Golden Baronet of the Realm
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It's the final three planets she talks about before her transformation, the camera goes to a different character for a reaction shot after each one.
She also doesn't give the numerical code and dispassionate report like the previous ones, she's intentionally choosing them and delivering the outcome in a spiteful tone to upset us.
Emet is a powerful sorcerer who would hate to lose and be conquered.
Hythlodeus is in charge of creature concept submissions and would hate the thought of a limit to what is possible. He's already annoyed that people are running out of ideas and making ever more shark variants.
Venat is a rare convocation member who retired but didn't return to the star, she has a strong will to live and would hate for people to lose it.
This still sounds like conjecture that it's absolutely directed at those 3 for those specific reasons, unless the devs expressly stated that. The camera also focuses on Hermes prior to the other 3, and on the WoL after the other 3...suggesting it's just allowing each a reaction shot as she concludes her report by expressly answering when Hermes repeats his question/plea about finding an answer to what gives others' lives purpose. In that case, she's just reporting different reasons for why certain races/peoples did not find a good answer to Hermes' question.
We also get to see evidence of many of the civilizations/races she mentions throughout her report in Ultima Thule, the Dead Ends dungeon, and later through the Omnicron questline (gatherers). The numerical code was just variations of Greek words for numbering of the planets, and she isn't dispassionate b/c she's already going dark at that point embracing the Nihilistic viewpoint. The irony is reading some of the notes from the Dead Ends dungeon, it becomes clear that Meteion herself(themselves) was the reason for a couple of the worlds to eventually slide into oblivion.
We also get to see evidence of many of the civilizations/races she mentions throughout her report in Ultima Thule, the Dead Ends dungeon, and later through the Omnicron questline (gatherers). The numerical code was just variations of Greek words for numbering of the planets, and she isn't dispassionate b/c she's already going dark at that point embracing the Nihilistic viewpoint. The irony is reading some of the notes from the Dead Ends dungeon, it becomes clear that Meteion herself(themselves) was the reason for a couple of the worlds to eventually slide into oblivion.