Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Role Quests worth doing right away? They just fucking kept talking and talking and talking so I skipped the introduction of it.

I'm only lvl 92 MSQ but it is quite boring and long winding for sure. Feels like ARR stuff. Hope it gets a little better. I felt Endwalker was quite slow at the start as well with the Radzathan quests.


<Silver Donator>
Role Quests worth doing right away? They just fucking kept talking and talking and talking so I skipped the introduction of it.

I'm only lvl 92 MSQ but it is quite boring and long winding for sure. Feels like ARR stuff. Hope it gets a little better. I felt Endwalker was quite slow at the start as well with the Radzathan quests.
There's no real reason to do role quests other than the story for them(which I have no idea if it's any good, I only did 90 and 92 for a couple millions to hit 99). They give the same xp as a MSQ(1m or so, so not great) and they're not required for MSQ progress.
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Potato del Grande
It is just sentimentality and there's nothing earned story wise. Everyone is always friends or enemies. There's apparently no strangers or intrigue or nuance, and any of that is basically just surface deep like "hmmm mysterious man in black robes wonder what he's up to!" then 5 minutes later he is either your best friend or the new bad guy.
First thought I had in the cowboy zone when it turns out they are extracting ceruleum is "why aren't these people Garlean refugees?".

That would have set up some conflict.

There's no real reason to do role quests other than the story for them(which I have no idea if it's any good
I don't think they are any good. I've done 4/5ths of one and 3/5ths of another and I have no idea what they are about. Seems like it's a Turali person visiting another region.


what Suineg set it to
Here's another one: "No need for thanks, now!" which is supposed to be Vow I'm pretty sure since that is one of the titles. Just terrible translation.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Overall scores for me:

ARR: 5/10
HW: 8/10
Stormblood: 7/10
Shadowbringers: 9/10
Endwalker: 8.5/10
Dawntrail: 6/10.

That being said, Dawntrail has the BEST encounter design FF14 has ever had. The difficulty is very refreshing, and I am legitimately terrified of what the extreme trials are going to be like.

The ending song was not as bad as I feared.

Now I settle in to devour the rest of what the expansion has to offer.
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Trakanon Raider
Jesus Christ, this is retarded:

It was literally already fucking established that if you tried to fight or harm an elector, you're immediately disqualified, there's plans already in place to get the message out, etc. And yet, here we are fucking again with Bakuul Ja Ja being a dumbass and going to kill an elector. STOP CONTRADICTING YOURSELF GAME JESUS CHRIST. This giant ass fucking sloppy plot holes are killing me. It's so poorly fucking done.
Assuming you mean after the cooking team up, this isnt a contradiction? He is essentially out, he lost, there is not 4 keystones to go around, only Wuk and Koana have the 6th keystone. His best hope is to get the keystones by any means necessary, then just get the 7th keystone from his father and go open the city of gold for himself. The Mamool Ja feel so entitled to the throne, they dont care about the contest, winning is getting into the city of gold and to them there is no denying them the throne if they have it.

Also, in the next zone, his father also mentions the backup plan of everyone failing and hoping a new Blessed is ready and sucks less than Bakool Ja Ja and can actually win. The rules never applied to him.
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Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
Assuming you mean after the cooking team up, this isnt a contradiction? He is essentially out, he lost, there is not 4 keystones to go around, only Wuk and Koana have the 6th keystone. His best hope is to get the keystones by any means necessary, then just get the 7th keystone from his father and go open the city of gold for himself. The Mamool Ja feel so entitled to the throne, they dont care about the contest, winning is getting into the city of gold and to them there is no denying them the throne if they have it.

Also, in the next zone, his father also mentions the backup plan of everyone failing and hoping a new Blessed is ready and sucks less than Bakool Ja Ja and can actually win. The rules never applied to him.
Slight spoiler at the bottom there for me, as I'm not to the next zone yet.

But you reminded me about the cooking contest again. The rules of the damn cooking contest say the first team to make the dish correctly wins. So they try ours and it's on point. Cool, decision made. Then fuck-face mcgee is all "oh but you haven't judged ours yet." It doesn't fucking matter, it's already over, we were the first. Also during that scene, again, Bakool Ja Ja just out and admitting to releasing the ancient murder-beast and no one gives a flying fuck. This dude's heads should be removed from his shoulders for doing that.


<Silver Donator>
Btw the twitch rewards stuff went live earlier today in case you want the free mount, afk a participating stream for a few hours. You MIGHT have to leave it focused, at least for me it works fine playing the game with the focus on another tab and with the sound muted, but for some people it seems they have twitch bullshit preventing you from progressing so load up a 2nd pc/tablet/phone, reduce the volume to minimum and forget about it.


Trakanon Raider
Slight spoiler at the bottom there for me, as I'm not to the next zone yet.

But you reminded me about the cooking contest again. The rules of the damn cooking contest say the first team to make the dish correctly wins. So they try ours and it's on point. Cool, decision made. Then fuck-face mcgee is all "oh but you haven't judged ours yet." It doesn't fucking matter, it's already over, we were the first. Also during that scene, again, Bakool Ja Ja just out and admitting to releasing the ancient murder-beast and no one gives a flying fuck. This dude's heads should be removed from his shoulders for doing that.
Now the sky serpent thing, that one I was like, why is he still allowed, other than they need to have even teams for trial 6. Its not even like he hides it or anything, just says "if I knew we all had to be here for this, i wouldn't have done it"

It seemed like far too villainous of an act for one of the Claimants to do.



what Suineg set it to
I made it to 98 and the story (setting aside wuku lamati or whatever the fuck) is slightly more interesting, but it does feel like it hits a lot of themes already done. In fact the dialogue options let you refer back to past expacs to compare your situation to several times.

The thing that just kills it are the retarded starting characters that basically all need to 41% but will probably stick around because FF14 is I guess about nothing but childish growth arcs repeated over and over and over and over and over now.
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Potato del Grande
Did the two optional lv100 dungeons and farmed the lv97 one a bit, I continue to be amazed at how difficult and unique they made these bosses.

They literally have what would have been raid bosses as dungeon bosses, it's really fun.

The cowboy zone dungeon has the grand canyon in it full of ruins. Why the fuck was that not the overworld zone!? As it is the actual zone is extremely boring.

The afterlife zone dungeon has all kinds of fucked up ghosts, again way more interesting than the overworld version.

I guess their philosophy is that zones should be more subdued as it's the world map equivalent from previous games? It's a huge missed opportunity.


Trakanon Raider
Man just the boss fights thru the dungeons and the 1 Ex so far, puts anything to shame for what I've seen combat wise from the game..

Although Combining Zodiark and Titan into 1 fight seems really cheap, but a hint of things to come.


<Silver Donator>
When ANYONE and I mean ANY-ONE who plays FFXIV mentions how people of another games fanbase are degenerates...

Need you to spoiler some pics because I wont be creating an account there

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