in game, why is there no stone/brick construction work?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I want to get a settlement right in the middle of constant bad guys(as I don't know the range of the artillery peices), then build a bunch of artillery pieces just to rain destruction down on them over and over :p


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
So I got a quest to go clear the super duper mart I did some experimentation with (where I ran through it 10+ times and found I got 3 legendary mobs nearly every time). I repeated it several times and have a few observations.

1. It seems like the random quests
In this case,
the BoS Knight Rhys asking me to clear locations
don't have as good of knowledge of where you've been as Skyrim did (where many quests would direct you to a nearby location where you've never been). To me this is a big deficiency as that was a very good feature of skyrim.

2. In 4 tests I saw 1 legendary each time. Maybe that was hardcoded because of the quest, maybe it's a variable locked to your level (Such that you get fewer legendaries when you out level an area?) maybe it's something entirely else.

3. In only 1 out of four of the runs were the ghouls properly positioned (Ex: where they crawl out the windows) this was really weird.

4. In all the tests there was a static spawn that wasn't there before, likely due to the quest.


<Silver Donator>
Spoilered just because it's an exploit (well known, I think. No storyline spoilers.)
I'm going to make a 2nd character and max his special stats with the "you're special"/ dogmeat exploit, which can be done at the start of the game. I'm assuming they'll patch it before too long, but I like the idea of a 10 to all stats character on my 2nd run. More of an issue for ps4/xb1 players since we can't do console commands


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
If you're on PC, just use the console commands to give yourself whatever SPECIAL stats you want.