Doesn't matter even if you have 2-gig fiber the download from Steam is still slow as balls.153GB if anyone is wondering and has slow internets.
feels like the artist devoted a tremendous amount of time towards getting her nipples just right in what is otherwise a fairly wholesome piece of artwork.
Weeb loli fetish.Rebirth models look rather skinny, were Remake ones that small in the arms and legs? Mods are starting to remove shoulderpads and other parts and there needs to be more meat on those bones
View attachment 571365
Rebirth models look rather skinny, were Remake ones that small in the arms and legs? Mods are starting to remove shoulderpads and other parts and there needs to be more meat on those bones
View attachment 571365
Rebirth is such an astronomical improvement over Remake, it's kinda nuts.
At this point Remake pretty much only functions as the "first quarter of Rebirth", an intro to play before the rest of the game.
I tried replaying Remake right before Rebirth launched, and kinda tapped out around 70% of the way through it. There just isn't much there. There are a lot of things in Midgar that were better left to the imagination with the original game.
Have more Aerith:
View attachment 571680
Rebirth is such an astronomical improvement over Remake, it's kinda nuts.
At this point Remake pretty much only functions as the "first quarter of Rebirth", an intro to play before the rest of the game.
I tried replaying Remake right before Rebirth launched, and kinda tapped out around 70% of the way through it. There just isn't much there. There are a lot of things in Midgar that were better left to the imagination with the original game.
Have more Aerith:
View attachment 571680
I'm nearing the end of chap 10 with 100% of all zones to this point and Rebirth is probably ranking as my second least favorite of newer generation FF with FFXV taking that crown.
Game so far has been 90% copypasta mechanics/quests and like 10% substance. Needing to go through the overly long animations on the buggy is terrible and dumb when it's literally tiny piles of sticks in the water blocking you. Gongaga is also terrible to navigate the first time through if you want to complete the zone fully. Still waiting on story payoff, but I'm not overly vested at this point and it just seems needlessly convoluted. Lots of power scaling issues throughout the game with the main cast characters and interactions with NPCs (Hi Corel Prison).
Combat is slightly better than Remake (especially air combat), but also less interesting with synergies and how easy it is to stagger. Itemizer is pretty good to keep geared up, but makes discovery or farming items pointless. Queens Blood/Chocobo Racing are solid, but the rest of the minigame systems are more tedious than fun. I doubt I'm going to bother replaying on hard mode (the challenge won't be there with how combat changed and the lack of need to manage MP) and Remake had great replay value in that aspect. Yuffie pretty dank though. I almost want to use her more than Tifa.