Slightly off topic but finished up painting this 3d Y’shtola. View attachment 407049
GotWas the mini sold somewhere or a 3d print?
Either way, she looks great! And that’s def my favorite outfit on her.
MSQ duty is gonna be so weird now. Looks like it'll still be a truckload of poetics. Can't imagine the xp will hold up, but should be zippy. Conflicted.Prelim patch notes, lots of QoL stuff
Patch 6.1 Notes (Preliminary) | FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone
Patch 6.1 Notes (Preliminary)
MSQ duty is gonna be so weird now. Looks like it'll still be a truckload of poetics. Can't imagine the xp will hold up, but should be zippy. Conflicted.
Would have preferred one of the other Nier songs to go along with it, but it's still a Nier song- so well worth the purchase price.300k MGP for the Pod mount pretty cheap
Yoship touched on Sam too. He seemed quite conflicted. Apparently crit scales too well for them now, so later in the patch cycle it’s probably gonna be nutty once the substats catch up. We shall see. I’ll see if I can paste the thoughts in later. It’s quite long tho.Samurai feedback is likewise poop. People are saying the potency nerfs on our main burst DPS abilities results in lower damage even factoring in the crit. And our level 90 ability was mega nerfed and does shit damage vs before