I hate how every zombie series is set in a world that doesn't have zombie fantasy. "It's so weird that people come back after they die and are violent and try to bite other people. I wish there was a word to describe this!"
It wouldn't be so bad if everything else about the setting wasn't exactly our reality/history... except for the complete lack of zombie knowledge...
Yes, doing this did not hurt "The Strain" one bit.
Which clearly is the superior show right now.
This show has the same issue that TWD has, Logic holes so big you could fly an airplane through and a pace that makes time seem stand still. Loser cleans up the board on Monopoly and everyone laughs while playing? These writers have never played Monopoly with people who don't really like each other. We all know how that works out, and the loser certainly won't clean up the board. Who the fuck even plays that game in 2015?
Correct me if I'm wrong and this is just a thing people do in CA, but why the fuck would an English teacher have some huge ass pickup truck for a vehicle? Is he compensating for something? And why can't he drive it? Oh let's reverse through a 200m unlit tunnel, no need to turn around there and use the headlights. And why is the windshield cracked? Did HE run over junkie asshole? Man, that would be a twist.
There's currently not a single likable character on the show, except maybe Ofelia, but that could just be the case because she hardly got as much screen time as the zombies so far.
Barber from El Salvador is not badass enough to overcome the stereotyping - he simply doesn't get enough zombies to kill, Daryl would suffer the same fate if he got 1 kill in 4 episodes, then he'd just have been that guy with Nazi insignia on his bike.
Junkie loser is exactly that. Hope he simply disappears now.
The only thing I like is how they completely surprised me when instead of everything going to shit, the military shows up and turns their surburb into a safe zone. Which of course means that the last two episodes will be about that safe zone slowly, very, very slowly collapsing and people shouting at other people over the most insignificant things, and when the shit really hits the fan the Season is over. Which isn't even the worst case scenario. Worst case scenario is two more episodes of nothing in S01, FTWD S02 then being the same as TWD S02 (the farm). Relative safety for an entire season, and at the end they have to leave anyways.
And yes, as little as I think of your military, I don't see them going Babi Yar on their own population, which clearly was implied when blonde went out