I'm waiting for a banner with good physical DPS. I've got all the best casters but my physical damage is Leo and Bartz. I did 11 for Lightning along with the daily welfare pulls to no avail.
Just bought all the quartz and tickets so I'm essentially done with this event now, aside from maybe farming up another 8k so that I have Exdeath pre-loaded for whenever his 6* happens.
Kind of torn on what to do now though. On one hand Pro would easily get me 8k auracite along with ~1.5 ranks a day, and L100 Lightning can solo it so I can just bring my Terra along for ~9500 unit xp per round. The alternative would be doing ADV explorations for the rest of the time, which might be good enough to let me finish off most/all my espers to L40 and would definitely let me craft my last Hero's Ring. Not sure if Lightning can autoattack her way to victory while carrying Terra for the xp though.
You mean the lag? It starts getting bad for me before I get through a full NRG bar (5x ELT) on my phone, but on Memu it's nowhere near as bad. Much better than Nox was, too.
And yeah, Lightning solos ADV explore with ease. Guess I'll do that for a while.
How soon can we expect Bartz and Firion 6*?
I'm definitely going for a Cecil during his event. I just pray it's not a shit rateup like Zidane. The Zidane banner had a 1.2% chance for Zidane, even though he's 3* base. Really shitty move by Gumi, especially considering Japan had a Zidane banner with 33% chance to summon him.