Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

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Trakanon Raider
Yoship touched on Sam too. He seemed quite conflicted. Apparently crit scales too well for them now, so later in the patch cycle it’s probably gonna be nutty once the substats catch up. We shall see. I’ll see if I can paste the thoughts in later. It’s quite long tho.
On NIN and SAM 忍者ですけど、デカいのは…だまし討ち。これを120サイクルにしたか。ただ…ぶんどるにそれを分けて…まぁそれはここも散々議論したんですけど、出来る限り…ちょっと位置が変わるんですけど、それによってただ効果時間を延ばしてあるので、PTDPSとしてはこれまでよりも効果時間分長くなってます。 On NIN though, the biggest will be...Trick Attack. We made it....conforming to 120 second cycle. Just...we split it and put it on Mug...well we did indeed have a huge discussion on that, and....for what we could we changed the position....and due to that we extend the effect timing so when it comes to PTDPS the effect duration lasts far longer than before. で…あとは開幕側の土遁に関しては非常に手間だろうというので、無くしました。あれも望め…防御力もぶんどるというので…うん… Well what next would be Doton during the opener, we thought that it's more trouble than its worth so we adjusted to eliminate the trouble so we thought this is wha...well, you could say Mug is also a part of defense*... * - This line can be muddy and unclear so if anyone has a better Japanese line please message me and I'll have it changed. (The following would be YoshiP looking at stream chat that got flared up voicing their dissatisfaction on NIN changes and YoshiP eyed it very hard throughout replying to them) うん、悩むんだよな毎回…やるべきか、そのままにするべきか… Hmmm....this really troubles me every do it, or to just leave it like that....

まぁ、それで言うと、侍に関しても…うんんんんんん…そうね…手間じゃないって言われてしまえば手に馴染んでればそうだと思うんだけどな…悩ましいな…うん…変えないことのほうは楽ではあるけどな…どうすれば…悩ましいな…あれもこと避けて通れないんなよなそのいろんなコメントがあって拝見してるんですけど…うんんん…変えるのはいいのか…まあその人手間が好きだったっていうひとがいるのは分かりやすい。長年で親しんでいるからね… Well, if we put it this way, Samurai too...ummmmmmmmm...yeah, people who say that it wasn't a trouble at all must be really used to the job by now, I think...oh dear, this is really troubling...hmm...I do think it's easier to not change it at what do I...oh well this is troubling...I know I won't get away by avoiding this so I do look at various comments here and, hmmmmm....whether it's okay to change...well to the person who like that kind of troublesome at hand is easy to read I suppose. I mean, they've been really fond of the job for quite a while now... しかしそうなると何も変えられなくなるし、これ以上立て直ししていくとまた複雑体験になっていくんだけどな… But if we continue this then we won't be able to change anything and if we pick up and rebuild again it'll cause more complicated experience than it's worth... 担当者の説明を求めるというコメントも結構あるんですけど、担当者が出てきて言うったとしても僕と同じことを言うだけです。ちなみに、僕担当者と議論した上で、リスクも全部話して、それでもプレイヤー皆さんの将来のために変えたほうがいいよなというふうに僕自身が判断してサインが出していくんので、これは僕の責任なので…多分何を話しをしたとしても納得するかしないかという言論しかならないと思うんですよね… I saw comments asking for the person responsible to come out and explain themselves, but even if they come out I doubt that they will say anything different than what I did. By the way, the adjustments you see here are the result of me debating with the person who worked on it, along with discussing the risks it come with, and in the end, decided and then signed on it after knowing and acknowledging that performing such changes are for the sake of the playerbase. So this is definitely my probably no matter how much I say here it will just be an speech where people either be convinced or not so... (edited)

まぁ、バァーってなるなら僕も変えたくないっていう考えも当然ある…ですけど…そうだね侍に関してもやっぱりクリティカル確定にするとものすごく跳ねてたジョブなので跳ねがなくなるという部分が分かるんですよね…で後回天に縛られているというところもやっぱり無くしてあげたかったというところがあってやっぱりサブステータスってパッチが進むと影響力が大きくなっていて想定以上の跳ね方をしたり、逆にパッチナンバーが少ないと跳ねないので…うんんん…やっぱり強い弱いというところがクリティカルが出たか出なかったかということに依存しすぎていて、強い弱いの話に…そうなんですよね、そこが勿論侍の楽しいところなのにって分かってはいます。って、あまりにも今回…まぁ特定のアクションにDPSの占める割合が寄りすぎてたので、ウェポンスキル側にすこし値を逃がして、ただウェポンスキルを強化するだけだと低レベル帯が強くなりすぎちゃうので、その値も調整した上で…これね、リストの下の方に特性が追加しているんです。なので…はい、そこの割合はちょっと今回調整させていただいています。 Of course there are times where I thought of just flip the table and not change anything...but still...yeah on SAM's guaranteed critical, having that will make SAM's performance jump really high but there are also parts where SAM doesn't see drastic jump as they should...and on Kaiten getting removed we did that because we want to do away having to be restricted by that move, and as for its sub stats, the influence of those stats as the patch moves on will become bigger and bigger and it'll jump the job's performance really high, more so than expected and in reverse the numbers on lesser patch will see the job not jumping as high as the job should....hmmmm...Indeed, it is true that the job's strength and weakness will depend on whether the job's amount of critical dealt and I agree the job relied on that aspect too much, and as for the strength and weakness...yeah that's what it is. I of course do understand that this is part of the fun for the job....and, as for this time, we saw specific actions determined the the composition of DPS and perhaps it leaned way too much so we let some of the weapon skill value loose and we know that if we just increase the potency of weapon skill it'll result in those skills at lower level being too strong, so we adjusted on those values as well by... please refer to the new traits added to SAM located below. So...yeah, this is the adjustments for the job we made for this patch.

で、あとクリティカルのシナジーもちとの相性が…ってのはもちろん分かっていて、そこはでもそもそも14全体の問題かなとなってきているので、そもそもそれ自体変えたほうがいいんじゃないかって話も出ているんので、ただ何もかもすべて同時にってわけにはいかないのでちょっと今回はそうさせていただけると助かります。僕らも調整してクリティカルが出る出ないで物凄くブレるから調整しづらいってところもあって…なのでちょっとそこら辺の当然気にした上で調整掛けて行ってますので申し訳ないんですがまず触ってみて頂けると大変助かります。  And then, I am also well aware of how the critical synergy works well with jobs...and I'm definitely aware, but this is also the overall problem of FFXIV itself, and there are discussions where we should have change that itself to begin with. But we can't be doing everything simultaneously at once so please understand that we want to tackle on that gradually. We do experience cases where it's hard to adjust when a skill with and without critical can cause such a huge disparity...and so we performed this adjustment precisely we care about that so I apologize but I'd like you to please give it a try first. (long pause) でもね、今後の調整の………変える変えないのポイントが難しいな… But still...on adjustment in the future............ it's really hard to decide what should and shouldn't change.... (long pause) (edited)

「まぁ、こういう場で悩まなくてもいいじゃんパッチの朗読会なんだから」という声もねぇ…あるんだけどねぇ…やっぱり調整中の状態を途中で話すわけにはいかないのでどうしても確定数字だとギリギリまで触ってるので、ここでじゃないと出せないからなんだよね。もう項目がもう全部触ってからにしてくれぇ!というのもあれだしね…もうただ今回はちょっと…うんんん…さぁ、プレイしてみて、やっぱここまで変えないでくれていうところは大きければ今後の趣旨にもさせてもらうので是非フードバック頂いてもいいんですか? (asking the stream viewers) すみません… I do receive comments saying "Well you don't have to go your way to get troubled with this issue, since this is just a Patch Notes Reading stream", and...yeah it's there but I do have to explain on the adjustments we made halfway and we touched upon making sure the definite number is adjusted to what we wanted, I mean if we didn't we definitely can't release them, since there's also part where we have to touch upon everything to make sure....but still this time it's just...hmmmmm...well, just give it a try and if there are large voices saying not to change this or that part to that extent then that's the direction we're taking for future adjustments so is it fine for you to submit your feedback to us? ....I'm sorry. (edited)

On AST, DRG, and Closing Note ただ僕らが考えてやるよという考えが必ずしも面白い、よいとばっかりじゃないと思うので…そうだね…どうしてもね今回占星術に関しても沢山フィードバックを頂いているので手を大きく入れたいていうところはあったんですけど… とは言え、入れすぎても議論しないままってわけにはいかなかったのでその竜騎士と共に6.2にさせてもらっているんで…一旦ジョブに関してはぜひ各ジョブ触って…「やりすぎだぁ」「やりすぎでない」というところをちょっといただけると大変助かります。  However I do understand that having the mindset of us doing the whole thinking isn't necessarily an interesting thing, nor it's all a good thing as well....yeah...I mean we really got a lot of feedback for AST this time round so we do think of giving the job some major adjustments....even so....we can't just put too much adjustments without going through discussions on whether the changes are valid or not, and we're doing the same for DRG coming patch I'd like you all to play on the jobs for a bit, and tell us whether we went too far or not, and I'll appreciate if you can honestly tell us so.

Closing Note That Touched Upon Job Balance もうジョブの件は触れなくてもいいよという方もいるかなと思うんですけど、今日はすみませんちょっと僕も言い淀みが結構あってですね、調整不足のところはちょっとまぁ、判断にすごく迷うところも多かったので…ただ基本的にそうじゃないだろうとおしゃる方いるかもしれないんですけど、基本的にはすべてプレイヤーのみなさんはとにかくこの先も長く楽しめるように、できるだけ多くの人がそれを楽しめるようにっていう前提で調整とか、改修とかというのを行わせてもらってます。 I am sure that there are people who think I shouldn't be touching on job balances anymore but I would like to apologize because I do hesitate a lot halfway during that segment, and the lack of proper adjustments were...well, there are many cases where it's due to my hesitation in judgement...but basically while there might be people who this isn't the case, I would like all players to know that we perform adjustments and improvements with the premise that every player can enjoy them not only on the short term but also on the long term. (edited)

ただ、もちろん意見として、何でも平均化することが正しいわけじゃないだろうとか、「唯一特性とか工夫する余地だったものを必死すぎなんだよお前ら」みたいなところってのは、お声はちゃんと見てはいます。で、やっぱりギリギリ線を突きたい、分かっているひとにはもしくは馴染んでいるひとにとっては変えなくいいのに、余計な事をするなっていうのも重々分かってはいるんですけど、この先は更に拡張を続けてそれぞれのジョブをできるだけ新しいアクションを実装して、個性をちゃんと維持しようと思った時に、昔作ったそのいびつな部分が実は結構工夫な余地に繋がってしまってるんですけど、今調整しておかないと積み上げっていけなくなるという部分もあって舵を切っている状態もあります。 However, as for opinions, Of course we do and indeed read those properly, including those that think it's not right to over standardise jobs or comments like "you overdid yourself when it comes to our only trait or the optimization elements we have". We do indeed want to push it for as much as we could, and we are very well aware of people who understand this, as well as people who are already used to what they have now and people who told us not to do anything unnecessary. We really get that but in order for the expansion to continue and for each jobs to continue getting new actions, and whenever we think of trying to maintain the individual characteristics of each job, we found out that this "optimization" is quite tied and connected to the irregular element that was created in the past, and if we don't work to address this we can no longer build upon the existing elements and improve things further, and it'll land us in a situation where we can no longer steer ourselves forward. (edited)

ただ、今回やっぱりそこまで望んではいないと、そういうところも勿論あるので今回の…例えば忍者だったり、侍だったり…ってまぁ侍のクリティカルに関してはお話もしたんですけど、とにかく確率って跳ねすぎていて僕らも本当にバランスを調整を苦慮しているので、ちょっとそこはある程度ちょっと幅を縮めさせていただいたほうが結果的には侍のバランス調整のためにはなると思っていることなのでご理解いただけると助かります。フィードバックを是非お寄せいただいて、「やっぱ個性消しすぎるんだよ」とお声が多ければ本当このあとジョッブ調整とかジョッブ改修とかに役立てていこうと思いますので、是非ですね…あの…まぁ勿論慣れ親しんだものがガラッと変わったり無くなったりすると、寂しくてちょっと怒鳴りが強くなる時があるってのは重々承知しているのでそこまでそこに目くじらに立てようとは思わないんですけど、ここぐらいまでにして欲しかったとか、ここがやっぱり触ってみたけどこっちが良かったみたいなのが頂けると本当にそれをまた参考にさせてもらえつつ、どこまでの線を切り込んでいくかという参考をさせていただければと思いますので…繰り返しですが、僕らがやっていることは全てプレイヤーの皆さんに楽しんで頂けるためにやっていることではあるので、その点だけご理解頂けると大変助かります。(以下省略) Still, I of course do acknowledge that there are parts where people did not ask for, like Ninja or Samurai..and regarding Samurai's guaranteed Critical, we indeed struggled a lot on the balance adjustments due to the strong ratio fluctuation here, and we really attempted to close the variance gap for as much as we could, and we know this is done for the sake of job balance so I really appreciate if you can understand what we're trying to achieve here. You can send us feedback from there and if the voices of how a job's identity has been taken away too much then these comments will act as a reference to the direction of job balance and improvements we'll be performing in the future. So please, if you do think it matters to you, do send us a feedback regarding the matter.

Well, of course I am very well aware and understand that players will feel lonely and their displeasure will get really big when certain elements of the job they played and got used to for quite a long while now gets changed or removed, so it's not like we're purposely looking away these comments with disapproval or something, but it'll definitely be much appreciated if you can tell us which part you want us to retain or tell us more on which aspects are more favorable to you after touching on the adjustments so that we can take your comment as reference, and from there we'll know where to draw the line. I'll repeat myself that we really did all these adjustments for the sake of player's enjoyment here so I'll be thankful if you all can understand this. (The rest omitted)


Potato del Grande
Not got to the end of the MSQ yet but looks like the mid expansion trial series (equivalent to the Weapons in Shadowbringers) will be Golbez and the Four Fiends?

Also did Endsinger Ultimate and got to about 70% when there's rings around heads that spin???
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Trakanon Raider
New Prae makes me sad for the past. I should have taken better notes as to the xp pre and post. Got 2 mil at level 77, but its definitely fast, and the bosses aren't 100% faceroll now. Just like 80%.


Trakanon Raider
Liking the new adventure plates
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Potato del Grande
Wanderer's Minuet for bard is fucked up since the patch. Keeps switching icons and can't activate/attack with it half the time and gotta spam the button.


Trakanon Raider
3? What do you mean by 3?

Golbez , zeno 2.0(sense we didn't get a name just a couple lines of dialogue), and the raids are the 12 >.< 3 way fuck fest it's gonna be crazy... But Tellah ? maybe hopefully..

Wanderer's Minuet for bard is fucked up since the patch. Keeps switching icons and can't activate/attack with it half the time and gotta spam the button.

Was having the same issue with Thundercloud on my black mage, it would trigger the additional effect but would act like it didn't pick up that it should have been a free cast(probably why there hot fixing right now..)


Potato del Grande
Anyone beaten Endsinger Ultimate yet?

Just done my 2nd hour of prog and got to the enrage, so just an execution/DPS check now.

All this calculating trajectories and remembering what happened for when time rewinds is exhausting but it's pretty inventive.