brekk said:
You don"t have to sever everything entirely, just don"t continue on the conversations.
If she"s texts you sometime saying she"s sick just say "damn that sucks" and leave it at that. I"ve done this with a few ex"s, keep it civil but don"t feed into their needs at all. It doesn"t require outright ignoring them. Just short simple answers
This is a good call. And I am also a fan of simply saying something along the lines of "it is impossible to have a real friendship when there are romantic feelings, so at least for right now I don"t think we should try to be friends." Honesty is so underrated and in cases like these just makes everything simple. It"s the truth, and she can"t disagree with you.
You said there was no big cause to the breakup, it just happened? And you weren"t crushed by it, just disappointed? Sounds like you guys just weren"t that good a fit and it happened from innertia. If you aren"t crushed from a breakup, that should tell you something. I don"t know why you would want to get back together. It"s not like you cheated on her and she broke up with you and you have to win back your perfect relationship. It just died. If you get back together, what"s different besides you both haven"t fucked in a couple weeks? You"ll just break up again. If you break up without some huge catalyst, there"s no saving the relationship. Seems like a no brainer, and exactly the situation one would say "go find one of the other 4 billion vaginas in the world."
Eomer, it doesn"t matter if you have texted each other 3 times in the past 30 years. Every time she texts you you fish for affirmation like you forgot your balls dropped 20 years ago. It"s also irrelevant that she is initiating the texts
in this circumstance.You responding as you are to her texts is WORSE than you initiating the texts and acting like that. At least when you initiate it, its on your own terms. Not texting her says "I"m moving on with my life, and I"m being normal." Not texting her and
responding to her texts in the way that you have been doingsays, "I WANT to text you but don"t have the balls to...but when you text me, that is affirmation enough for me to get the courage to bombard you with neediness like I"ve been wanting to do every minute for the last 3 months."
Don"t get me wrong, I"m not comparing you to the guy who"s gf fucked his best friend in his own house, I"m trying to base this on your own personal standards, and to show that there is a gaping hole in the "I"m cocky, I can be an asshole, I don"t care what people think of me" belief that you have about yourself. If it was one of the other posters in this thread, I"d probably pass over all this that you see as nitpicking. For all the shit we give Brad, he knows he acts like a bitch sometimes--
and that it is a problem to be fixed--and is seeking to stop that behavior. You other the other hand have a lot of pride that is preventing you from seeing what is actually going on. Hell you are even trying to pretend like you are in control when you are responding to her texts like that "Oh I know I"m fishing for info, I"m aware!" Brad"s response would be more like "I couldn"t help it, she just has power over me." Brad is easier to convince because he doesn"t have this delusion of full control. When we tell him he fucked up he says "yea, I guess you"re right." When we tell you, you say "don"t worry I have control over it." Problem is, you have no control over yourself when it comes to this girl. None.
I sorta give up. I"m trying too hard to convince you. If I"m wrong then it"s a lot of effort for an incorrect idea. If I"m right, well it"s just wasted anyway because I"m up against a brick wall. I like Grooverider"s post, 2 lines and probably more convincing than the entirety of my posts on the topic.