Good tip about stocking up on the 4* evo mats. I went ahead and bought 40 of each, since 15 mats per 18 energy is way better ratio than farming them for ~6 mats per 20 energy from the vortex.
I think I'm basically done with the candy farming. I've bought all of the discounted 6* mats, the mask, bag, cactuars, crystals, quartz, tickets, and all of the un-craftable consumables like elixirs and phoenix downs.
I'm skipping the knife (it's for new players, worthless to those of us who have 5+ better weapons), the moogles (they are worse ratio per energy than farming), and the limit burst pots. I'm still unsure about my decision to skip the pots though. It would take about 2 days worth of energy to farm them all, which could be better spent on 15-20% TM farming across my team. Maybe 3,000 LB exp is worth more than some TM? I'm not sure...