brekk said:
edit: Went out to date at fireworks was fun, chatted a bunch, had a good time. Haven"t made anymore plans but got the thumbs up to get out again. It"s amazing how effective a new girl can be at displacing the last one out of your mind.
Thought I found a new distraction with this last chick I met last saturday, got wasted had a great time, she was all your so cute this that, stayed out till 6 am, hooked up etc, she hung out at my house all sunday then we were gonna just hang out some time during week and left it at that. Well push comes to shove, can never get a hold of her through texts, and well sure I"m more of a texter than a phone caller, and after a few ignored texts I get the feeling if I call I"m just annoying the person even more, so we have yet to hang out and I"m getting the "drop it and go" vibe hardcore, except she told me shes bad at getting back to people and its not just me and she still wants to see me.. sounds like a pity excuse, read it here before something along the lines of "they always try to make it seem like u havent done anything wrong but nope its you"
Ever since then its still hell getting a fucking text back, not worth it. Top of that, she broke up with her ex for some reason, he lives in orlando and she"s in tampa so i dont know whats going on but she removed me from facebook, said she wanted to avoid fighting with her ex so she removed a couple of people.. if the text message wasnt a big enough red flag, the facebook thing was. Just awesome for my self esteem at the moment, let me tell you.
Yeah I don"t need to hear it, I"m smart enough to figure shit out, but her syaing its not you i promise and that she still wants to see me etc kinda led me on but then the facebook thing was like whoa, what a mindfuck. I"ve contemplated deleting her number as its a waste of space, but I always believe I should save all numbers incase of future needs, from now on just going to stop all communication.
I"m slowing losing my trust in females though, thats for sure. After awhile it"s going to be fuck em all and run far and fast.
I think I"ll stick to going out and finding girls vs online dating. I dont need relationship so soon, just a nice distraction.