Well apparently im fucking psychic
The girl who I"ve been afraid to post about on here because she"s an occasional lurker. Well she gave me the info of the car forum she spends a lot of time on.
Preface: Last weekend we went out Friday night, had dinner with her friend, separated from him and went with some other people to some street racing. Saturday night she was bored so around 8pm I dragged my computer over to her place and we had a mini two person LAN party. Both nights we had a good time, she even made me homemade waffles that Sunday morning.
Since we started talking we had been txt"ing/IM"ing all the time, random txts during the day chatting at night etc.
Now the only weird thing was Sunday night before we had gone to bed she had been texting a lot, even after the lights were out and she was apparently asleep she kept txting someone every few minutes. Whatever.
This past week I had to play chauffeur for my grandmother. Had a graduation party on saturday for my brother and sister. So Thursday morning I had to drive down to Long Island, friday brought my grandmother back. That evening I had a 21st birthday to go to so I invited her to go along and got the blunt response of "no, i don"t drink" which is bullshit she drinks a lot. We txt here and there through saturday, find out shes going to a car meet for her car club that evening. Get a few more txts from her, final one right at midnight saying she"s trashed in drunk speak. She logs on AIM around 2am for 5mins jumps off, same thing sunday hops on and off AIM here and there doesn"t say a word to me. I don"t speak to her once on sunday, monday we txt back and forth maybe three times as I"m driving my grandmother home. Spend the evening at my grandmother"s bored on my laptop once again she pops on AIM doesn"t say a word pops off 5 minutes later. No contact today (tuesday) Now as I said before previous to maybe wednesday last week we talked constantly, anytime she logged on AIM and saw me she"d always say something.
Now the fun part. Just as I was concerned about her lurking here, she should have been concerned about me lurking the forum she"s active on. There"s a thread for local CT people. Being bored around like 4pm today (tuesday) I went to check the forum to see if any pics were posted from the meet Saturday night. Found the first post then. Hence my earlier "FML FML FML" just saw the second post this evening when I got home after driving back from long island.
Guy on the forum said:
well i just got home from a interesting date with XXXX. hahahaha
Posted late monday night. (XXXX being her forum name) Following post is her posting pics of him humping a nice car they saw in the parking lot of the local movie theatre.
The next page she mentioned to CT car people a race weekend coming up in state. She had told me about it maybe a month ago and seemed really eager for me to order my ticket.
Guy"s post including him quoting her.
Same Guy said:
The Girl said:
you sluts need to come camp out [mid july] @ [a race track] for [a race]...
whens the next meet yo!!
well im going with you.
Wednesday last week as far as I was aware everything was going perfect.
Edit: I"m not gonna confront her about any of this. I"ll see what happens, the guy in question is a 25 year old with a kid, he"s also straightedge. From what I know about her she dislikes children, and is a pothead.