I"m sorry for leaving my people disappointed! Generally I only post if I"m looking for opinions/advice or organizing my thoughts. Haven"t really needed any of that. When we texted about going to the Metric/Stars concert last weekend, I said I"d still be up for hanging out last Tuesday. She suggested she"d come over Monday instead, as she was back in town from visiting family and wanted to see me. So she came over, we watched Ted, had a nice little evening, and she stayed over. Hence this post, which only numbers seemed to figure out:
Then we saw the concert on Thursday, again had a good time, and again she stayed over at my place. Friday I went to her new place that she"s just getting settled in to, and had dinner with the mutual friends that had introduced us, and a couple other people. She again stayed over at my place after, as we live about 10 blocks apart and she"s been sleeping on a thermarest for lack of a proper bed until the day before yesterday. Had brunch on Saturday, because bitches love brunch. She came over again on Monday.
She digs me, I dig her. We"ll see if it lasts, though. She was only a few weeks to a month removed from a long term relationship when we met, hence the new apartment etc. So there"s some rather large alarm bells there. She"s fairly young at 24, almost 25. She"s not actually in her master"s program yet, I misunderstood. She"s doing clinical work at the university part time along with waitressing, and applying to a bunch of master"s programs. So there"s a good chance she"s moving away for school come next fall.
But I"m setting that shit aside and just having a good time with her for the time being.