I"m posting this mostly for entertainment/venting purposes, and maybe some feedback if it turns out everyone says I"m insane. I got into sorta a fight today with my girlfriend over something pretty trivial. I mentioned before she was apprehensive about me seeing her apartment. At one point, and this was a couple months ago, I was quite confused about it, and she said "ok, Oct 31 we will go to my apartment." It seemed kinda silly to set a date, and I didn"t know why, but I said ok.
To cut out irrelevant details, I was patient and never made a big deal about it, but obviously it"s a big deal to her. Why? No effing clue. Well it"s mid-November now and the situation has never come up where I have wanted or needed to go to her apartment until today, so I never cared.
Well today a situation came up where going to her apartment was the best option, by far. But, she resisted strongly. I pointed out that she had said that after Halloween she wouldn"t care anymore about me seeing it. Well she ignored this point and just said "next time, next time, etc." At this point, it bothered me because she was SO strongly against it but never offered any reason, in addition to going back on her word. Well, that"s bullshit to me. When we"ve been dating seriously for 3 months, you don"t get to do the "I want to do whatever is comfortable for me and not have to give any explanations" bullshit anymore. If she had given an explanation, almost any, I woulda dropped it. But she kept saying "no reason," and when I pointed out that *of course* she had a reason or else she wouldn"t resist so hard, she made up some other excuse. Well obviously there is a reason, and by making up excuses, and trying to pass them off as the real reason, she is flat out lying to me. So at this point it wasn"t about the apartment, it was about her trying to bullshit me. So I got pissed off and pushed it further, she locked up and stopped talking altogether, so I said ok if you don"t wanna go to my apt (it"s far) and we can"t go to yours for no reason, and you have no other suggestion and aren"t even talking, I"m going home. She was noticeably upset when I left.
Maybe I"m totally insane. But when we"re in a serious relationship you don"t get to just do whatever is comfortable and never explain your behavior. I can deal with that at the beginning, she wants to make a good impression and isn"t totally comfortable with me, I understand. But once we"re dating seriously, that shit has to go, asap. That"s perhaps my biggest pet peeve with women in general. They all do that shit.