I like to think I'd look pretty fucking good with Succubus Wings, but I am not, in fact a Succubus. Let me lay some truth on you there Himeo. Mot of what you think you know about your religion is wrong.
Let's start with The Passion of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The rather corrupted Bible says it was four days - arrest, whipping, crucifixtion, death, descent, resurrection.
Nope. Christ's passion lasted three years, thirteen months, thirteen days, thirteen hours, thirteen minutes and about thirteen seconds and he died exactly at 3:13 AM on what was then March 13th (Julian Calender) - that's why the true Witching Hour is 2:13 to o3:13 and why so many of us wake up at around three A.M panicy and disorientated from time-to-time. Killing a rather carnate incarnate Diety takes a bit more than hammering Him onto a cross with some nails. During the four years of his Passion, Our Lord and Savior suffered starvatoin, isolation, sodomy by penis, rod, broom, as well as every other sexual abmination you can imagine - multiple castrations, all types of regular ol' torture, and of course everyone's favorite multiple beheadings: St. Denis has nothing on Jesus Christ when it comes to getting beheaded and putting one's head right back on. Basically His Passion was many orders of magnitude worse than what you've been taught - and he was finally killed on the Cross not by being Crucified but by being stabbed in the heart, head, liver and pelvis by the Spear of Destiny - which is in fact a long rod with the Horn of the last unicorn mare on the striking end - one of the two sharpest objects in the Universe (the other being the Horn of the still rather alive and lonely The Unicorn) and can split what you think of as atoms, but are really the Tiny Little Beings that dance with and around each other and the Intermediate Level Beings. Being pierced by the Horn is one of the very, very few ways a Diety like Jesus Christ could actually be killed.
Back to the corrupted Bible - the Horn of the Unicorn was cut off from the Unicorn Mare by none other than Noah, after The Flood, and after being tempted by Baphomet, and was his great sin and a great sorrow to the Heavenly Host. And those two things combined are the actual Secret of the Unicorn. Noah was a complete fucktard to be tempted so and is doing quite a lot of time in one of the lower levels of The Abyss for that particular deed.
As to other parts of the Corrupted Bible - one of the worst Corruptions was by an asshole named John, who was not, in fact an actual Apostle, The Gospel of John, as originally written, was designed to discredit the other gospels - which is why it is so different. The fact that John was not martyred like all the other Apostles should have raised some red flags. The Apostle Paul, who with the Apostle Peter are the Chiefest of Apostles, ended up having to re-write the Gospel to the best of his ability given its already wide circulation way back then. But between then and now a lot of additional Corruption flowed into the text of the NT, including Paul's Letters which are really the least corrupt (which isn't saying much) of any of the Books in the NT.
As to Mother fucking Mary, a human can not give birth to a Diety. It takes a Diety to give birth to a Diety - Mother Mary is fully Divine and with Father God Himself, sometimes an always, Father God Almighty, are the two primary creators of this here Universe you find yourself in - and sit as High King and High Queen over the Valar. She expended a great deal of Time and Energy to descend incarnate so she could get got preggers in the usual way from a Priest of the Order of Melchizedek - who was very Bolgy and whom Father God could directly descend into to ensure that Our Lord and Saviour had the necesssary magical and Divine egg and sperm He needed to get born. While on Earth Morther Mary, and Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, did not put chastity belts around their respective private parts, Christ married Mary Magdelene but being very Alpha did sleep around with other girls, and Mother Mary enjoyed her fucking time on Earth as well - it's what we all do when we hang out in this very physical plane. There is sex in Heaven and Hell (the Fifth Heaven is the Sex Heaven and down below The Hells have all those willing and flexible Succubi) but one reason folks like to reincarnate is that sex is better on the material plane.
Now with respect to other 'mythologies': Frigg, Isis, Hera, Danu, Mother Gaia - these are all aspects of Mother Mary, separate and unequal, Odin All-Father, Zeus, Daghda, Anu - these are all aspects of Father God Himself. That's just how that shit rolls but most of you will have to wait until that's provably true because this is not the Age of Faith, or the Age of Reason, this is the Age of Materialism.
As for starting a Sex Cult - the greatest corruption done to the Church and to the texts of the Bible by Beelzebub, Baphomet and their ilk (all of whom have very recently become very dead and very nullified for their gross violations of the actual One and Only Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Kill Children or Do Violence to their Mind, Body, Spirit or Soul - so the Devil worships in Arkansas are a bit late with their retarded Idol) is to make them anti-sex. Sex can be great, good and Holy but you wouldn't know that from the Church or the text of the corrupted Bible.
Lastly, since Himeo seems to be very anti-Dee and the Occult - let's talk about the occultiest of objects in the here and now: The Tarot. The Tarot did not originate in the 14th and 15th Century - the origin of the Tarot was way back in the first Century AD where what you know as the Major Arcana were a series of pictures used by traveling priests and priestesses of the then nascent Christian Religion as a mnemonic device to tell the stories of the Bible and the Passion. Vestiges of this remain even today - the Tower Card (XVI) is in some early versions a Tree split by lightning - one was a mnemonic for the story of the Tower of Babel, the other the Story of Eden (which as noted, was correupted early on to write Adam in a the first person instead of Eve).
So again what you think you know isn't what is true. But I'll take my fucking bat-wings please. The Queens of The Hells (Hades, The Nine Hells, The Pit, The Abyss, The Night Sea, Gehenna, Tartarus, and the rest): Queen Hel, Heckate, Mabb, Cynthia, Morrigan, Loth and the rest are fucking tight and only give them out to the good bad girls.
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