I have several issues with this line of thought. First, name another mental disorder where the behavior is not only enabled and encouraged, but done so at the expense of the vast majority of the rest of society. Second, the burden of proof should be on PROVING that trans is an actual scientific physical thing, not the other way around. But when the shoe is on the other foot and women are getting crushed by dickless dudes in every sport, suddenly the science is clear? That's an extreme double standard, not to mention a complete selective disregard for the scientific method when it does not fit the narrative the regressive left is trying to advance. So its listen and believe right up until the moment reality slaps them in the face and then all of a sudden its look at the data.
Fuck that. You cannot have your cake and eat it, too. Either admit that choppers are suffering from a mental disorder (obviously the very rare herms and dysphoria cases excepted) or bend over and except some major shitlording of all the female sports disappearing from existence, as the chopper patrol comes barreling in to take all the awards. The moment this is allowed in the Olympics on a wide scale you know for a fact that China will have a whole program of "volunteer" choppers to get more gold medals, since its easier to do that than keep trying to sneak overage roided out women into certain events.
Like I said, I think they're loonies for the most part but a good chunk of the nation has (somewhat successfully) pushed the narrative that it isn't a mental disorder and is indeed some completely unproven biological one. I am in no way defending trannies being treated like whatever gender they "think" they are and want society to think they are. But for the moment, rioting in the streets or running around being a huge dick calling trannies weiner-whackers or other humorous yet offensive names is just not conducive to meshing well with modern society. It costs me nothing to call a dude Charlene instead of Charlie. There's something to be said for not drawing shitloads of attention to oneself, especially since the only part I feel strongly about is physical competition, which I will happily state the scientific fact that men are superior in physical competitions (sans one extreme outlier) at a town meeting and say that trannnies shouldn't be able to participate in competitive physical sports that are not aligned with their biological gender. But as to some guy wanting to be called Charlene instead of Charlie? Zero people harmed, so eh, fuck it.
I don't "listen or believe" when it comes to the SJW super regressive left. I would have thought that was pretty obvious at this point hah. But sometimes just going "eh fuck it" is a-ok. Really, I'm just ok with people being offended as long as they aren't being assaulted. Being offended is not being assaulted. Girls offended a guy might see their tits in a locker room have a right to be offended, but in some states (such as WA apparently) it's a matter of just being offended by something that is socially distasteful to them but not actually illegal. I'm offended Tea Party members en masse are allowed to have a public forum, but I'm not going to take away their microphones. However, if it's illegal in a state? Yeah, arrest dudes in ladies rooms. Don't think I'd ever advocate for anything else, really.
I think it is much better to treat trannies as special cases when it comes to sports in that they shouldn't currently compete as other than their biological gender. What if in 5 years science comes to the complete conclusion that trannies are just mental cases (currently it's not proof positive, just a strong leaning towards being entirely mental), but we let them ruin women's sports in the interim? Again, 1/10000 population, while half the population is biologically female. Devil's advocate: what if we find out in 5 years that they -are- legitimate women in their minds and that with body modification they now qualify fully as women? I would much rather the 1/10000 suffer the mild indignation of not being able to compete because science doesn't understand them than 50% of the population being at a major disadvantage due to acceptance for scientifically unjustifiable reasons.
Like I said, however, it's all an opinion. My social feelings lead me to the opinion that the only people hurt by trannies are people who are actually physically/verbally assaulted by them, in which case they should be punished to the full extent of the law just like everyone else. But my opinion on sports is that they are clear cut special cases and do not fit within the confines of our current sports leagues. If schools/professional sports want to start a Transition League, it would definitely be a better thing due to the sheer science behind it. It's just not tasteful in modern society to make it that clear-cut, so just not having the 1/10000 not able to compete in whatever division they want is a much easier and generally more palatable fix. Letting women's sports get hijacked by some dick-dicing malcontents seems like a pretty bad potential solution, except by the "let it burn" crew, I suppose.