Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)


Trakanon Raider
I have never had more than like 2M gil. Not sure how people make money but it isn't what I do lol.

After awhile, gil is pointless sense all gear comes from Tomes/Totems.

It's why they have been slowly adding Gil sinks into the game, via the Golden Mounts.


what Suineg set it to
So I finished the MSQs. I absolutely hate Wuk Lamat. Everything about that character grates me. Aside from that, the expac would have been fine if a bit of a repeat of themes and story beats just with a new setting.
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Potato del Grande
I keep wiping out my gil on dye. I only have two lv100 glams so I don't know how I managed it.

Starting a tank to lv100 tonight.

Red Mage was a great choice as DPS main, really carried some first time clears for healers by ressing them. White Mage has been solid as healer too with the zero mana resses.

Want a similar thing with the tank, so usually that's Paladin for the heal and invulnerable. Anyone got any suggestions on best tank for progression?

Kinda want to do Gunbreaker since I'll never change my Paladin/Dark Knight glams.


<Silver Donator>
Warrior so you can finish every fight even if your healer dies. Just don't do it if they all wipe at like 80% cause that shit takes a while.
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Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
I ran into weird issues with the older MSQ stuff. Like before doing the next MSQ step, I needed to do Quest B, but Quest B required hard mode Garuda, and wouldnt tell me how or where to get it. Then I'd need Quest C and D with the same issue. It felt like installing a Linux package with 30 different dependencies each having their own sub dependency.

Google didn't help, eventually someone in the Novice channel took pity and one shot the hard mode elementals for me. Working my way through the catch up, almost there I bet (lol)


Potato del Grande
Warrior so you can finish every fight even if your healer dies. Just don't do it if they all wipe at like 80% cause that shit takes a while.
I think they can all do that? Definitely done it as Paladin at least, I guess it's easiest as Warrior? May try that.


<Silver Donator>
I think they can all do that? Definitely done it as Paladin at least, I guess it's easiest as Warrior? May try that.
I'd say DRK will probably struggle on some of the bosses, PLD and GNB can definitely get it done but WAR is easier even if you fuck up and eat some vuln stacks. On top of that WAR is the easiest to keep one DPS up with you on most fights as long as they're not eating every aoe. PLD is good for that too but you lose DPS, they're technically stronger if the fight has a ton of non avoidable aoes(but that's not really any of the leveling dungeons).

So WAR overall would be the best with a bad team, but yeah can do PLD or GNB if you want. DRK is a bit special in that regard as it's usually worse at soloing stuff unless you take little damage since their regen isn't as good and TBN is pretty inefficient if it doesn't pop(but I guess you can just use it on cd and lose the dmg for good mitigation too). In normal runs though there's not much of a difference on bosses, on trash WAR is ez mode but usually healers can keep you up on trash if you use cds even if they're bad.


Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
Cutscene before unlocking dungeon 4:
Why the fuck wasn't the defense of the train something interactive? Could have just used the mini game from air force one, or just fucking anything other than just a cutscene.
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what Suineg set it to
Cutscene before unlocking dungeon 4:
Why the fuck wasn't the defense of the train something interactive? Could have just used the mini game from air force one, or just fucking anything other than just a cutscene.
Yea I dunno if basically the story was worse so I was just sort of skimming text and clicking through the never ending cutscenes, or if it was actually less full of interactive content. I feel like in past expansions there was more combat interspersed with quests and a lot more duties.


Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
Yea I dunno if basically the story was worse so I was just sort of skimming text and clicking through the never ending cutscenes, or if it was actually less full of interactive content. I feel like in past expansions there was more combat interspersed with quests and a lot more duties.

Honestly, I felt slightly off right in the beginning of the expac on the boat. Oh crap, there's a storm happening and we gotta go help some folks. I was expecting us to go at least like click and "aid" people or something. But no, just a cutscene explaining what we did. We didn't even get to walk around and turn on those little shield generators. Something that could have easily been interactive instead of being narrated at us.


Potato del Grande
Felt like a budget cut expansion.

Endwalker had a different voice cast for each zone , "This is Thancred" and stuff like the Venat cutscene.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Macros seem easier this expansion because of the two new abilities. Immaculate for 70/80 durability takes half of the buff management out and the free hit lets you slap an extra 20 progress ability in. Rare to get one button macros on the starting tier so that HQ flour is a godsend.


what Suineg set it to
Me every time I think I should see what crafting is all about

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