Mr. Poopybutthole
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I can most definitely make exclusions about how I feel regarding people of varying types socially, how I personally interact with them, and how I feel about them from a scientific standpoint. Hence my separation that I am ok with whatever socially as long as it isn't a direct infringement on another person. Like people who think they are wolves and running around in the woods is fine; be a fucking majestic loco beast all you want. When you run up and bite somebody, you go to jail regardless of how normal it is for wolves to do that shit. But until that point, sure, be what you want. Dress like a girl and use the ladies room. When you molest a woman in one? You go to jail. So yeah, I'm socially ok with them. I think trannies are by and large nutcases, but no different than I feel about hardcore conservatives or religious people or Blue-Hair SJWs or any other group I have logical reasons to disagree with their opinion of how reality works. But I am never going to say that any of those aforementioned groups should be denied access to basic privileges and rights, -right- up until it directly infringes upon other people in a real negative manner.But this is the exact problem. You can't be ok with trannies getting called what they want and not getting shit on for using the wrong toilet, at the same time turning your discrimination on when it comes to participating in sports.
If you're fine with dudes deciding to be chicks then that goes all the way. You don't make exclusions. So no, you tell yourself you're ok with it, but you're really not. It's like the "I'm not racist, I have black friends, but..." comments.
Things like this show how ridiculous the entire thing is.
And it has no bearing whatsoever how I feel about trannies in sports. Gender has a much more direct impact on physical build than race/location/any-other-factor(unless you are strictly considering nutrition or something strange like that as opposed to actual biological differences in physical makeup, but hey, if you want to go that road we can!) Look at the worlds fastest female runner times.
Location changes the difference in mens' fastest speeds to a small degree. Small parts of a second. While the -fastest- man alive (even taking into consideration his location) is only .5s faster than a lot of other male runners, he is almost 1.0s faster than the Fastest woman in olympic history, and closer to 1.5 seconds faster at the 100m dash than almost any other woman ever.
So yeah, there's a biological difference between men and women that is undeniable, and a tranny is not whatever gender they claim they are from a biological standpoint. Location can be attributed to nigerians/kenyans running all sorts of fast times, but the simple fact that Usain Bolt is a man gives him an undeniable edge vs. female competitors, regardless of where the females were raised/what country they come from.
If you want to argue the moral implications of treating the absolute definition of a special case (trannies are less than 1 in 10,000 in the US) as a special case when it comes to sports, I don't know what to tell you. But allowing people who were born as men (specifically one-way here. Women who bro out and want to compete as men? Sure, go in with a handicap, because that is an undeniable handicap when it comes to physical activity) to compete as women is a huge slap in the face to any female athlete, regardless how one views them socially. It is a literal leg up that race/location cannnot compete with, and a much stronger biological one for that matter. There's a lot less difference between a black kenyan and a white guy from michigan than either compared to any race/ethnicity/national female that isn't a huuuuge special case (as always comes up in these arguments, hermaphrodites are an exception, also an exceedingly rare one).
Socially trannies can be called whatever they want. I might think it's dumb, but I'm not burning down churches or setting fire to Tea Party rallies either. I let them do their thing because it doesn't impact me or others based upon their presence. However, it most certainly -does- have an impact when mtf try to play competitive sports as a female. It's a strict biological advantage.
I'll toss some more numbers out for giggles and shits to further highlight the difference between a black kenyan vs. another male and the gender Male vs. the gender Female.
Female bench press: 507lbs
Male bench press: (not even going to use the highest here) 675lbs
Fastest female marathon: 2:18:59
Fastest male marathon: 2:03:55
So yes, there's a strict biological difference between men and women when it comes to physicality. Scale those numbers down to averages, and there is still an undeniable advantage as a gender for men.