I can solo Elite with my 1 Noctis and 5 useless carries with the following:
Carry1: Golem --> Provoke (to soak a random hit or two)
Carry2: Diabolos --> Dualcasted Imperil + Deprotect -- Also has Ribbon in case boss does statuses, so he can item cure Noctis.
Carry3: Shiva --> Magic Break (esper skill)
Carry4: Siren --> Attack Song (esper skill)
Noctis: Ifrit --> Warp Break twice (945'ish ATK)
Friend: Nothing (or whatever random damage spell if it's a leveled synergy unit)
With the above setup, first round my Noctis warp break brings the boss to around 40% health, then he does his attacks. He usually fully wipes everyone except my Noctis, with most of the single hits going to the carry who taunted (taking one for the team). If boss did status aoe, my ribbon'ed carry unit will cure Noctis. On turn 2 a second warp break finishes the fight.
I'm feeling the power creep, and even though I can solo this event with 1 unit, it's getting harder than past events. I wonder how much longer until I can't do 1 unit solos + 5 carries on mog events.