IMDB is like wikipedia homie. You know you can log in and change anything, right? Any starlet worth her salt knows this and has any third rate manager that knows this. I have 5 different IMDB profiles. C'mon tad my dude. Try a LITTLE harder.You'll note he didn't make one fucking comment on the provably true fuckitry that is IMDB fucking with girl's birthyears
Eliza's Pic
For those with eyes to see and ears to hear, the most interesting thing in this thread is Tad's obsession with John Dee, occult ciphers, and rituals.
I'm just starting on a diet - but fasting is good for both the soul and spirit. How do you fast? Night to night? And I would never tempt you, except if you're a brunette. Are y a brunette?Elisha, by coincidence I'm starting a 40 day religious fast tomorrow. I hadn't planned on fasting for a specific purpose. Don't tempt me.
IMDB is like wikipedia homie. You know you can log in and change anything, right? Any starlet worth her salt knows this and has any third rate manager that knows this. I have 5 different IMDB profiles. C'mon tad my dude. Try a LITTLE harder.
Request denied
I'm just starting on a diet - but fasting is good for both the soul and spirit. How do you fast? Night to night?
Shit's getting even weirder in here.
I think Eliza will hunt you down for that photo.
Because I love this thread: Elisha, the point of Himeo's yearbook picture was, I believe, to show that there was no Elisha pictured in the yearbook. I don't know what year that page is from, but the only way it meshes with the story is if the "erasing" was already in effect.
Which leads me to another mystery: how do they keep the hundreds if not thousands of people that work on a movie from mentioning that they saw two Dushku twins? It would be an easy slip-up to make, and everyone can't be in on the plan. Even if they keep them from being seen together and pretend they are the same person, several people still go into the trailers, do makeup, wardrobe, etc. Multiply that by the number of twins you tell us are really out there, and someone, somewhere would have fucked up and seen something they weren't supposed to, or talked about it by mistake, etc. You can't murder and suppress THAT many slips. TMZ would be all over that shit. Sure, you could murder everyone at TMZ and barely anyone would notice, but after a few times people might start to wonder.
If they can, however, control that much, why do you not fear for your life posting here? We aren't THAT unimportant that no one would ever see it.
Not gonna lie, this would go down as the greatest thread of all time, on the entire internet, if it were true. Well, not the Deseret and Bolgi parts, because I'm clearly not bolgi enough, but the Elisha part. I want to believe!
Don't forget that there are a lot of people who think the moon landing was faked, and the conservative estimates on how many people were in on it were around 250,000 (if I remember correctly). If a quarter million people could keep the moon landing fake a secret, it's clearly no sweat that the millions of people in the movie industry can keep quiet twin manipulation and person erasing a secret. Right?
Also, we now have two nut jobs in the fray. This thread delivers.
There's enough material here to start a new religion. Preferably a sex cult.
Unfortunately there are no women on this board. So...
I like how you frame it as if all of those people knew they were working on an atomic weapon. You're counting the Janitor at LANL as if he was privy to what was going on.130,000 people were involved in the Manhattan project. The US government is quite good at keeping secrets on a massive scale.
Bolg and Bolgy. Not Bolgi. From a Typographical Deecipher in C.S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters (since Himeo thinks I Tip am possessed this seems a most appropriate book). Lewis was a master Deecipherist (up there with John Dee and Mark Twain) and a Gnostic Christian to boot. Read "That Hideous Strength" or just the last two chapters if you want an idea of Lewis' actual beliefs - sex is good, the organized Church has lost its way, etc. You'll note the encoding of the word Deecipher at the top and Bolg, two different ways, on the line referencing creatures higher in the natural order that is to say the Bolg. So now you know that I, Tip, am not the first person to use the term Bolg and that Deeciphers are an actual fucking thing. Welcome to the Real Fucking World - Tip. P.S. If you're retarded and think this is a random thing - feel free to locate the other referencs to Bolg and Dee in this Preface and then run a probability analysis as to the likelihood of them all being there by random fucking chance. Typographical DeeCiphers exist to tell you there's a regular ol' Deecipher encoded within the text and hints as to what it is about -Still TipWell, not the Deseret and Bolgi parts, because I'm clearly not bolgi enough, but the Elisha part. I want to believe!