Are they sending the regular (non-CE) codes then too?GMG is sending theirs out in a separate email after the 24th for sure, I emailed their support about my missing loot =)
You are theman. Worked like a charm, thanks again! Over 48 hrs dicking around with SE's convoluted process and horrific customer service, and I get everything cleared up in 30 seconds with a new code. If you roll on Gilgamesh I will craft you a diamond-studded subligar.I preordered (and canceled) this twice from amazon, so I have two codes. I just used one and was able to get into NA Early Access with it with no problems on the account I was using during the open beta. If you would like, I can send you the other code, no need to trade anything. It may or may not work, but should, since the code I used was the first (older one) and the code I'll give you is from last week. I dunno. But if you want it its yours, just PM me.
I feel you on the class situation. One of the reasons why I'm not planning on rushing anything and really focusing more heavily on gathering/crafting. The other reason being that I wouldn't have time to rush anyway hah.I'm just glad it worked.
I had a character on Gilgamesh. Then I got the 3102 error and when they cleared it up and I tried logging in I couldn't do anything, and my character was "missing", so we'll see how it goes.
Like I said, hard two semesters coming up, probably won't play much, if any, anyway.
she fucking someone elseBunch of filthy casuals... Lol
Will be online and ready to roll at 2am. I didn't play any of beta, and so I've got to get on the right server and catch up in levels.
On a side not, got to love the wife. Tell her early access starts at 2am and she says so are you going to take a nap after work so you are ready? Haha.
It's from this video, not sure if it was posted yet, came out a couple days ago.
The RR server is going to have the most drama, making it the obvious choice.Looking forward to starting a character and getting in on this Saturday. RL friends are scattered to a half dozen servers, Rerolled folks are on a server no one else I know is on, and WoW guild folks are on another entirely separate server.
Guess Imma just roll a die to figure out where I end up.