You guys live in a closet or haven"t fucking dated as adults in the past decade. Or you live in like rural Ohio or something. That"s the shit I get here, my korean friend telling me this girl he just started dating a week ago professing her love for him. In many parts of the world and many places in the States, yea it"s unusual to be trying out multiple people. But in modern America it is normal to see multiple people,until and unless you have the exclusivity conversation.If you object to that, well, as I said you are probably living in rural Ohio or in the bible belt.
If you haven"t slept together, no one even has grounds to be even remotely mad to find out you"re seeing other people. That"s immature middle school shit. With Tarrant"s situation, you guys have absolutely no grounds to object. And personally I don"t think sleeping together is a statement of commitment either. I"ve had booty calls I got along with really well and the girl only knew I wasn"t interested in dating her when I didn"t ever ask her on a date. Is that me being a "player"? No, players are shitheads because they lie and deceive girls to get them into bed. And girls that aren"t psychos respect that even if they ultimately don"t get what they want. If the girl doesn"t wanna fuck anyone who she isn"t gonna be in a relationship with, I got a grand idea:don"t fuck the guy until you"re in a relationship with him.
Your moral imperative in dating is don"t lie or intentionally deceive someone. That"s it. It"s not your job to read their mind and protect them from hurt feelings from you. If you can"t handle being rejected from time to time in dating, marry your girlfriend when you"re 19.