Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Did the two optional lv100 dungeons and farmed the lv97 one a bit, I continue to be amazed at how difficult and unique they made these bosses.

They literally have what would have been raid bosses as dungeon bosses, it's really fun.

The cowboy zone dungeon has the grand canyon in it full of ruins. Why the fuck was that not the overworld zone!? As it is the actual zone is extremely boring.

The afterlife zone dungeon has all kinds of fucked up ghosts, again way more interesting than the overworld version.

I guess their philosophy is that zones should be more subdued as it's the world map equivalent from previous games? It's a huge missed opportunity.

I'll say this, it's creepy as fuck to port to Living Memory (final zone) now and see everything turned off. Even while in there, I had a sense of it's going to kind of suck never getting to see this area in this way again after I shut down each section. There's npc's with dialogue bits there that you might never see. Not to mention all the lore in the 3rd section with Krile's parents and their people's history in general. Has a kind of lasting impact. Zone looks kinda dead af, now, though. Other than hunts and gather spots. Need to do the sidequests in there eventually.


Trakanon Raider
Less than what I expected for sure knowing the FFXIV community.
Yeah. Apparently if you stick your head into the dark corners of FFXIV, it gets /really/ degenerate. I hear tales of housing that is turned into... questionable clubs with some pretty wild themes and goings on. To say the ERP community in 14 is alive and well is apparently a large understatement.

Also heard something interesting. Apparently Dawntrail is the first EN storyline that was given to American localizers in California and has gotten voice talent from there instead of Britain. Not saying it has gone full woke cause I don't believe it has in the story at least(hugs and friendship is peak 14), but it would explain why we are noticing a perceived drop in story quality and feel. Prolly need to hit up someone who is bilingual Japanese to see how the stuff plays out in its original form.


Goonsquad Officer
Yeah. Apparently if you stick your head into the dark corners of FFXIV, it gets /really/ degenerate. I hear tales of housing that is turned into... questionable clubs with some pretty wild themes and goings on. To say the ERP community in 14 is alive and well is apparently a large understatement.

Also heard something interesting. Apparently Dawntrail is the first EN storyline that was given to American localizers in California and has gotten voice talent from there instead of Britain. Not saying it has gone full woke cause I don't believe it has in the story at least(hugs and friendship is peak 14), but it would explain why we are noticing a perceived drop in story quality and feel. Prolly need to hit up someone who is bilingual Japanese to see how the stuff plays out in its original form.
huge mistake if they abandoned their previous voice agency. they did great. from HW to endwalker.

even more so if they abandoned koji and company translating. they did great and flavorful work.


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
Less than what I expected for sure knowing the FFXIV community.

I mean I can't and won't link the truly degen stuff here. Half the time they are directly "Featured" on the landing page of some of these model replacement sites.

Not a shock to me at all that the ENG voice for Whatever that characters name is that got the "Thick" treatment is trans, given the amount of trans people that play this game. Also doesn't shock me that the majority of PUBLIC model changes are...questionable...crazy part is the private scene for textures and models is massive for this game and you know those are even more degenerate than the public ones.

I was laughing at some modeler drama because a modeler was said to be a "Nazi" people were super offended. His content? Under-age looking girls with Quazi-nazi armbands. No one was outraged about the under-aged looking girl model (complete with braces) they were all salty about the fuckin armband.

This is just one reason among many that I won't play this expansion til I get mods to hide all the degenerate outfits that people have on their characters.

Not saying it has gone full woke cause I don't believe it has in the story at least(hugs and friendship is peak 14),

I would argue that they know their market, they "Recently" made it so male models can wear female clothes and vice-versa.

The harshest thing that the director has ever said is "Don't post pictures of your model edited under-age characters" basically paraphrasing. I mean he asked that people don't model-edit them at all but really...the solution to model editing is pretty simple, especially if you control the code-base.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
There are Conan Exiles hush hush mods out there. Ive seen the screenshots of them being used in game. I think Asmon's video about the FFXIV clubs etc. only scratched the surface of how bizarre and perverted it really is.

Odd, I didn't think it would flag the picture as NSFW, it's not even NSFW:

View attachment 535321

View attachment 535322
Sure, bigger Bobs and stuff. I still think the fur on them doesnt look like fur and instead looks like scarred up skin from a fire. When you see it like that, especially around that thigh bit on that picture - brings on a whole different perspective.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah. Not saying the FF community isn't a disaster, least the EN side of it. I'm in an FC that took a really interesting social turn. Its a huge FC where there has been a slow creep towards heavy social justice. Originally there were a bunch of people that were kicked out for making really extreme drama over SJW topics, homosexuality etc when truthfully they were just a bunch of cry bully assholes. FC rules were pretty much play game, don't politics. Unfortunately, it seems the crybabies are slowly winning in the end. FC chat is slowly getting worse and most of the older players I knew that weren't drinking koolaid have slowly fallen silent into little insular groups or left. The Trump era only pushed it into the nuclear phase. People I knew had played together for years banned people from LSs and blocked them over political disagreements. We've raided with a lot of rather... questionable people. Long as you push buttons good and keep your shit out of raid comms all was fair. Apparently thats not good enough anymore.

The funniest thing about the 'Nazi' stuff is those armbands are used a lot in JP schools, I believe to mark students of authority and shit. So yeah. Draw the class president with an armband and we're off to the races. Anyone got an old Hugo Boss catalog? Social media's complaints on underage anime shit almost seems like a red herring. You would think its a legitimate concern, but more than half the time the people making the accusations enjoy loli fucking hentai and its just a tool to attack whoever they hate that week.


Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, it's always been friendship and rainbows, but previously done much more maturely and you weren't reminded of it every 2 fucking seconds. Wuk Lamat is basically the girls a the Miss US Pageant from Miss Congeniality with the "world peace" bullshit. It definitely felt like shit was just written by completely different people. Hopefully if that's true, they take that decision back real quick.


Trakanon Raider
Ok. I just hit the cooking challenge. I can't. The fact that fucking fat ass two head isn't in chains facing a special two headed guillotine after trying to unleash literal fucking armageddon is too much for me at the moment. "Nah dude. You did crimes against humanity, veritable war crimes, but we need +1 for this cooking challenge so its cool."
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Trakanon Raider
The harshest thing that the director has ever said is "Don't post pictures of your model edited under-age characters" basically paraphrasing. I mean he asked that people don't model-edit them at all but really...the solution to model editing is pretty simple, especially if you control the code-base.

Not as simple as you think, Yoshi has stated several times they don't want to add any kind of software lock to the game, as it would make the game run even worse, cause of needing to VM and decrypt the game on the fly.


Potato del Grande
Also heard something interesting. Apparently Dawntrail is the first EN storyline that was given to American localizers in California and has gotten voice talent from there instead of Britain. Not saying it has gone full woke cause I don't believe it has in the story at least(hugs and friendship is peak 14), but it would explain why we are noticing a perceived drop in story quality and feel. Prolly need to hit up someone who is bilingual Japanese to see how the stuff plays out in its original form.
Saw a comparison of EN and JP voice actors on reddit for Wuk Lamat and the JP one has vocal range.

California wanted a tranny and as usual talent isn't a consideration.


ResetEra Staff Member
Yeah, it's always been friendship and rainbows, but previously done much more maturely and you weren't reminded of it every 2 fucking seconds. Wuk Lamat is basically the girls a the Miss US Pageant from Miss Congeniality with the "world peace" bullshit. It definitely felt like shit was just written by completely different people. Hopefully if that's true, they take that decision back real quick.
It feels like the Solution Nine arc was kind of written by another team or was written right after the Endwalker MSQ, because of how heavily it ties into it.

It's so much better.
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Potato del Grande
It feels like the Solution Nine arc was kind of written by another team or was written right after the Endwalker MSQ, because of how heavily it ties into it.

It's so much better.
I had a thought, what if Wuk Lamat got trapped in the time bubble and got aged up? So many missed opportunities.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Welp, time to work on 2 things: The MSQ starting just after the Crystal Tower stuff, and to figure out what FF14 does to make my PC just randomly shut off lol.



Trakanon Raider
I've had a few really weird dx11 crashes, might be cause of the fragmentation problems they've been having on other platforms also.

They are usually pretty quick to fix the problem, but it sounds like it's really a headache issue.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
CUL Orange scrip has some interesting mechanics as there is only one ingredient that can be HQ and that's flour made from Endwalker rye. 2x HQ flour gives you 6k / 12k quality at the start and that lets you 15-step foodless craft with base gear. Two-step Trained Eye macro the flour, so you can one button the orange scrip craft.
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