If you think looks really and truly will ruin you, look up any of the 100 youtube videos of Russel Brandt online. He looks like he"ll murder your children and rape your wife, yet when he is interviewed by women they quite noticeably want to bang his brains out. Look at Mystery: he"s a freak and a half, face is ugly, way too skinny for how tall he is, and he is the one that made all this shit mainstream.
Now, don"t get me wrong: looks can make up for a lack of game. This is their primary benefit. They give you a big head start. But that"s it. If your game/confidence is solid your looks aren"t going to hurt you unless you"re a hunchback. (Of course, looks is also separate from ability to dress & how you carry yourself. Changing these 2 things can turn an ugly guy into a stud).
And as I said before, concepts are 1000000x more important than canned lines and whatnot. The reason those canned lines are there, however, are because newbies have not internalized all the concepts. The canned lines are there to approximate a properly internalized concept. I can"t tell you how many times I"ve had a girl call me a cocky asshole and when it doesn"t faze me they flip a switch and are suddenly showing me all kinds of interest. If I didn"t have the concept of "frame control" (not being reaction-seeking / being okay with yourself no matter what someone thinks of you) internalized, responding with the canned phrase of "so what else do do you like about me?" with a sly smile would approximate the same idea and usually lead to the same response in the girl. But this is the shit they don"t tell you. I"ve fucked up so many good situations by using a canned response after I"ve already internalized the concept. I"ve come across as a callous asshole too many times due to this.
I wish one of these "pua"s" would write a book on how to properly apply concepts. It took me over a year to correctly adapt some of the things they advocate, and I"m still working on not defaulting to a callous ass when I can"t think of what to say next. Don"t let them fool you: learning this shit is a god damn rollercoaster and sucks at times. Actually, learning it sucks a LOT and drives you crazy, especially if you are not already a natural socializer. You get WORSE at first, but in the end if you stick to it you will improve beyond your wildest dreams. But in the end, after all I"ve gone through & the frustrations and doubts, it is worth it, without a doubt. It is one of the most beneficial things I"ve ever learned in my life, and many of the things you learn apply to all aspects of life, not just getting girls.
I"m rambling but basically if you can dedicate yourself to learning this shit, and can pull through the highs and lows, do it. And don"t do it by asking questions here, go buy/steal The Venusian Arts Handbook and Magic Bullets. Start with that. Then go to
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