

<Silver Donator>
The second season feels like it was so many years ago I just assumed this was cancelled. I have no clue what was even happening, but I remember it being frustrating enough to watch that I'm never going to rewatch this thing.

Guess I'll see how the feedback for the next couple episodes goes before diving back in.
It wasn't bad per se, like I said I watched it maybe within the past 3 months or something, but it's definitely drifting into that dangerous territory of stringing the audience out every season, just to green light and make money off of an additional season, and there's no end in sight.

That's why I'm so hesitant to even invest my time and any of these shows. I might give it a whirl if it's the first one, but it seems like most of the time you end up getting burned because something is canceled and the numbers aren't doing what they need to do for the studio execs.

I just like the concept and it seems somewhat original, and I want to know what the hell everything's about, but again it's those stupid JJ Abrams mystery box shit.

I'm definitely going to watch it though, and will report back.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I don't know man, I just remember every episode feeling like it could've been solved if the people involved just spent 2 seconds talking to each other, but instead they play information vault with each other to add confusion and piss me off.
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Vyemm Raider
Given the reality-bending feats that the monsters/forest are capable of, the only solutions that it can possibly be are:

  1. All in someone's head/nightmare
  2. Aliens abducted them and put them in a zoo
  3. Matrix-style computer simulation
  4. They're in hell/purgatory

There's really nothing else it can be, and yeah we will never find out because they're just going to keep stretching it out until they get unceremoniously canceled.
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Log Wizard
I'm guessing everyone who "dies" is actually freed. That's why the mom got pushed out of a lighthouse. I'm not sure if it's a test of some one's will for some light-as-a-feather bullshit to get into heaven or ascend or whatever or if they're specifically looking for some one who never gives up hope to possibly lead people somewhere like interstellar travel to a new planet or something.

Hopefully it's something more thought out than just "they all did bad and are in Hell lul." But that LOST shit with it being Purgatory nailed it pretty early in the show so who knows.
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<Silver Donator>
I'm guessing everyone who "dies" is actually freed. That's why the mom got pushed out of a lighthouse. I'm not sure if it's a test of some one's will for some light-as-a-feather bullshit to get into heaven or ascend or whatever or if they're specifically looking for some one who never gives up hope to possibly lead people somewhere like interstellar travel to a new planet or something.

Hopefully it's something more thought out than just "they all did bad and are in Hell lul." But that LOST shit with it being Purgatory nailed it pretty early in the show so who knows.
Yeah I just can't imagine they're going to try to do the purgatory angle again, just because of everything with Lost.

Could be the alien angle. I don't know and I guess that's kind of why despite getting led along, I'd like to at least see where it concludes, but based on the history of these types of shows streaming, the chances are probably zilch.

I watched that Chapelwaite show suggested in the Salem's Lot thread. It wasn't bad, and obviously could continue for another season or something, but at least it had the decency to end it on a decent conclusion. Leave it up to the audience to just assume that Adrian Brody rowed off and had weird vampire adventures, and I was fine with that.

If you're going to do these big mystery box shows, and I always had this Sword of Damocles hanging over your production, at least do the audience of favor and have a beginning and an end to the season where there is a good finale and it can just end there. Maybe him at the fact something more could go on, but give some sort of conclusion to the plot arc.
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