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I do as well but who do you even notify?I have my legitimate, concerned doubts though.
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I do as well but who do you even notify?I have my legitimate, concerned doubts though.
I do as well but who do you even notify?
Me. Also Tip aka Trevor Andrew Dewey aka Rose Quartz never ever Elisha aka youre fucked since you elected an iranian named Barack Obama who transferred nuclear tech to Iran
Edit: Got to make it easier to dox ol Tip
Well, y'know fatboy, you're entitled to find that ironic all you want... you've had a demonstrable history of not knowing anything about who I am or what I stand for. If you can't see the distinction between my transition as a transsexual being due to gender dysphoria and Tad's issues being caused by dissociative identity disorder / schizophrenia or a fried brain due to drugs or something that I can't even imagine wtf happened to him, then you're either not too perceptive, not too intelligent, or not being very honest.
By all means though, keep mocking this sad situation you heartless shithead.
Hopefully this one of the greatest troll threads I've ever read. Bravo to Tad if so. I have my legitimate, concerned doubts though.
I do as well but who do you even notify?
Your tranny thread is just is dillusional as tad seeing backpack Arabs in TS Elliot.
If you can't see the distinction
then you're either not too perceptive, not too intelligent, or not being very honest.
I do as well but who do you even notify?
As I posted on your fucking thread there Vanessa - but which I'll clarify and expand for you - 'Gender Dysphoria' is a bullshit psychiatric term - what you are is a female soul in a male body. Period. So punch yourself in the face if you ever find yourself using the term 'Gender Dysphoria' again. Scientology (and South Park) gets one thing exactly right - psychiatrists and psychologists are all pretty fucking evil and seem to only exist to do things like destroy the spirit of boys by inventing 'diseases' like ADHD - which is to say the normal, active, I don't want to sit bored in a fucking 4th grade classroom listening to some bitch drone on about diagramming English sentences - state of boys: read fucking Tom Sawyer by Mr. Twain. So kudos for you for figuring out there was a mismatch between your soul, spirit and mind and the body you found yourself reinicarnated into this time around.Well, y'know fatboy, you're entitled to find that ironic all you want... you've had a demonstrable history of not knowing anything about who I am or what I stand for. If you can't see the distinction between my transition as a transsexual being due to gender dysphoria
Tad's issues being caused by dissociative identity disorder / schizophrenia or a fried brain due to drugs or something that I can't even imagine wtf happened to him, then you're either not too perceptive, not too intelligent, or not being very honest.
Try using fucking Bing. Google is fucking Evil as fuck as demonstrated and slowly and maliciously deletes anything the purported-masters of this world (which is to say the Devil worshiping fucks better know as the Rothschilds, the Democratic Party and European Bureacratic-Socialists and those other-Devil worshiping fucks known as Muslims in Tehran and Riyadh).Ok, I googled DeeCipher, and find nothing.
How is that different than your standard Decipher? And if a lot of these deciphers are unbroken, how do you even know there is something there to decipher? How does anyone know where to start looking, etc. For instance, that sentence with the 109 winters and telling you it starts at a certain spot...to me it doesn't. Or the number of "see it" mentions. Why is that the key? Did the author come out and say so in all these cases? If they did, why? If they didn't, how do you know you and everyone else working on them aren't imagining all this?
The treasure reward was from the Beale, this is all about getting the fuck out before the end of the world through the Iona gate or elsewhere. You do not believe in magic, prophets or apostles, but C.S. Lewis' DeeCipehers (and Twain's and Dee's) all reference getting the fuck out before the end of the world. A key Orion Comet Cipher can be found in the Twain-written Ad at the end of the 1st edition of Roughing It - and on the Reddit. This world is ending for our sin by act or omission of killing (or failing to act to stop their killing) of literally billions of children through the various methods of abortion - including of course, the provably true on video by the Center For Medical Progress, method of using a fucking meat cleaver to chop off the head of children "aborted' in the last trimester by fucks like Gosnell, Tillman and The University of Cali, SF Hospital. And that's how fucking disgusting and evil the sociopaths who kill children are.And let's say you "solve" all these. What is the reward? Buried treasure? Self-satisfaction over a job well done? Crushing depression when the end result is "Dickbutt"?
Yes, Tip has doxed himself several times on this thread so again kudos. And since you want to go down that fucking rabbit hole - you can look up his birthday of May 23, 1967 on MyLife and cross ref it with this article How a 1967 Solar Storm Nearly Led to Nuclear War and (if you really want to dig search for the 1968 Van Allen article on the CME/Solar Storm: 1968ApJ...152L..85V Page L85) find out that the things have been dicey since that little tyke gave his first scream - yes, the closest your fucking country ever came to nuclear war with Russia was exactly fifty-nine minutes (18:46 UTC) after Tip's actual fucking birthday and time of birth (12:47 PDT -7 UTC) - Time of Day is on Birth Cert which I'll make she-other post if you want to believe. So when I said Tip was the weirdest fucking person you'll ever meet and that weird things happen around him/her/it/she-other all the fucking time you now see that started way back when. Correlation is not Causality, but Causality is pretty fucking Casual where Tip is concerned and this is the sort of shit I had to put up with when we wandered around Europe for five fucking months this year. Tops on the bizzaro list was running into an Eliza doppelganger in Calais - so Eliza if you're reading this fucking thread (odds under .001%) there's some chick with an EU passport riding around in a shity blue car in England or elsewhere who is even more fucking twinny and identical to you than I am.I legitimately think you are Trevor Andrew Dewey. You welcomed this info on your post below:
Since Tip is not in fact me and simply putting on a bra and makeup and taking Estrogen will not in fact turn a 51-year into a girl who looks remotely like me (even given the fact he's a short fuck) you've got Tip dead to rights there. Sure, these days Tip is interested in exploring his/her/its'/she-other's feminine side and that's fucking okay: I'm sure it's partly because she-other is a weirdo and partly because she-other knows I'm into girls, I'm not sure how that's going to work out for him/her/it/she-other but you know I appreciate the fucking effortTad.. you're not Elisha Dushku. You're not going to have tits to post sometime in October due to transitioning.
this one of the greatest troll threads I've ever read. Bravo to Tad if so. I have my legitimate, concerned doubts though.
I do as well but who do you even notify?
As to me Elisha Dushku, here's the fucking deal on the Tits for @a_skeleton_02 We've both got business elsewhere, Tip and I will continue to post in this thread until Labor Day or thereabouts. At which point we're off - until I return at some point after October 30th in full wet T-shirt no bra glory for the Tiggs. Attached to this wet T-shirt with Tits will be my body, including my neck and face. Since tits alone aren't the identifier you may be looking for. And since you fucks will claim Photoshop or Mission Impossible Latex Mask, I The Dushku will reward the true believer that is The a_skeleton_02 - though from the post above he's currently undergoing his moment of doubt and pain - with an offer to Skype. I'd offer to let him hang out with me at Disney-fucking-land but since he's probably 6' 1" and 299 pounds we couldn't go on The Matterhorn and what's the fucking point if all you can do is ride Pirates of the Caribbean and share some Turkey Legs?
Wait, so now Tip is a tranny as well? There's always a deeper hole...
If this is a troll job, then damn... I'm impressed. In fact you guys can give me routine reminders down the road of how gullible, panicky, and stupid I was for expressing genuine concern over this.
And let's say you "solve" all these. What is the reward? Buried treasure? Self-satisfaction over a job well done? Crushing depression when the end result is "Dickbutt"?
Side effects of dosing yourself with estrogen.
Yes it's a troll job, me tad himeo are all in on it. So is a_skeleton_03 and LLR.
If you can't see the distinction
you're either not too perceptive, not too intelligent, or not being very honest.
I'm fine with just observant and honest, thanks you schmuck.Stunning and Brave.
Now if you want to do something other than ask questions
I The Dushku will reward the true believer that is The a_skeleton_02 - though from the post above he's currently undergoing his moment of doubt and pain - with an offer to Skype.
Holy shit this is a Wall of Text - three Brownie pints in Heaven to whomever reads the entire fucking thing also maybe a fucking brownie point or two.
To the normies: I'll start with this video... y'all see any similarities?
I like asking questions to interesting peopleIs that okay? I'd love to get your honest answers to these questions because I think you're an interesting gal Elisha! I think Tip is an interesting dude too (He seems to like being called Tip instead of Tad10).
Tip or Elisha can answer these questions, it doesn't matter... whomever's comfy answering when you read this.
1. Was it just Tip and Elisha travelling together in Europe or was there anyone else who travelled with you guys?
2. Where are Tip and Elisha at right now in the world? Are you still IN Europe? I think it's cool you guys got to see a lot of the world together! I saw your pic of the restaurant in Gozo... very cool setting.
3. Where does Tip call home? I don't want an address, just curious what the general location is... if you're not comfortable sharing that info online I definitely understand, and that's okay. Just asking![]()
4. What is Tip and Elisha's favorite food to eat? Just curious because I like sushi, when I can afford it (which is rare)
5. Does Tip have any relatives that he speaks to? Family?
6. If I'm talking to Elisha, do you think Tip would ever hurt someone or himself? He seems pretty chill based on how you described him about cops and others not messing with him... just curious how YOU feel about him?
7. Last question, promise: Does Tip feel like he's a female soul that was slammed into a male body? You've kinda hinted that Tip has some proclivities toward the feminine side.
Pic is me at sixteen - so there's that. Also I ate too much pasta in Europe but there is such a thing as a fucking diet. So right now my favorite fucking food is a Salad with Coffee and Cigarettes.I actually think this is great, LoL. a_skeleton_02 is a lucky guy indeed. Not gonna lie, Ms. Dushku is a cutie.
I owe you two brownie pints.I'm with ya, I'm with ya. Good read.
Speaking of the Demon Tad10 is possessed with, I prayed to God and he told me Tad10 wasn't possessed with a Demon. It's not a Demon. Sorry for the false alarm.
Can't wait for Halloween-time LoL!
Oh this one gets very deep...Wait, so now Tip is a tranny as well? There's always a deeper hole...