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Avatar of War Slayer
We trusting reviews again or do I need to dial the cynicism back a touch?
probably the same as always.
first, go for youtubers you trust and have similar tastes.
Second, general reviews for games not infested with DEI/mainstream. they tend to be solid for niche/non-dei shit.
Third, steam reviews for the finale line.

general reviews should be ok for plucky squire and frost punk2. wouldn't trust them for deadrising.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Paid reviews are fucking worthless, idk why people who should know better post that dogshit.

Everyone knows better. Well, ok, every sane person knows that "celebrities" get paid to say they use a product, and that it's their favorite, when really they just like the money. But that doesn't stop people from wanting those products... so not worthless to the seller, obviously.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I never played the first one, or the second, but what are they censoring in a game about killing zombies en masse? Do they bleed green?
Woke faggotry so they don't offend "modern audiences" like the crazy Vietnam vet no longer says something hurty about communism and removing the risque photography gag.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
We trusting reviews again or do I need to dial the cynicism back a touch?
Again? Game journalism has always been trash. Worked at a AAA many years ago, even back then our marketing department literally wrote the articles they wanted the journalists to publish, and the journalists were happy to do it. Much easier to copy/paste than to actually play and write things yourself.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Dead Rising already got a remaster in 2016, I'd rather just play that one for $10 if I felt the urge to replay the game now. What sucks is that DR2, Off the Record, and DR3 are the ones really in need of a remaster, but now we know they will be designed for the mythical "modern audience" whenever that happens.
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