I hope the Kenosha DAs office is being flooded with these memes sent from burner email accounts.
Are you sure this will help us sell more ice cream?
This and other threads is why I get all my info from FOH.
The MSM "still gets it wrong" 15 months later because they're doing it on purpose.
People need to stop giving them the benefit of the doubt that they're just horrible at their jobs.
Are you sure this will help us sell more ice cream?
I watched all the footage and if you think Kyle deserves to be charged, your mind is not your own
I remember reading a stat from the FBI that was approximately 89% of all rounds fired in the US during crimes (including police) are misses.
Mark Levin is pissed
Xeq is a fed actor. Lend is just a retarded raftcoon.I have a theory :Lightning Lord Rule pays idiots like Leaddoritos and Xequecal (et. al.) to stir the pot and keep the righteous indignation alive.
PS life is better when you ignore the trolls
Any reason you’ve been posting more lately? Not complaining - nice takes albeit a tad depressing. Keep it coming.Levin's an establishment shill civnat piece of shit.
Same bit with Tulsi "The prosecutor didn't do his due diligence!" Bullshit, that means she thinks the prosecutor made a mistake. He didn't make a mistake, it's been intentional from day 1. Telling cops to stand down, NOT sending in national guard after the first day, NOT rounding up all the antifa/blm scum causing riots and burning things, and then purposely railroading AR Kyle when the whole thing is on fucking video. None of those are 'mistakes', those are all intentional premeditated enemy action.
These people are part of the problem. They are currently making noises that make them sound like they are nominally on your side or are coming around to your side, but they are NOT. Never forget the traitors, the shills, the reasonable-sounding 'centrist' holding a knife behind his back who speaks honeyed words so he can get close enough to stick that knife into your back at the opportune moment.
I remember reading a stat from the FBI that was approximately 89% of all rounds fired in the US during crimes (including police) are misses.
So think about how many bullet are flying around on a Chicago weekend to get 6-10 people killed.
Doesn't surprise me one bit. I've put tens of thousands of rounds down range, just out of sheer luck to be in a unit that had almost unlimited ammo (I've probably put more MK19 and RPG rounds down range than most people have shot the firearms in their own homes).I remember reading a stat from the FBI that was approximately 89% of all rounds fired in the US during crimes (including police) are misses.
Doesn't surprise me one bit. I've put tens of thousands of rounds down range, just out of sheer luck to be in a unit that had almost unlimited ammo (I've probably put more MK19 and RPG rounds down range than most people have shot the firearms in their own homes).
Even under ideal circumstances at a range, hitting anything with a handgun takes a ridiculous amount of practice to make sure you're not pulling or pushing the gun in any direction (whether it's because you're anticipating the shot/recoil, pushing the gun forward, yanking the trigger, etc).
I think movies have really perverted people's expectations on what's normal.
And these are all if you're actually aiming and in a correct stance, with correct (two) hand placement on the thing.
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