Lord Nagafen Raider
- 531
- 147
If you're going to attempt to draw conclusions from the trial, I wouldn't even bother.Ok I'll probably just do that trial then and see what it is like.
If you're going to attempt to draw conclusions from the trial, I wouldn't even bother.Ok I'll probably just do that trial then and see what it is like.
I think you can tell from the first 20 levels if you're going to hate the game or if you might like it. It doesn't paint a complete picture obviously, but mechanically, the game doesn't change much, you level doing quests, dungeons or grinding fates, dungeons are mostly piss easy until raids and the combat is still wow-like with a 2.5 GCD, though it gets more interesting as you level up and get more shit to do.If you're going to attempt to draw conclusions from the trial, I wouldn't even bother.
Aside from the higher level encounters and world events, it's actually pretty reasonable to draw conclusions from a trial of this game. The only advice I would give is: Do a bit of everything as soon as you can. Play the first several levels of a bunch of classes. Do a bit of gathering. Do a bit of crafting. Doesn't hurt to get a feel for everything as soon as you can.If you're going to attempt to draw conclusions from the trial, I wouldn't even bother.
I played the game before on PC, but was going to see if I liked it on my PS4. I didn't think it was a bad game at the time and it was a good time waster. But I got sick of having to log in using a keystroke macro and some of the dungeon bugs.If you're going to attempt to draw conclusions from the trial, I wouldn't even bother.
Typical tanks have instant queues, healers have near instant queues, and longest I've had as dps is about 30 minutes.I played the game before on PC, but was going to see if I liked it on my PS4. I didn't think it was a bad game at the time and it was a good time waster. But I got sick of having to log in using a keystroke macro and some of the dungeon bugs.
Speaking of that, does it still take 3 hours to get into an instance?
In addition to the above, the first 15 level are excruciatingly boring. Unfortunately, this game takes its sweet time to introduce new mechanics and additional game-play options, which can really be a turn-off to anyone with experience in the genre. That being said, I consider this to be one of the best DIKU based MMO on the market and certainly the only one worthy of a sub. The game is drop dead gorgeous, plays across a multitude of platforms, has a wide variety of things to do, and has a content release schedule that should embarrass any other publisher that charges a sub.Only problem with judging from the first 20 levels is you actually end up using abilities and skills from mulitple classes, where a lot of the class just using their own skills are pretty duff until lvl 30 or more.
I liked it initially. The thing that did suck was Square Enix Support if you have any account issues, and some initial roll out where I had to run a macro to keep logging in for me for hours until I got in because there wasn't a queue. I am sure that is all gone now. I liked the graphics on PC... I'll check it out on PS4 and see how it matches up. Never played an MMORPG on a couch before.In addition to the above, the first 15 level are excruciatingly boring. Unfortunately, this game takes its sweet time to introduce new mechanics and additional game-play options, which can really be a turn-off to anyone with experience in the genre. That being said, I consider this to be one of the best DIKU based MMO on the market and certainly the only one worthy of a sub. The game is drop dead gorgeous, plays across a multitude of platforms, has a wide variety of things to do, and has a content release schedule that should embarrass any other publisher that charges a sub.
Of course, I'm sure you'll think it sucks.![]()
Haha, I actually have one of those! Might actually make sorting the hotbar easier if you can't be assed to plug in a mouse. I swear, everytime I try and move abilities around my dislexic ass ALWAYS mixes up the D-pad and face buttons with the L/R shoulder buttons. Hurts my brain.The new patch adds support for the PlayStation Move controllers.
This is real life. Square Enix is hilarious.
Well I had started a brand new character on Ps4, and had stuff set up on my PS4 hotkeys, and then I logged into the character for the very first time on PC, and had all my abilities on the long hotbars. So something is server side, somehow. I changed them around on PC, and almost assured when I log into PS4, something will be changed, but will have to test this later.Hmm the bars aren't the same, or shouldn't be. Don't know how it works on PS4 though, but on PC if you switch between keyboard and gamepad, you change to Cross bars for the gamepad which is its own bar system with different placement and several different bars you can scroll through, without affecting the keyboard long bars at all. It shouldn't be the same either cause I believe it doesn't save your shit server side, when I started playing again I had to redo everything cause I didn't have my old files.
I disagree completely with this. Fights get much more challenging and you have a lot more skills at your disposal at 50 compared to 20. I found the first 30+ lvls of the game unbearable because it was just tedium and mindless quest log following. You go into Titan HM for the first time and get your ass handed to you and the game becomes a completely different thing. The first 20 levels don't reflect that experience at all. The basic mechanics don't change but there's a lot you could like that you'd miss out on by quitting at 20, unless there's just specific things you can't handle like the gcdI think you can tell from the first 20 levels if you're going to hate the game or if you might like it. It doesn't paint a complete picture obviously, but mechanically, the game doesn't change much, you level doing quests, dungeons or grinding fates, dungeons are mostly piss easy until raids and the combat is still wow-like with a 2.5 GCD, though it gets more interesting as you level up and get more shit to do.
Agreed, I played he first 20 levels during open beta and didn't like it enough to sub. When FF14 become my only choice this past November and I experienced Titan (not even HM) for the first time, and knew that was a mere shadow of what the content to come would be like, that's when I knew I should've played this earlier.I disagree completely with this. Fights get much more challenging and you have a lot more skills at your disposal at 50 compared to 20. I found the first 30+ lvls of the game unbearable because it was just tedium and mindless quest log following. You go into Titan HM for the first time and get your ass handed to you and the game becomes a completely different thing. The first 20 levels don't reflect that experience at all. The basic mechanics don't change but there's a lot you could like that you'd miss out on by quitting at 20, unless there's just specific things you can't handle like the gcd
I fell into the same boat.Agreed, I played he first 20 levels during open beta and didn't like it enough to sub. When FF14 become my only choice this past November and I experienced Titan (not even HM) for the first time, and knew that was a mere shadow of what the content to come would be like, that's when I knew I should've played this earlier.
Total opposite for me. The primal fights were the absolute highlight of the game in its original form. Titan in particular was super fun and actually left you feeling awesome when you did it properly. And truth be told, Titan HM/Titan XM weren't even that hard in the end - just punishing if you were absent minded.Titan HM was actually what killed this game for me.
First you get to max level on one class. Not too bad here. I had trouble following the story ( or it was confusing ) but the leveling experience was ok. The fates system helped a lot.
Then you had to level alt classes to get mission critical skills for your primary class. This was a pain if you are a completionist like me and did all the quests the first time through.
Once that was done you had to gear up which consisted of running the same dungeon over and over and over and over for weeks on end to get enough currency to buy your full set of gear.
Then came Titan HM. One of the most brutal experiences I have ever had in a MMO. First off, all that gear you just spent weeks farming? Useless. In this fight you make one mistake and miss one move you were dead. Second, not only were you dead but your entire group was dead as well. Which meant if you were out of place even once during the 3 or 4 different phases you ended up having everyone else in your group wishing you were never born. The amount of HATE this fight caused between players was something to behold.
In the end, I finally beat the stupid thing and got my weapon enchanted. But it also killed the game for me. I literally did not want to see what the fight beyond Titan HM was like. I stopped logging in and unsubscribed shortly after.
Still, the game was definitely worth the purchase price. I don't regret buying it at all.