I never finished this, so I'm trying to on the PS5 Pro. Visuals are nice on a huge TV. That cooking / mushroom side quest? Seems like another buggy mini game. Pull the mushroom in order of it's range of motion! *TheyreAllTheSame.jpg
SE has went full DEI - they do not have anyone over there any longer that knows jack or shit about coding or optimization cross platform - just flat lazy ass ports.
Lets be real here. Almost nobody does much PC optimization nowadays, especially at launch. It's get it to mostly functional and ship it. Maybe fix things later if there's a big enough stink made that it costs them enough sales.
yeah I'm finishing my Mass Effect LE playthrough #4 million before I start this game. By then I expect my mod bros to have something to make all that chocobo sneak BS go away and auto win on that fucking card game.I'm going through this on my PS5 Pro and let me just say I hate 90% of the mini games in it. Some of them straight up don't work (Mushroom picking), and by the 4th Chocobo sneak one, I'll just go without a Chocobo in that area thanks.
Still worth it for the story anyway.
Max streaming it now, he switched VRR to V-sync in the menu to remove screen tearing on twitch. TAA, TAAU, and DLSS are the other options but the basic mods that Remake needed are already addressed.