Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius


Trakanon Raider
Decided to finally sit down and deal with the raid summons I've been building up. Almost 400,000 coins later...


Think I'm going to have to just vendor a ton of cactuars. Feels bad man.


Mr. Poopybutthole
pfft i get along just fine with 300 unit slots. you crazy

single most annoying thing for me right now is 40 unit slots being locked up by fryevia and reberta mogs.


Golden Squire
I did the same and raid summoned a bunch. Leveled Amelia to max along with some random others. Looking forward to the anniversary banner so i can hopefully get some more units to level. Need more Sacred Cystals though.


God is dead
Finished the stupid story shit sans the kill with Esper. Farming myself some Elemental tier so I can just get the EVO + 10%. Will need it later anyhow to ease the stupid kill with Esper requirements.

Still need to do the new Trial...


Trakanon Raider
Finished the stupid story shit sans the kill with Esper. Farming myself some Elemental tier so I can just get the EVO + 10%. Will need it later anyhow to ease the stupid kill with Esper requirements.

Something I've been doing with these goofy requirements like kill with an esper or limit burst is give someone with Entrust the Ignorance TM (from Jack), and have someone with +esper gauge on your team (like Garnet). Then if you summon the esper and it doesn't finish off the boss, you can defend everyone while Jack's TM fills up the entruster's limit bar, then they can pass it to someone to try again, or to Garnet to fill the esper gauge without having to attack a boss.

Just be sure no one on your team has any counter-attacks.


Golden Squire
So, for the story mode farming, you have to run the whole area again right? So it is 100 NRG per farm run? I still have those to run. Killed chimera with Zyrus but his blood pulsar is not considered magic... it is an ability that does magic damage. Kind of stupid for a "kill with magic" mission. Star quartz x3, not sure if it is worth it for 95 NRG. But the completionist in me is screaming to get it done. Mog king farming gets you 10 for about the same NRG.

Also, has anyone noticed an increased drop rate fot Y'shtola. Ifrit raid I did not summon a single one from all my coins. So far i have seen 9 and I only used 2/3 of my coins. I am really kicking myself for selling 4 of her trust moogles. Papalymo seems to be the most rare for me. Only 1 of his TMR so far.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
actually it appears the drop rates are complete garbage, so i wouldn't bother farming them. drop rates get better and energy cost gets a little lower with later story events.


Golden Squire
I have not seen anything higher than T2 from a boss so far. I have one more area to clear and then it is back to TM farming I guess.


Trakanon Raider
So it seems the guy who makes the TM farming macros got himself banned from reddit, and he's been deleting all his posts in protest or whatever. If you use his TM farm macros, you may want to download the latest versions from his personal site before he possibly takes that down as well.

As for Yshtola droprate, I think it's just RNG. Last Ifrit raid I got 270% worth of Yshtola's TM from raid summons over two weeks, but after using a full week's worth of raid coins yesterday, I only ended up with 110% worth of Yshtola TM, which is worse than Ifrit raid. Just rng being rng I guess.


God is dead
Refreshed my way to the top 10 of the Arena standings. Honestly not that hard to do. Only took ~10 refreshes.


Trakanon Raider
Refreshed my way to the top 10 of the Arena standings. Honestly not that hard to do. Only took ~10 refreshes.


Figured I'd log in and try to face your team just for the hell of it, but wasn't offered as an opponent :(


Trakanon Raider
Devs put out a news video with some interesting stuff. Brave Frontier event is this week, with Tilith and Maxwell 6* upgrade, and they completely revamped Vargas to make him, in their words, "the best aoe dps available". Should be interesting to see how he's changed, because his JP version is garbage.

WoL 6* confirmed to be released this month too, but not this week. The next batch of enhancements are mostly meh, which really sucks. I guess Firion's enhancements are decent, but I probably won't use my materials on him. Why do they keep delaying Dark Cecil's enhancements... it's not like he's overpowered or anything, sigh.

They're announcing a ton of game feature updates (such as esper respec) this Wednesday at E3.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
You really should throw everything you have at getting Tilith, she's the best healer in the game until Ayaka comes out.


Trakanon Raider
This trial is the least fun thing I've ever tried. In using the Setzer strat and twice I've had him to 25% and went ten turns in a row of 1!s and 555's. Eventually things fall apart with 10,000 volts spam and I die.


Golden Squire
Is the next BF event a mog king farm? I could not find it in the JP update schedule; just the unit releases/updates. What about the Maxwell trial rerelease? I have not had time to watch the update video yet.
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Trakanon Raider
Yes it's a mog king event, and Maxwell trial is being re-released, but they didn't say if the trial has any changes or new missions, or if it's just the same thing reopened.

Have you tried a Fryevia friend on Ultros trial? She can deal heavy damage to both enemies, but then you have to work around the extra counter-attacks, so keep that in mind.